Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/399

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A. D. 1543. / no tncciimo quinco UKNRici viii. t.,. 2 — 5. 301 ' point; yet to the Intent thai h!s Majefty's Difpofition and Mind therein fhould be openly declared and ' manifeftry known, and notified as well to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, a to all other his loving ' and obedient Subjects of this his Realm, to the Intent that their Aflent and Confent might appear tocoa- 4 tui with thus far as followcth of his Majefty's Declaration in this Behalf. &c.' C A P. II. EXP. OBS, An Act: for the Trial of Trcafons commited out of die King's Dominions. Orafmuch as fomc Doubts and Qucftions have been moved, That certain Kinds of Trcafons Mifpri- When and be- fions, and Concealments of Treafons, done, perpetrated, or committed out of the King's Majefty's 2* ewhom 7'l!*J" dm of England, and other his Grace's Dominion-, cannot ne may by the Common Laws of this o^cTth'c'" "* 4 Realm be enquired of, heard and determined within this his faid Realm of England :' (z) For a plain Rcilm fliaJl be Remedy, Order and Declaration therein to be had and made, be it enacted by Authority of this pre- tried. lent Parliament, That all manner of Offences, being already made and declared, or hereafter to be made '3 Co - St good and lawful Men of the fame Shire where the faid Bench lliall fit and be kept, (•;) or clfe before fuch Commiilioners, and in fuch Shire of the Realm, as fhall be afligned by the King's Majefty's Commiflion, and by good and lawful Men of the fame Shire, in like Manner and Form to all Intents and Purpofes, as if fuch Treafons, Mifprifions of Trcafons, or Concealments of Trcafons had been done, perpetrated g'-.pc f and committed within the fame Shire where they fhall be fo enquired of, heard and determined as is iRoil'ni, 9 ' aforcfaid. II. Provided always, That if any the Peers of this Realm fhall happen to be indicted of any fuch Triii of Fcera. Trcafons, or other Offences aforefaid, by the Authority of this Act, that then, after fuch Indictment, iBulft. 19$. they fh?.' 1 have their Trial by their Peers, in fuch like Manner and Form as hath heretofore been ac- - 6 HS - c - *3* cuifomed. IV. Dyer 19^, 361. See farther concerning Treafin, 5 £f 6 Ed. 6. c. II. 1 & z P. & M. c. ioGf II. 1 El. c. 5. 5 EI. e. 1 S" 11. 13 El. e. 1 £? 2. 14EV. t. 1, 2 iS 3. 23 El. c. 1. %Jac. 1. c. 4. jcSl. 2i. if Car*, i. flat. I. c I. 3 W. (3 M. e. 13. 7 6? 8 IV. 3. c. 3. 9 W. 3. e. 1. 13 W. 3. f. 3 Sf 6. 1 2. c. 17. a £f 3 Ann, c. »o. 4 Ann. c. 8. 6 Ann. c.-j. yAnn.c.zi. 1 Geo. i.flat. 2. c. 33. 17 Gci. 2. c. 39, eGeo. 2. c. 91 and 20 G:o, 2. c. 30 &f 46. CAP. III. An Act for the Ratification of the King's Majefty's Stile. WHERE our moft dread natural and gracious Sovereign Liege Lord the King hath heretofore been, T *> e King's and is juftly, lawfully and notorioufly known, named, published and declared to be, King of Stiles and Titlesj 1 England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and of the Church of England, and alfo of Ireland, ' in Earth Supreme Head ; and hath juftly and lawfully ufed the Title and Name thereof, as to his Grace

  • appertained :' Be it enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and

Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That Repealed 1 £2, all and fingular his Grace's Subjects and Refiants, of or within this his Realm of England, Ireland, and elfe- Ph.&M. c. 8, where within other his Majefty's Dominions, fhall from henceforth accept and take the fame his Majefty's "™ tcv,vei] »7 Stile, as it is declared and fet forth in Manner and Form following, that is to fay, in the Latin Tongue D.orqS ' by thefe Words, Henrieits Oclavus Dei Gratia, Anglia, Francits & Hibernia Rex. fid-i Defenfor, is in terra uckjus Ahglicana: is" Hiberuicee fuprcmutn Caput ; and in the Englifb Tongue by thefe Words, Henry, the Eighth, by the Grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and of the Church of England, and alfo of Ireland, in Earth the Supreme Head : And that the faid Stile, declared und fet forth by this Act, in Manner and Form as is above-mentioned, fhall be from henceforth, by the Authority afore- laid, united and annexed for ever to the Imperial Crown of his Highnefs Realm of England. It /hill be High Trealbn to attempt to deprive the King cf this S:ile. * M- " ft - '• c. !.§! 3. CAP. IV. " The Bill for decayed Houfcs and Tenements in Wales. EX F. CAP. V. No Pcrfon fhall be put to his Trial upon an Accufation concerning any of the Offences comprifed in the Statute of 31 H. 8. c. 14. but only upon fuch as fhall be made by the Oath of twelve Men before Com- miflioners authorized : And the Prefentment fhall be made within one Year after the Offence committed. No Perfon fhall be arrefted or committed to ward for any fuch Offence before he be indicted, if any Preacher or Reader fhall fpeak any Thing in his Sermon or Reading, contrary to any Matter contained in the fix Articles, he fhall be acedfed or indicted thereof within forty Days, or elfe be difcharged of the Rr , p ' ' El *' faid offence. Vol. II. A a a C A P.