Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/405

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A. D. 1543. Anno tncclnno quinto IIi.nrici VIIi. C 17. 367 I, Caved "i piclcivcd .In. [onth thai tl d ■ ili. ill happi ,) : (3) Ai. thai all anJ lingular Coppice or Und alter the faid Fcaft of felled or cut down, being above the Age of fourl h, and not a ; o <r the Gro * lJl ' i tour and twenty Y< rs Gi wth, from the lling or Cutting down I ingthcTcim ot fix Years D of yfpril, find 1 be i ■ ■ faved and preferved from the D it u&ion thereof bv any manner of Cut] ; . then fhall have lawful' In t( r ft and I J "■ Soon in the faid Woods or < . : upon Pain of every Perfon or Pcxfons fo bounden jLi^" **' toenclofe, fence, favc or prefcrve the laid i . aforefaid, to forfeit and lofe lor ' ' ' 7 ' every Rood fo not em lofed, fenced, fa cd or pretcrved during the faid fix Years, iij. t. iv. d. for every Month that the fame Coppiceor Under-woods thall happen to lie or be unclofed, and not fenced, faved or preferved laid. ill. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no l'< rfon or Pcrfons, after the faid Fcaft NoWoodi ftSali of Saint A'lichael the Archangel, lhall convert or turn into Pafture or Tillage any fuch Coppice or Under- be convened to woods, containing in Quantity two Acres or above, which now be Wood or Under-wood, and put or re- ' 1 llj 8 e w **•- I 10 the Life or Encreafe of Wood or Under-wood, and being two Furlong diftant from the Houfe of flurc ' the Owner thereof, or from the lloufe whereunto the faid Wood doth lie, appertain or belong, (2) upon Pain to forfeit and lofe for every Acre of Wood fo to be converted or turned from Wood into Pafture or Tr- iage, *■/. s. IV. Provided alvvay, That this Acl fhall not extend to any Coppice Woods or Undcr-woods, deftroyed or turned into Tillage or Pafture within twenty Years kill paft, although the more Part of any Part thereof

rown with Bullies or Under- wood.

V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Pcrfons, Bodies Woods above Politick and Corporate, which have or hereafter fhall have any (bvcral Woods or Coppice growing and fet tweniy-fbur with great Trees being above the Age of twenty-four Years Giowth, lhall, at the felling or weeding thereof, Y " rs Ciowth, . Handing within the Precinct of the faid Wood and Coppice, for every Acre fo felled, twelve Trees of how t0 bc feUed * Oak of the fame fuch great Trees, if there be fo many Trees of Oak there to be left, and for luck of Oaks, 1 leave for every Acre fo felled as many other 7 recs of Elm, Afh, Beech or Afp, as fhall make the full Number of twelve of fuch as fhall bc then there growing; (2) the fame Trees there fo left, to ftand, / continue and to be preferved by fuch Owner or Owners, as is abovefaid, during the Space of twenty Years next after fuch Felling of the fame Woods; (3) and alto fliall from the twentieth Day of April next ThcTrccs left after the felling thereof, during the Term of feven Years then next following, fufficicntly enclofe them, or "nfelled lhall be the Springs thereof otherwife fave and preferve from the Deftruc/tion thereof by any manner of Cattle or Pf™ "y b I En * Beafts ; (4) upon Pain that every fuch Perfon or Pcrfons, or Bodies Politick or Corporate, being Owners Yew* ° of the faid great Weods as is aforefaid, to forfeit and lofe for every fuch great Tree of the faid Number Codboit 16-, lacking, and not left fo (landing in the faid Wood, as is abovefaid, vj.s. viij.d. (5) and upon Pain that pi. 235. every Owner of the Ground or Soil whereupon fuch great Trees, as is afore faid, fhall be left ftandingor growing, caufing or commanding any of the faid great Trees, there fo left {landing as is afore faid, to be cut down contrary to the Form of this Adl, to forfeit and lofe for every of the fame great Trees fo left, which fhall be fo cut down as is afore faid, vj.s. viij.d. (6) and upon Pain alfo to lofe and forfeit, for every Rood of fuch great Wood fo not enclofed, fenced, faved or preferved during the faid Space of (even Years, for every Month iij. s. iv.d. VI. Provided alway, That it fhall be lawful to every Owner or Owners of any of the faid Coppice InwhatCafn Woods, Under-woods, Standils or Storers, great Woods and Trees afore rehearfed, to fell, cut down and the Owners n »j take any of the fame for building, repairing, enclofing and maintaining of Houfes, Orchards and Gardens, *?■ " Swn " and every of them, and for palling, railing or enclofing of Parks, Forefts, Chafes or other Grounds, and for making or repairing of Water-works, Dampncs, Bridges, Floodgates, making, repairing or amending of Ships, and all other .Veffels, and for all other Things concerning their own Ufes or Affairs, in fuch like Manner and Form as he or they fhould or might lawfully have done before the making of this A61 ; any Thing in this prefent A<St before mentioned to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. VII. And further be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall not be lawful to any Perfon or Per- The felKnj fons, which after the faid Feaft of Saint Michael fhall have any Woods or Under-woods, wherein any other Woodsy . Perfon or Pcrfons juftly hath or have ufed, Time out of Man's Remembrance, to have Common of Pa- ° ther$ll;ne iture, to fell or cut down the faid Woods and Under-woods there growing or being, or that fhall grow or be omni01 in any fuch Woods or Under-woods (except it be to his own Ufe and Occupation) until fuch Time as the fourth Part of fuch Woods, Under-woods or Grounds where the faid Woods now grow, or as much as the fourth Part of the faid Ground or Soil whereupon fuch Wood is or fhall be growing lhall amount unto, fhall be by the Lord or Owner for that Time being, of the faid Ground or Soil, divided, fet out, meted, bounden, fenced and enclofed in Manner and Form as by this Acl; hereafter fhall be declared, ordained and provided; that is to fay, that the faid Lord that then fhall be Owner of the faid Ground or Soil, fhal! call 8C0.137; together the Tenants and Inhabitants being. Commoners in the faid Ground or Soil, or the more Part of them, and upon the Affenibly and Meeting of the faid Lord, Tenants and Inhabitants, or the more Part ot them,, the faid Lord or Owner, by the AfTent, Confent and Agreement of the faid Tenants and Inha- bitants, or of the more Part of them, fhall fever, divide, fet out, mete and bound the fourth Part of the laid Woods and Under-woods, or fo much thereof as fhall amount to the full fourth Part thereof. (2) And JJ jfl jj . it the faid Lord, and the faid Tenants and Inhabitants, or the more Part ot them, cannot, will not, or do djvided bytw«  notaflent, confent and agree, for and upon the fevering, dividing, fetting out, meting and bounding of the jufficeso* faid Peace.