Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/419

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A. D. 1545- Anno triccfiino fcptimo Henrici VIIJ. C. i8_2C 381 Archdeacon or other Pcrfm whatfoevcr, having Authority under your Majefty, your Heirs and SuccefTo: , /->i 11.- r: / - 1 t • :ii. .. i m: : I ... i.i ... . i . ..r it. , t.««  ntrary notwithstanding. *»P C A P. XVIII. The King during his Life may by his joint or fevera] Letters Patent under the Great Seal, and Procl.ima- mation, make the City of iVeflminfler one Hon- ur, the Town ol Kingjlan upon //////another, hisCaftle Ol Donington in the County of Berks a third, and St. Ofith in the County of Ejjex : fourth Honour; and alio lb many Honours as he will, and annex to (hem Inch Lauds of his as he will. The Freeholders and Copyholders fhall hold their Lands as they did before. EXP. C A P. XIX. The Bill for Fines in County Palatine.

  • TjOrafmuch as divers good and beneficial Statutes, for the Commodity of the King's Subjects within t Ro( ,

' JP this Realm, have heretofore been made by Authority of Parliament, concerning the levying of Fine; -^H.b.c.i.

  • with Proclamation, both for avoiding of Strife, and alfo for the Surety of the King's Subjects, to be had

' of and in Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, by them nurchafed or obtained ; which good and bene- ' ficial Statutes do not extend to Fines levied in the County Palatine of Lancafter:' II. Be it therefore ordained and enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and the Lords Spiritual and Fines levied in Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by the Authority of the fame Par- Lancafter are of figment, That all and lingular Fines, which at any Time hereafter fhall be levied or knowledged before ji 1 " For " " the Juftices of our Sovereign Lord the King, or of his Heirs or SuccelTors, of the County Palatine of Lan- iJlV/bcfonTihe cajlcr, commonly called Julticcs of Affile at Lancafler, or before one of them, of any Lands, Tenements juftices of the or other Hereditaments, lying or being within the County Palatine of Lancajhr, (2) which fhall be openly Common Pleas, read and proclaimed three feveral Days in the open Seffions in the Pretence of the Julticcs of Affife at Lancajhr, or of one of them for the Time beiir;, at the fame Seffions that the fame Fine fhall fortune to be ingrolled, and alfo that fhall be openly read and proclaimed in the Prefence of the Juftices of Affife at Lan- tqfler, or of one of them for the Time being, at the two next General Seffions that fhall be holden in the faid County Palatine of Lancafler, before the Julticcs of the fame County, commonly called Juftices of Affife at Lancajlcr, or before one of them, next after the levying or ingroffing of fuch faid Fine, at three The Tenure of Lands of forty Shillings by Year or under. ' X7^-^-^k m ^ le P arnament holden at TVeflminfter the fourteenth Day of January in the five and e x P. ' VV thirtieth Year of the King our moft gracious Sovereign Lord's Reign, it was among other Things

  • enafted, ordained and eftablilhed, That from the four and twentieth Day of April then next following,
  • the fame our Sovereign Lord the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or Succeffors, upon any Letters Patents of

' any Manors, Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, not exceeding the clear yearly Value of forty ' Shillings, belonging to any of the late Monasteries or Religious Houfes, which came to his gracious ' Hands by the Aft of Parliament made at TVeflminfter in the feven and twentieth Year of his moft gracious ' Reign ; and upon any of his or their Letters Patents made of any Houfes, Tenements, Cottages or Gar-

  • dens, whereunto no Lands or Hereditaments did appertain, not being any of the King's princely Houfes

' referved and kept by a Keeper thereof to his Grace's Ufe, which were belonging to any of the laid late 4 Monafteries or Religious Houfes comprifed in the faid Act made in the faid feven and twentieth Year of ' our faid Sovereign Lord the King's Reign, by which Letters Patents any Eftate of Inheritance fliould or

  • might pafs from the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or SuccelTors, might referve upon the fame Letters Pa-

' tents to his Highnefs, his Heirs or SuccelTors, at his and their own Will and Pleafure, either a Tenure ' by Knights Service in Capite, or elfe a Tenure in Soccage or free Burgage, and not in Capite; any Law, ' Cuftom, Ufage or any other Thing to the contrary thereof notwithstanding, as by the fame Aft made

  • in the faid five and thirtieth Year of our faid Sovereign Lord the King's Reign, amongft other Things,
  • more plainly appeareth ; (2) Forafmuch as divers and fundry Ambiguities and Doubts have rifen and

1 grown fithen the making of the faid Aft in the faid five and thirtieth Year of our faid Sovereign Lord the 35 h. 8. 14.

  • King's Reign, as well upon the Expofition of the Words contained in the faid Aft, in that that the faid

' Aft doth not extend to any Lands or Tenements, other than fuch as be exprefied in the faid Aft made 2 , h. s. c zS. ' in the faid feven and twentieth Year of our faid Sovereign Lord the King's Reign, as alfo upon the Te- The King du- ' ' nures of divers Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, by his Highnefs given and granted fithen rin ? fi « * ■ rj 1 the faid four and twentieth Day of April in the faid five and thirtieth Year of his molt noble R.cign, Esfr, "JjW '- • 3 r ^ other I enures, and not in Capite upon Lands not exceeding the yearly Value of scl. s. A Patent of Land granted by the King with thefe Wore:, TcnenJuru de nobis, &c. efr •on iri Capite. See 7 Ed. t. c. 3. for tie Cwftrmat'm of Letters Patent. CAP.