Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/467

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A. D. 1549. Anno tertio 8c quarto Ed wardt VI. C. 2. 429 V. Provided alfo, that it be enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Archbifhop of Yorl. the Pillion Tlw Ri,-h. of . .ity - . other Place, fhall and may have and enjoy the lame Liberty and Authority, according as they have had and enjoyed the lame; any Thing in this prefent Act had or made to the contrary notwithstanding. C A P. II. An Aft for the true making of Woollen Clothes. la To-vw not ' TTOrafmuch as by the flight nnJ fubtile making of Clothes and Colours within divers Parts of this Corporate, Ju- ' J/ Realm, now of late practifed and ufed, not only great Infamies and Slanders have grown to the fame !)"■•'•',"'. ? CiCC 1 Realm, but alfo the King's Majefty's faithful and true Subjects have fultained great Lofs in the Ufe and omfcenfor

  • Wearing of the fame Clothes fo (lightly and fubtilly made:' (2) For Remedy and Reformation whereof, thetrue n-.ildnc

be it ordained and enacted by the King's molt excellent Majefty, with the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and of Woollen iral, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembkd, and by the Authority of the fame, clotf >. *c- That every Clothier and Cloth-maker, fhall from the Feaft of Annunciation of our Lady next coming, fet T?, f° l u'"e t his Seal of Lead to his Cloth, declaring thereby the juft Lengths thereof to be tried by the Water. of held to' his' II. And that no Perfon fhall from the faid Feaft ftrain or ftretch any fct Clothes, or any other Cloth, cloth, above one Yard and an Half in Length, and a Quarter of a Yard in Breadth, upon Pain to forfeit xl s. for 4 Ed. 4. <-. 1. every Default. 1 R - 3- '■ 8 - III. And that no Perfon or Perfons fhall from the faid Feaft, upon Pain lad before remcrnbred, put to Sale any Cloth, which when it fhall be wet fhall fhrink more than one Yard and an Half in all the Length, stretchineof and a Quarter of a Yard in Breadth : (2) And that narrow Streits and Kcrlies fhall not from the faid cloth. Feaft be ftrctched above a Yard in Length, and Half a Quarter of a Yard in Breadth, (3) upon the Pain 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c 6. for every Default therein xx s. (4) nor fhall put to Sale any Cloth, narrow Streit or Kerfie, the Pieces 39 E1 - c - 2 °- whereof being wet fhall fhrink more than after the fame feveral Rates in the whole Piece, upon Pain to j.} B; . c- IO : r r ■,. 1- r u rar Shrinking of forfeit tor every inch (Jrrence xx s. Cloth. IV. And further, That no Perfon or Perfons occupying the Feat of Dying, fhall dye or alter into Co- Dv ir,g of Cloth, lours, or caufe to be dy~ d or altered into Colours, any Woollen Clothes, as Brown, Blews, Pewks, Taw- ' nies or Violets, except the fame Woollen Clothes be perfectly boiled, greined or maddcred upon the Woad, and fhot with good and fufficient Cork or Orchal, after a due, fubftantial and fufficient Manner of Work- manfhip, according to the ancient Workmanfhip in Time paft ufed, upon Pain for every Default to for- feit XX s. V. Nor that any Perfon fhall from the faid Feaft dye any Wooll to be converted into Cloth, called Ruf- rjvlngof Wool, fits, Mufters, Marbles, Greys, Roys and fuch-like Colours, or to be converted and made into Hats or Caps, unlefs the fame Wool be perfectly woaded, boiled and maddered, according to the true and ancient tffage, upon the Pain of Forfeiture for the falfe dying of every fuch Cloth, or of as much Wool as fhall fervc for the making of every Cloth, contrary to the true Meaning hereof, xl. s. (2) Nor fhall dye with Brafel, to the Intent to make a falfe Colour in Cloth nor Wool, Hats nor Caps, upon Pain for every De- fault to forfeit xx. s. VI. And that no Perfon or Perfons fhall after the faid Feaft put any Flocks, Chalk, Flower or Starch, No dcccivablc or any other deceivable Thing, upon any fet Cloth. or upon any other Cloth or Clothes coloured or un- Thing ftaii bi coloured, upon Pain to forfeit for every fuch Offence xl. s. P ut u P on C! °">. VII. And that no Perfon fhall from the faid Feaft occupy any Yeron Cards or Pickards, in rowing of any n i ron cards fet Cloth or any manner of Woollen Cloth, upon Pain to forfeit as well the faid Yeron Cards or Pickards, or Pk3rcs. as alfo the Sum of xx. s. for every fuch Offence. . VIII. Nor that any Perfon fhall from the faid Feaft fell any Cloth by any other lefs Meafure than after Meafim of the true Content thereof, to be meten and meafured by the Yard, adding to every Yard one Inch of the Cloth, Rule, according to the Statute made in the hxth Year of the Reign of the moil: worthy Prince of moft fa- 6 H. S. c j. §. 9. mous Memory, King Hairy the Eighth, Father unto our Sovereign Lord the King that now is, upon Pain to forfeit for every Yard of Cloth fo put to Sale by any other lei's Meafure, vi. s. viii. d. (2) And that no p^T-j ciotb, Perfon fhall from the faid Feaft put to Sale here within the Realm, either by Retail or otherwife, any Cloth being preffed, to be occupied and worn here within the Realm of England, Wales or Ireland, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame Cloth, or the Value thereof, that have been fo preffed and put to Sale, as is lait before remembred. IX. And for the better Execution of this Statute, be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in every Overfeere ap- Town, Village or Hamlet, being not corporate, where any Cloth fhall be made or fold, the Juftices of'Po'nted-by Jn~ Kiace of the fame Shire where any fuch Town, Village or Hamlet is, or two of them at the leaf: ; and l,lc ' t . : - in every City, Borough or Town Corporate, the Head Officer cr Officers of every of the fame City, Bo- vernol50I ^ r . rough or Town Corporate, together with the Wardens of the Clothworkers, or two of them at the leaft, ., . xowns. fhall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Act, once every Year to convent and call before ' them, by their Precept or otherwife, two, four, fix, eight or more, as they fhall think good by their Dis- cretion, of the moft honeft, difcreet and indifferent Men of every fuch City, Borough, Town, Village or Hamlet where any Cloth fhall be made or fold, and them fhall conftkute, ordain and appoint to be Qver- feers for one whole Year then next following, within the City, Borough, Town, Village or Hamlet where the tame Overfeers fhall be dwelling, charging them alfo upon their Oaths, and as they do tender the Flo-