Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/471

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A. D. 1549. Anno tertio & quarto Edwardi Vt C. 7, 8. CAP VII. An Act of Repeal of a .Statute made in the xxv. Year of K the Eighth, to the Taking of Wild Fowl at certain Times, in the Year.

  • TT7HEREAS in the xxv. Year of the Reign of your Majefty's Father, of mod famous Memory,

• VV King Henry the Eighth, an Aft was made containing two Branches, whereof the one was aeainft ' Benefit was thereby taken away from the poor People that were wont to live by their Skill in taking of the fair! Fowl, whereby they were wont at that Time to fuftain themfelves, with their poor Houfholds, ' to the great Saving of other Kinds of Victual, of which Aid they are now deftitute, to their great and ' extreme Impoverishing :' (3) Humbly befceching your Grace, your Majefty's true and faithful Subjects, efpecially fuch as have their Places of Habitation nigh unto the Fens, That all that Branch of the faid Act made in the faid xxv Year of your Grace's faid Father of molt noble Memory, touching the Taking of Wild Fowl in Manner as abovefaid, may be from henceforth by your Majefty, the Lords Spiiitual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this preterit Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, repealed and utterly void and of none Effect, with all and every Article, Sentence, Matter, Pains and Foi- feitures contained, or otherwife mentioned in the faid Branch, as if the fame Aft had never been had r.e blade. II. Provided, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That one other Branch contained in the faid No Pcrfon ftai: Aft concerning fuch Perfons as (hall prefume by Day or Ni/ht willingly to withdraw, purloin, take, de- ««««>) or take xkftroy or convey any manner of Eggs of any Kind of Wild Fowl, from or in any Neft, Place or Places, " where they fhall chance to be layed by any Kind of Wild Fowl, with every Article, Sentence, Matter, F ■ ?' wiW Pains, Forfeitures and Provifions contained or mentioned in this faid laft Branch, fliall (tand in full S length and Effect, to all Purpofes, Intents and Conftruftions, as if this prefent Act had never been had Sufi"** nor made. '• -• »7- ^-i y<--c. 1 c. 28. 3 Can I.e. 4. 4 &j K & M. r, 23. 5 Ann. c. 14. 9 Ann. c, 25. jC«.i.c.n. g Geo. I. c. 19. cr.lzZGn. 2. c. is, C A P. VIII. An Act for the Continuance of the Statute of Sewers. HERE in the Parliament holden at Weflminfter by Prorogation, the xv. Day of January in the The Stat, of xxiij. Year of the mod victorious Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, Sewers (hall be among other Things, one general Act concerning Commiffions of Sewers, to be directed into all P ' within this Realm, was enacted and made to continue and endure for twenty Years then next following, I ^"' £-c ' s " ' as by the fame Aft more at large it doth and may appear: (2) And forafmuch as the fame Act is thought ' good and beneficial for the Commofiweakh of this Realm,' Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Act, and all Claufes, Articles and Provifions in the fame contained, fhall continue and endure in their Force and Strength, and to be obferved and .kept for ever, in fuch Manner and Form as fhall and may Hand with the Sequel and Additions hereafter mentioned. II. And be it further enacted and eftabiifhed by the Authority aforefaid, That all Scots, Lots and Sums am Sums ef of Money hereafter to be rated and taxed by Virtue of fuch Commiflion of Sewers, upon any of the Lands, Money ran.: by Tenements or Hereditaments of our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, for any manner of Force of 'he Thing or Things concerning the Articles of the faid Cornmiffion of Sewers, {hall be gathered and levied Comn »">°4pf by Diftrefs or otherwife, in like Manner and Form as fhall or may be done in the Lands, Tenements and f "^ {One's" 3 ' Hereditaments of any other Perfon or Perfons: (2) And that all Bills of Acquittance, figned with the Lands, Cull he Hand or Hands of fuch Collector or Receiver as fliall have the Collection thereof by the Appointment of .leviable by Di- the faid Commiflioners, or fix of them, fhall be as well a fufficient Difcharge to the Tenants, Ferinors and ftrefe - Occupiers of the lame Grounds lo to be charged for the faid Sum wherewith their Grounds flu] J be i'o charged, as alio fufficient Warrant to all and every the Receivers, Auditors and other whatfoever Officer or Officers of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, for the Allowance to fuch Te-- nant, Fermor or Occupier for the fame: (3) Adding moreover to this Aft, by the Autho:ity of this what Fees /hall 1 refent Parliament, That fuch and like Fees, and none other nor more, fliall be at any Time paid or de- be paid for the led for any Commiflion or Commiffions, or Writs of Dedimts poteftctan, hereafter to be fued out or Commiflion of obtained under the Seal of the Duchy, but only fuch and like Fees as been mentioned in the faid former ^ ere i"^ ( j 1JC Act, to be paid in the Chancery for Commiffions and Writs of Dedimus potcftatcrr., to be obtained frotri ortheDncJiy. the fame Court of Chancery : (4) Adding moreover thereunto by the Authority aforefaid, That every Hdwlon»die' Commiflion and Commiffions hereafter to be awarded for Sewers, fhall continue an 6 endure for Term cf Commifflrli of five Years next after the Telte of fuch Commiflion, unlets the lame Commiflion and Csmmu'iions fhall be Sewers ft ail en- V ol. II. K k k otherwife «•■"*« 

  • r,e:d 15 H. i.