Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/478

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'In -what Cafes fome Pci Tons may labour .440 C. 4— 6. Anno quinto & fexto Edvvardi Vf. A. D. 1552. manded to be failed for the Even of any fuch Feaft or Holy-day ; any Thing in this Statute before men- tioned or declared to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. VI. Provided always, and it is enacted by the Authority arorefaid, That it fhall be lawful to every Huf- bandman, Labourer, Fiftierman, and to all and every other Perfon or Perfons, of what Eftate, Degree or upon the Holy- Condition he or they be, upon the Holy-days aforefaid, in Harveft, or at any other Time in the Year when day. Neceffity fliall require, to'labour, ride, fifh, or work any Kind of Work, at their free Wills and Pleafure; any Thing in this A£t to the contrary in any wife notvvithilanding. Knights of the VII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful to the Garter may f - J£ n jghts of the right Honourable Order of the Garter, and to every of them, to keep and celebrate fo- Gcoree's Feaft leninly the Feaft of their Order, commonly called St. George's Feaft, yearly from henceforth the xxij, xxiij, and xxiv. Days of April, and at fuch other lime and Times, as yearly fhall be thought convenient by the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the faid Knights of the laid honourable Order, or any of ..them, now being, or hereafter to be ; any Thing in this Aft heretofore mentioned to the contrary notwith- standing. [Repealed by i Ma. Sell". 2. c. 2. which is repealed by 1 Jac. 1. c. 25. §. 48.J CAP. TV. The Penalty for ftrikinger draw- ing a Weapor. Church or Church-yard. .HetleyS6. drawingor fmi- ting with a "Weapon in the Church, &c. a Leon. 188. -Cro. Jac. 462. Crc, El. 224, 231. Cro. Car. 464.] 3 Roll go. Dyer 275.//. Againft quarrelling and fighting in Churches and Church-yards. Orafmuch as of late divers and many outragious and barbarous Behaviours and Acts have been ufed and committed by, divers ungodly and irreligious Perfons, by quarrelling, brawling, fraying and fighting '" openly in Churches and Church-yards:' (2) Therefore it is enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the AlTent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aiTem- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Perfon whatfoever fliall, at any Time after the firft Day of May next coming, by Words only, quarrel, chide or brawl in any Church or Church-yard, that .then it fhall be lawful unto the Ordinaiy of the Place where the fame Offence fliall be done, and proved by ■ two lawful Witneffes, to fufpend every Perfon fo offending; that is to fay, If he be a Layman, ab ingrejfu .Ecckjia, and if he be a Clerk, from the Miniftration of his Office, for fo long Time as the faid Ordinary fhall by his Difcretion think meet and convenient, according to the Fault. The Penalty for II. And further it is enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons after the faid firft i'mitingina -Day of May fliall fmite or lay violent Hands upon any other, either in any Church or Church-yard, that Church, &c. ^] len jpj j~ a ft eve ry Perfon fo offending fhall be deemed Excommunicate, and be excluded from the Fellow- ihip and Company of Chrift's Congregation. The Penalty for HI. And alfo it is enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon after the faid firft Day of May "' iliall malicioudy ftrike any Perfon with any Weapon in any Church or Church-yard, or after the fame firft Day of May fliall draw any Weapon in any Church or Church-yard, to the Intent to ftrike another with the fame Weapon, That then every Perfon fo offending, and thereof being convicted by Verdict of xij. Men, or by his own Confeffion, or by two lawful Witneffes, before the Juftices of Affife, Juftices of Oyer .and Determiner, or Juftices of Peace in their Seffions, by Force of this Act, fliall be adjudged by the fame Juftices before whom fuch Perfon fliall be convicted, to have one of his Ears cut off. (2) And if the Perfon or Perfons fo offending have none Ears, whereby they fliould receive fuch Punifhment as is before declared, that then he or they to be marked and burned in the Cheek with an hot Iron, having the Letter F. therein, whereby he or they may be known and taken for Fray-makers and Fighters; (3) and befides that, every ■»•=• ilich Perfon to be and ftand ipfofoiio excommunicated, as is aforefaid. - CAP. V. sHuIbandry. So much Land fliall be put in Tillage, and fo continued, as was at any Time in Tillage (and lb kept four Years) fithence Anno i H. 8. upon Pain the Offender to forfeit five Shillings an Acre : But this Act fliall not extend to any Land converted, or to be converted, into Pafture for the Maintenance of the Houfeof any Perfon, nor to Land that hath commonly lien Pafture forty Years laft paft, nor to wafte Grounds, Heaths, common Downs, Fens, Moors or Marfhes, that have not been commonly tilled forty Years laft paft, nor to any Warren for Conies, or Park for Deer, nor to any Ground ftubbed, nor to any Salt or iurrounded Marfhes, nor to any Ground inclofed by the King's Licence, nor to any Orchard, Garden, Pool or Pond-yard, nor to any Meadow-ground yearly mowen for Hay, nor to any Land fet with Saffron or Hops, or fown with Hemp, Flax, Woad or Madder, or fown with Acorns, or fet with Wood, during fuch Times as the fame fhall be ufed to the Intents before fpecified : Neither fliall this Act extend to any that hath, or within one Year fliall convert fo much Pafture into Tillage within the fame Parifh, Town, Village or Hamlet. EXP. and REP. 5 El. c. 2. 39 El. c- 1. and 21 Jac. 1. c. 28. CAP. VI. An Act for the true making of Woollen Cloth. This Aft re- ' TTTTIERE heretofore divers and many goodly Statut-s have been made for the true making of Cloth ? ea!ed as to over ' yy within this Realm, which neveftbelefs forafmuch as Clothiers, fome for Lack of Knowledge and -Lengths of t Experience, and fome of extreme Covetoufnefs, do daily more and more ftudy rather to nuke many than •/El c 10 IV- ' t0 ma ' ce good Clothes, (2) having more Refpeft to their private Commodity and Gain, than the Ad- ThctrucLength, ' vancement of Truth, and Continuance of the Commodity in Eftimation, according to the Worthinefs Breadth anj ' thereof, (3) have and do daily, inftead of Truth, practife Falfliood, and inftead of fubftan rial making- o¥ Weight of ' Cloth,