Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/503

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A. D. 1553. Anno fcptimo Ed w a rd i VI. C. 5. [465] • and reneweth to them at the Feaft of Eq/ier, whi ' which faid firft I ) ly ol /!/» U i - noi the Day tl • (hops, to make Payment to the King's Majefty ol the faid Tenths:' fa) B Authority aforefaid, That the faid Archbifhops and Bifhop . and every ol then yearly Payment of the faid Tenths unto our (aid Sovereign Lord, his v . an I tin- Firft-fruits and Tenth , or elfe where it (hall plead- tin- King's Maj (1 | the , beforeor a'tthc laft Day of May and not otherwife: (3) And that the* ■ ' by any of the faid Archbifliops or Bifhops or any of them, before or at the faid lad Dayol Ma y ■ ',, (ball be as good and effectual in the Law, to all Intents, Conftructions and Pur| • jj;h it had i made at the Days and Times heretofore limited and appoint 1 made the xxvj. Year of the Reign of his mod noble Father ol famous Memory, King Henry viij. for Payments of Tenths and Firft- fruits; any Law or Statute heretofore had or made to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Promotion Spiritual be n >w, or ' ly other Court where the K Tenths (hall be anfwerable j (2) upon which Certificate the faid Archbifliops and Bifhops, and every of them, (hall he di (charged towards and againft the King's Majefty, his Heirs >rs, in like Sort as they now be upon their Certificate of the Recufants ; (3) And that then and from thenceforth it (hall be lawful to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, to levy and take all the Glebe Lands, Tithes, If- I'ih-. or Profits of the ("aid Benefice or Spiritual Promotions fo efpecially certified as is aforefaid, until his Grace, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, may he fully anfwered, fatisfied and paid of the whole Arrearages of the faid Tenths then due to his Majefty ; (4) And the faid Archbifliops and Bifliops and every of them, to be from the Time of the faid efpecial Certificate, clearly exonerated and difcharged againft the King, his 1 1 and Succeflbrs, of the fame Arrearages; any Law or Statute heretofore hid or made to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Grant, Patent or Writing T J» C Patent of* whatsoever, that (hall hereafter he made to any Perfon or Perfons, by any Archbiiliop or Bilhop by them- £ felves, or 1 lie by any Archbiiliop or Bifhop confirmed by Chapter-Seal, within the Realm of England or jonJeMhan du- ellewhcre within the King's Dominions, of the Office of Colledtorfhip of the Tenths, growing or arifing riaj the Conn- yearly to be due unto our faid Sovereign Lord the King, within the Diocefs and Bifhoprick ot any fuch nuance of the Grantor, by Reafon of the Statute of Firft-fruits and Tenths, (hall ftand, abide and endure in his or their Grantorin the Force, Strength and Effect, no more nor longer Time than the faid Grantor (hall be and remain Archbiiliop ' or Bilhop of the fame Sec and Bifhoprick whereof he was poftcfied at the Time of his laid Grant ; any Con- firmation of his faid Grant, or any Cuftom, Ufage, Law or Statute at any Time heretofore had, ufed or made to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. [Repealed by 2 & 3 Ph. & Ma. c. 4. and revived by 1 El. c. 4. For farther Provifmis concerning Tenths, fee 2 Ann. c. it. 5 Ann. c. 24. 6 Ann. c. 27. and 1 Ceo. i.Jlat. 2. e. 10.] CAP. V. The Aft to avoid the exceffive Prices of Wine. O R the Avoiding of many Inconveniences, much evil Rule and common Refort of mifruled Perfons 23 U. S. c. 14. fed ani! frequented in many Taverns of late newly fet up in very great Number in Back-lanes, Cor- At_ what Prices ' ners and fufpicious Places within the City of London, and in divers other Towns and Villages within this f^ es j ' bc ' Realm ;' (2) Be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Perfon or Perfons what- who ' fe ^ ppo i nt . foever, inhabiting within any of the King's Majefty's Dominions of England and Wales, (hall after the ment the Prices Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, utter by Retail by fmall Meafure, that is to fay, by Gal- (hall bt fet '$°» Gallon at the moft; (5) upon Pain that every Perfon doing the contrary fhall forfeit for every fuch Offence Style 340, 3S1 five Pounds of lawful Money of England. a "3«  II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall not be lawful to any Perfon or Who may ha»e Perfons within any the Dominions aforefaid, except he or they fhall and may difpend in Lands, Tenements, w,n ° ,n '"' , Hereditaments or other yearly Profits certain, the Sum of one hundred Marks of lawful Money of E?:gland, no ° t ' J e ' or elfe be worth of his own proper Goods and Chattels one thoufand Marks, or (hall be the Son of a Duke, Regaled bv Marquefs, Earl, Vifcount or Baron of this Realm, to have and keep after the Feaft of St. Michael the 1 jac 1, c'. 25. Archangel, in his Houfe or Cuftody, any Piece or Veflel of any of the faid Wines of GaJ "coign, Guyen,h- 43- French or Rachel Wines, containing above the Quantity of ten Gallons, to the Intent to fpend or drink the fame in his or their Houfe or Houfes, by any Colour or Means ; (2) upon Pain to forfeit for every fuch Of- fence ten Pounds of lawful Money of England. III. And alfo be it further enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That it (hall not be lawful No Wines (hall to any Perfon or Perfons within any of the faid Dominions, after the faid Feaft of St. Michael, to keep any befo ' d b J Rf- Tavern, or to fell or utter by Retail by the Gallon or lefs or greater Meafure, in any Place, any of the faid V 1 . jj^ jj" s Wine or Wines within any of the faid Dominions, except it be in Cities, Towns Corporate, Boroughs, Market-Towm. Port-Towns or Market-Towns, or in the Towns of Grave/end, Sittingborn, Tuxford and -Bag/hot; (z) upon Dyer 270. Pain that every Ferfon or Perfons that fhall fo offend contrary to the Form of this Act, (hall lofe and for- No Pcri'on (hall Vol. II. * O o feit ftU w ">< but