Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/505

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A. D. 1553' Anno feptimo Edwardi VI. C. 6, 7. [467] one fhall be to the King our Sovereign Lord, hi !' le of the Town or Place where fu< h I'm lentni n iliall b ! >und. I always, unci be it further enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, Th ontain (!, fhall not extend to charge any l'erlon ncc to be done contrary to the Tcnour al u.'il, indicted or prcfciitcd for the fame, within one Year next aftei com- •relaid; any Tiling in this Act contained to the contrary gilding. .slid every of thi in and their Succeflbrs may have, hold, ute and enjoy all their Li , Jurildiclions, Powers and Authorities, in fuch large and amide wile . !, Act had i been had 11c made ; (3) fo always that there be not any more or greater Numb pt or main- H within any of the laid Towns of Oxford or Cambridge, than may be lawfully kept and maintained by ■ $• l &£• rovifion, true Meaning and Intent of this Statute; any Thing in this Provilo mentioned to the con- j notwithftanding. . 27. 6 Gee. 1. c. 12. 8 Geo. 1. e. i%.fct7, 19. 12 Geo. 1. c. z%. feci. 20. 1 Get. z. /Int. 2. e. 17. loGto. 1. c 19. 17 Get. z- e. . . 16 Geo. z, c, iz. 30&0. 2. c. 19. and 32 Get. z. c. 19. CAP. VI. The Statute of 17 Ed. 4. c. 1. touching the tranfporting of Gold and Silver, continued for twenty Money, Years. EXP. CAP. VII. An Aft for the Affile of Fuel. ' ^/^^^^ the Aflifc and Mcafure of Talwood, Billet, Fagot, Coles and other Fuel, appointed and what rv. II be l 4 W aflifed by an Act of Parliament made at Wcfiminfter the xxij. Day of January in the xxxiv. Year the Affifcof ' of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King flenry the Eighth, is the fame Aflifc that was kept in the Fuel df all ' Time of King Edward the Fourth, which Aflifc hath not been kept, nor could not conveniently be kept Sc " 1 ^

' thefe threefcore Years, nor at thefe Days can be kept, bv reafon of the great Scarcity of Woods that k J* '

' happened fince the Time of the laid King Edward the Fourth : (2) And alio by reafon of the Greatncf, 4 ' 3 Elir. c. 14. ' of the faid Affile, the fame Fuel nor Coles cannot be carried at thefe Days without Alteration of the Carts g Ann. c 15, ' wherein fuch Fuel and Coles are now carried ; by reafon whereof, and for that in the faid Statute the Pc- ' nalty, which is the Forfeiture of the faid Fuel or Coles lacking the laid Affife contained in the faid . ' dependeth upon the Buyer thereof, and not upon the Seller, ne Maker, Marker or Feller of the fame ; ' by reafon whereof divers Cities and Countries are like prelently to lack Fuel and Coles, unlefs fpeedy Re- ' medy be ihortly had in this Behalf:' II. For Redrefs whereof, be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Perfon or Per- The Aflifc of Sale in the Cities of London, JFejlminflcr, or in the Suburbs of the fame, after the laft Day of September wcrtminficr, next coming, fhall keep the Affifes hereafter expreffed, that is to wit, That every Sack of Coles contain -.nd the Suburbs four Bufhels of good and clean Coles ; (3) and that every Talfhidc contain in Length four Foot befides the thereof. Carfc ; (4) and every Talfhidc named of one, to contain in Greatncfs within a Foot of the Midll, fif- teen Inches about ; (5) and every Talihide named of two, to contain in Greatnefs within a Foot of the Midft, three and twenty Inches about; (6) and every Talfhide named of three, to contain in Greatnefs within a Foot of the Midft, eight and twenty Inches about; (7) and every Talfhide named of fiW, to contain in Greatnefs within a Foot of die Midft, three and thirtv Inches about; (S) and every Tali! named cf five, to contain in Greatnefs within a Foot of the Midft, eight and thirty Inches about : (9) And every Billet to contain in Length three Foot and four Inches; and every Billet named a Imgie, to con- falf about; (10) and every Billet named to be a Caw, to contain tea Indies „b (11) and ev.ei ned of two Caft, to contain fourteen Inches about : ( in ' .'.r. a every Fagot bound, -cFoot; (13) and the Bare! o every fuch Fagot to be of lovr an _ ; ils about, befides the Knot: (14) Which Affifes are little lefs than the Affiles contained in the fi Aft, and alio are much greater than any Affile that now is, or of long Time hath been commonly kept. III. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be lawful from henceforth for every Owner, without Dan- ,. , get of any Forfeiture, to make Billets of two Cafe . it all Billets of two Cr.i 1 :. . put to Sale, fhall be of the Affile herein computed or more, and mail be marked only within aforefcid. fix Inches of the Midft thereof: (2) And that every Billet of one Caft from henceforth to be made and put ^'^'l? .*' "?. to Sale, (hall be only marked within four Inches of the End thereof, (3) upon Pain !'ij.7i/ every Seller diat (hall make any fuch Fuel or Coles, and put the fame to. Sale, Talwood, Billet, Fagot or Sack of Coles from henceforth put to Sale, lacking of the Affile nfor-. I had. (4) And that this prefent Statute only, and no other Statute of Affife of Fuel or Coles, fhall from rc ' 3 < ">e hereto. henceforth ftand in Force ne take Place. IV. And forafnauch as by the greedy Appetite and Covetpufnefs pf divers Pei ' Wood runneth many Times through four or five feveral Hands or rhorej before- it". coaie-tfe to*heHan them that for their Neceffity do burn or retail the fame : ' V. Be