Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/508

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^,-g C. i — 3. Anno primo Marine, Seflio fecunda. A. D. 1553. Anno 1 H. 3. Statutes, made fithence the firft Day of the firfl: Year of the R.eign of the late King of famous Memory, repealed. King Henry the Eighth, not beiftg Felony before, nor within the Cafe of Premunire, and alfo all and every Branch, Article and Claufe mentioned or in any wife declared in any of the fame Eftatutes, concerning the Making of any OfFence or OfFences to be Felony, or within the Cafe of Premunire, not being Felony nor within the Cafe of Premunire before, and all Pains and Forfeitures concerning the fame, or any of them, fhall from henceforth be repealed, and utterly void and of none Efte£t. Anno prirno Mar.ije, Seffio fecunda. C T S made in the fecond and laft Seflion of this prefent Parliament, holden upon Prorogation at Wejhnhifter the four and twentieth Day of October in the firft Year of the Reign of our moft gra- cious Sovereign Lady Mary, by the Grace of God, Queen of England, France and Ireland, De- fender of the Faith, and in Earth Supreme Head of the Church of England and of Ireland, and there con- tinued to the Diffolution of the fame, being the fixth Day of December then next enfuing, as followeth :' CAP. I. An Adf. declaring the Queen's Highnefs to have been born in a moft juft and lawful Matrimony; and alfo repealing all Acts of Parliament and Sentence of Divorce had or made to the contrary. ! C A P. II. A Repeal of the Stat, of i Ed. 6. c. i. made againft fuch as fhall fpeak unreverently of the Body and Blood of Cbrijl, und of the Stat, of i Ed. 6. c. 2. touching the Election of Bifhops, and the Stat, of 2 Ed. 6. c. 1. concerning the Uniformity of Service, and Adminiftration of the Sacraments, and of the Stat, of 2 £? 3 Ed. 6. c. 21. made to take away all pofitive Laws ordained againft the Marriage of Priefts and of the Stat, of 3 & 4 Ed. 6. c. 10. made for the Abolifhing of divers Books and Images, and the Stat, of 3 & 4 Ed. 6. c. 12. made for the Ordering of Ecclefiaftical Minifters, and of the Stat, of 5 fe 5 6 Ed. 6. c. 1. made for the Uniformity of Common Prayer and Adminiftration of the Sacraments, and of the Stat, of 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 3. made for the Keeping of Holy-days and Fafting-days, and of the Stat, of 5 y 6 Ed. 6. c. 12. touching the Marriage of Priefts and Legitimation of their Children. All fuch Divine Service and Adminiftration of Sacraments as were moft commonly ufed in England in the laft Year of Hen. 8. fhall be ufed thorow the Realm, after the 20th Day of December, Anno Dom. 1553. and no other Kind of Service nor Adminiftration of Sacraments. 1 El. c. 2. Repealed by 1 Ja. 1. c. 25. §. 48. CAP. III. An Act againft Offenders of Preachers and other Minifters in the Church. The Penalty of ' jSTOrafmuch as it is moft neceffary in every Chriftian Commonwealth, to provide that Tranquillity and diiturbing of ' _£• Peace may be preferved and continued amongft the People, and fpecially in Holy Church, in the Preachers and t. 'pjjjjg f FHvine Service, and Adminiftration of Sacraments and Sacramentals, as before this Time it hath cviurcrK 2 & 3' been accuftomed in Holy Church within this Realm ; and that all Things being contraiy thereunto, or fj. 6. c. 1. 5' that are, or may be in Difturbance thereof, may by Forefight be efchewed and avoided, and Remedy &6Ed.6. c. 1.' therefore in due Time provided, as well for the Prcfervation of the Queen's Highnefs Peace, as for an ' univerfal Quietnefs and Order to be ufed within this Realm :' Difturbing by jj f ;g e ft therefore enacted by the Queen our Sovereign Lady, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Wo.d or Deed a £ ommons ^ j n ^ s p re fent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Perfon or Sermon. Perfons of their own Power and Authority, at any Time or Times after the xx. Day of December next 2 Bulttr. 47, 13. coming, do or fhall willingly and of purpofe, by open and overt Word, Fact, A£t or Deed, malicioufly or Akyn 50. " contemptuoufly moleft, let, difturb, vex or trouble, or by any other unlawful Ways or Means difquiet or mifufe any Preacher or Preachers that now is, or that at any Time or Times hereafter fhall be, licenfed, allowed or authorifed to preach by the Queen's Highnefs, or by any Archbifhop or Bifhop of this Realm, or by any other lawful Ordinary, or by any of the Univerfities of Oxford and Cambridge, or otherwife law- fully authorifed or charged by Reafon of his or their Cure, Benefice, or other Spiritual Promotion or Charge, in any of his or their open Sermon, Preaching or Collation, that he or they fhall make, declare, preach or pronounce in any Church, Chapel, Church-yard, or in any other Place or Places, ufed, fre- quented or appointed, or that hereafter fhall be ufed or appointed to be preached in. Molefting a 1 HI. Or if any Perfon or Perfons after the laid xx. Day of December next coming, fhall maliciously, wil- Prieft preparing lingly, or of Purpofe moleft, let, difturb, vex, difquiet ■ or otherwife trouble any Parfon, Vicar, Parifh or celebrating p r ieft or Curate, or any lawful Prieft, preparing, faying, doing, finging, minirrring or celebrating the Mafs or other j^/fjfg^ or other fuch Divine Service, Sacraments or Sacramentals, as was moft commonly frequented and j Mod! 168. ufed in the laft Year of the Reign of the late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, or that at any Time Jones Sir T. hereafter (hall be allowed, fet forth or authorifed by the Queen's Majelly. 159. IV. Or