Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/521

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A. D. 1554. Anno primo & fecunclo Pinurn St Marije. C. £ xj - only Tor the Victualling ol the Towns of Calice, Hanus 2nd (jaifiur, and Aw Mj; « divers gn 11 P in the fame contained ; (2) that notwithftanding 1 1 and unfatiable Perfons, feeking their only Lucres ana Gains, have and dai . jn- ' numerable Quantity, as well of Com, Cb ■' . I candi thei Vidua], as ol Wo a. oui oi I 1 the Pari beyond the Seas, by reafon whereof the Paid Corn, Victual and V.

  • wonderful Dearth and 1 to the great Detriment of the Commonwealth of tfc

1 Realm, and your faithful Subjects of the I II. for Remedy whereof, it may plcafc your Highncfs that it may be enacted, and 1": it enacted byyoni Veflels, with all their Apparels to them and every of them belonging, wherein the faid Corn, Butti Cheefe, Herring, Victual or Wood fhall be lb tranfported and carried ; (3) and the Owner and Owners of jj"^'] the laid Corn, Butter, Cheefe, Herring and Wood, to forfeit; the double Value of the fame fa carried an I conveyed : (4) And the Mailer and Mariners of every of the faid Ships, Craycrs and Veflels, for ever', fuch Offence, to forfeit all their Goods, and to be imprifoned by the Space of one whole ear, without Bail or Mainprife. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons after the faid ' •■ twentieth Day oi 'January do carry and convey away by Boat, Crayer or other Veflel, or otherwife} any Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, or other Corn or Grain, or any Beer, Butter, Cheefe, Herring or Wood, ttft C r,&c • any Ship or Veflel being on the Seas or within any Haven, Creek or other Place of the Border of this Realm, Ship to be trinf. to be tranfported, carried and conveyed into any Place in the Parts beyond the Seas, or into the Realm of ported. Scotland, without fufficient Authority fo to do, that then every Owner of the faid Victuals, Corn or other Things aforefaid fo tranfported or carried, and the Owner and Owners of every fuch Boat or Veflel, and the Boatman and Mariners of the fame, fhall lofe, forfeit and fuffcr all fuch Forfeitures, Pains and Penal- ties as is above rehearfed : (2) The one Moiety of all and every which Forfeiture and Forfeitures to be to the King and Queen's Highnefs, their Heirs and Succcflbrs, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame, by Bill, Information, Action of Debt or otherwife, in any of the King and Queen's Highncfs Courts of Record, in which Action, Bill or Suit the Defendant fhall not wage his Law, nor have any Eflbin or Protection to him allowed. IV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall obtain of the King' T!l - Vixaitj : " t and Queen's Majefties, their Heirs or Succeflbrs, or any of them, any Licence to carry and tranfport any f* nf P° rC " Corn, Victual or Wood into any Parts beyond the Seas, that if he or they to whom any fuch Licence tDJ1I) thVlifty fhall be granted, or any other to whom fuch Perfon or Perfons having fuch Licence fhall give, grant or fell i his or their faid Licence unto, fhall carry and convey, or caufe to be carried and conveyed, any more Corn, Victual or Wood, than fhall be contained in his or their faid Licence, he fhall forfeit the treble Value c ;" the faid Corn, Victual or Wood fo carried and tranfported without fufficient Authority, and fhall fufter Im- prisonment for one whole Year in the common GaoF where he fhall be apprehended, there to remain without Bail or Mainprife. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Manner of Perfon or Perfons after the Thr . v "hjch faid twentieth Day of January, that fhall obtain or have any fuch Licence for tranfporting and carrying any t",? , ' ? e "J? Corn, Victual or Wood into any Parts beyond the Seas, fhall fhip, lade and fraight the fame, or any Part „ a c ph c l* thereof, at fundry Places within this Realm, but at one Place certain : (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the faid Corn, Victual and Wood, and all his Goods and Chattels ; the one Moiety thereof to the King and' Queen's Majefties, their Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety thereof to him or them that will fue for the fame, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information or otherwife, wherein no Wager of Law, Eflbin or Protection fhall be to him or them allowed. VI. And for the better Execution of the Act, be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and.J uftic ' s of Pf:cc fingular Juftices of Peace, as well within the Liberties as without, within their feveral Authorities and Com- ""- v hc " a " d . millions, at any Time within three Years next after fuch Offences committed, fhall have full Power oi and Authority to inquire, as well by the Oaths of twelve lawful Men, as alfo to hear and examine the Maf- ter, Matters and Mariners of the faid Ships, Crayers and other VelTels, and all and every other Perfon and' Perfons of all and fingular the Offenders againft this prefent Act, and to hear and determine the fame Of- fences, as they may and ought to hear and determine any other Trefpafl'es or Offences. VII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That at all Time and Time's Th? Prices of hereafter when the common Price of Corn within this Realm is, that Wheat fhall not exceed the Price Ccin w!lcn ,ne 7 of Six Shillings Eight-pence the Quarter, (2) and Rye Four Shillings the Quarter, (3) and Barley Three ^-.V " an '~ Shillings the Quarter, (4) it fhall be lawful to every Perfon and Perfons to carry and tranfport over the Farther Ptotr- Sea to any Place beyond the Seas at their Pleafure, any of the faid Kinds of Corn, fo that it be not to the lions relating King and Queen's Enemies.. hereto. VIII. Pro- " H ij«c. i.c.S5. ^. 26. 21 Jac. 1. c. 28, §. 3. 3 Car. I. c. 4. §. 24. 1 W. Si M. SelT. 1. c. 12. For further Prmifiaa ctr.ccnnrg tbt Exfcr!a:is<: . : ,-,-, 22 Car. 2, c. 13. 1 Jac. 2. c ■ 19. I W. & M. flat. 1. c. 12. I i fif IZ W. 3. c. zcj. 12 & 13, W. 3. c- 10. . 5 Am. 1. 29. 2GW2.. .-. iS. 5 Get.

  • • (• 12, 11 Geo, a, c. 22. 24 Geo, 2. c. 56. and 26 Geo, 2. c. 15.