Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/523

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A.D. 1554. Anno primo & fccundo Pmurpi & Map.ije. C. 8. IV. Provided alVay, That thi-- prefcrtt Art Ihaf] not extend to am, Pcribn oj fcrfona that now dwell orOo«< e CoUhftWor hereafter (hall dwell or inhabit out Cl any of the (aid ' r Marker-Town :. lint thai they and cirrv of lhi-m ii inn M nii.uiu in tnc -ouiiuy, 01 in.ic.imr in. hi uwcii 01 mnaini out 01 any ol I lie laid Line .1 Markci ( ov.-n , but that they and every of theni at arty Timi < hem I!, ,11 be free of any of the Guilds and Lib rti : thefaid Cities, B i- I owns, and dwell or inhabit within any ol the fame Cities, B 1 Towns, that they and every of them fo i Inj free (hall and may fell, i ,- f faid, by Retail, in as ample and large A they ana every ol tl !':vc of the faid Cities, Boroughs and Towns aforcfaid, before the makii:. Claafc or Article in ihi.s Act to the contrary notwithstanding. V. Provided always, and he it enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That; t (hall he lawful to all JVrfons ' ' II or caufe to be fold by Retail or uthertvife, all Manner of Cloth, Lu ■

.',, in every City, B rough, Town Corporate and Market-Town within tl-..

k.inkly as they might have done before the making of this Act; any Thing in the fame contained to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. VI. Provided alway, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, (hall not be prejudicial or hurtful 1 to the Liberties and Privileges ol the Univerfities of Cnptbrrdge and Oxford, or cither of them, any Thiilg c » mb ' in thi; Ad heretofore mentioned to the contrary notwithftanding. O«ford. C A P. VIII. An Act repealing all Articles and Provifions made againfl: the See Apoflolick of Rome, fincc the twentieth Year of King Henry the Eighth, and for the Eftablifhment of all Spiritual and Ecclefiaflical Poffeffions and Hereditaments conveyed to the Laity. WHF. RE AS fincc the twentieth Year of King Henry the Eighth of famous Memory, Father unto your Majefty our molt natural Sovereign, and gracious Lady and Queen, much falfe and erron! Doctrine hath been taught, preached and written, partly by divers the Natural-born Subjects of this Realm, and partly being brought in hither from fundry other Foreign Countries, hath been foweh and fprcad abroad within the fame : (2) By Reafoh whereof, as well the Spiritualty as Hie Temporally 1 Highnefs Realms and Dominions have fwerved from the Obedience of the See Apoflolick, and declined sg from the Unity of Chrift's Church, and fo have continued, until fuch Time as your Maicfly being fi railed up by God, and fet in the Scat Royal over us, and then by his Divine and gracious Providence;i t in Marriage with the molt fidble and virtuous Prince the King our Sovereign Lord your Hufband, the Pope's Hoiinefs and the Sec Apoltolick lent hither unto your Majefties (as unto Perlbiis illidehled, an I by God's Goodnefs preferved from the common Infection aforcfaid) and to the whole Realm, the mod; Reverend Father in God the Lord Cardinal Pool, Legate de latere, to call us home again in Way from whence we have all this long while wandred and ftrayed abroad; (3) anj we, after long and grievous Plagues and Calamities, feeing by the Goodnefs of God our own Errors, haw- know ledg.d the fame unto the faid moil Reverend Father, and by him h?ve been and are the rather at thi Contemplation of your Majefties received and embraced into the Unity and Bofom of Chrift's Church and upon our humble Submiffion and Promife made for a Declaration of our Repentance, to repeal and : = : abrogate fuch Aits and Statutes as had been made in Parliament fince the faid twentieth Year 1 faid King Henry the Eighth, againfl: the Supremacy of the See Apoflolick, as in our Submiffio'h exhibited to the faid moll' Reverend Father in God by your Majefties appeareth : The Tenour wher of enfucth. ' II. We the Lords Spiritual and Temporal an.l the Commons, aftcmblcd in this preTetit Parliament, reprefenting the whole Body of the Realm of England, and the Dominions of the fame, in the Nan t our lelves particularly, and alfo of the faid Body univerfally, in this our Supplication directed to Majefties, with moft humble Suit, that it may by your Graces IaterccfSon and Mean be exhibited to ti molt Reverend Father in God, the Lord Cardinal Pool, Legate, lent fpecially hither from our moft hoi - Father Pope July the third and the See Apoftolick of Rom-, do declare our (elves very forry and rep iioiick bf the Sehifm and Difobedience committed in this Realm and Dominions aforefaid againfl the laid " ch " Apoltolick, either by making, agreeing or executing any Laws, Ordinances or Commandments, againfl the Supremacy of the faid See, or otherwife doing or fpeaking, that might impugne the fame : (2 fering our felves and prdrriifirig by this our Supplication, that for a Token and Knowledge of o'ui Repentance, we be and fhall be always ready, under and with the Authorities of youi uttcrmoft of our Powers, to do that fhall lie in us for the Abrogation and Repealing of the i.iiJ Law a Ordinances in this prefent Parliament, as well for our felves as for the whole Body whom we reprefent : (3) Whereupon we moft humbly dciire your Majefties, as Perfonagcs undefined in the Offehre of this Body towards the faid See, which neverthelefs God by his Providence hath made fni ject to yo;-, fo forth this our moft humble Suit, that we may obtain from the See Apoftolick, by the faid mbft Reverend Father, as well particularly and generally, Abfolution, Releaie and Difcharge from all Danger of fuch Cenfures and Sentences, as by the Laws of the Church we be fallen into; (. Children repentant be received into the Bofom and Unity of Chrift's Church, fo as this Noble B With all the Members thereof, may in this Unity and perfeQ Obedience to the See ApoKdlicB: and Popes for the Time being, ferve God and your Majefties, to the Furtherance and Advancement of his Honour and Glory. (<;) We are, at the Interceffion of your Majefties, by the Authority of our holy 1 Pope Ji/h the Third and of the See Apoftolick, affoiled, difcharged and delivered from Excommunica- to t. II. Pp p ' tions,