Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/533

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A. D. 1554. Anno primo & fecundo Pim.iprf & M .»!.*.. C. 1 r. 'll. And be it further enacted l>y tbc Authority aforefaid. Thai all 1 or made for any Treafon, fliall be 1 had and ufed, only according to the due O ' ' Laws ol this Realm, and not otherwifc : Saving to every Perfon and Pcrfon . B ioratc, their Heirs andSuccelTors, other than the Offenders and their H irr, and fuel fons as claim to any of their Ufes, all fuch Rights, I itli ■ Interefl , Poflefli iu, Leal and other Profits, which they or any of them (lull hi fons, 0r.1t any Tunc afore, in .is large and ample Manhei as ii this Act bad ncvei made. VIII. Provided always, and be it declared and enacted l>y the Authority aforefaid, I • I or keeping fecrel of an) High Treafon be det rri 1 and taken only Mifprifion ©fTreafon, and tin l . therein to forfeit and luffcr, as in Caics of Mifprifion of Treafon hath heretofore been ufed; jijbove mentiojied to the contrary notwithstanding. " Peers of this Realm indicted of any of theOffences made Treafon or Mifprifion of Treafi nbyt ' M fliall h ive their Trial by their Peers. No Perfon fliall be impeached for any of th ' " committed only by Preaching 01 W ords, unlets the Offender be indicted within fix Month i. I XI. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, 'I hat upon the Arraignment oj Pcrfon which hereafter fliall fortune to be arraigned for any Treafon menpolied in this Act, all and 1 fuch Pei Ion and Perfons (or two of them at the lcalt) who (hall hereafter write, declare, cpnfefs, or J' any Thing or Things againft the Perfon to be arraigned, {hall, if living and within the Realm, be b. forth in Perfon before the Party arraigned if he require the fame, and object and fay openly in his Hearing, what they or any of them can againft him, for or concerning any the Trcafons contained in the Indictment, whereupon the Party fhall be fo arraigned, unlefs the Party arraigned for any fuch Treafon (hall willingly confefs the fame at the Time of his or their Arraignment. XII. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all Cafes of High Treafon concerning Coin currant within this Realm, or for counterfeiting the King or Queen's Signet, Privy Seal, Great Seal, or Sign Manual, Inch manner of Trial and none other be obferved and kept, asi heretofore hath been ufed by the Common Laws of this Realm; any Law, Statute, or any other Thing or Things to the contrary notwithftanding. XIII. Provided always, That the Councellors, Procurers, Comforters and Abetters, for his or their firft^ 5 ,', Offence fliall fuffer like Punilhment, Penalty and Forfeiture, as is contained in this Act againft the princi-.-. 1 &t i.' , + ' pal Offenders for their firft Offence, and none other: And that the Councellors, Procurers, Comforters E/ v <•. 1, *&> and Abetters, for his or their fecond Offence fliall fuftain like Puniflimcnt, Penalty and Forfeiture, as Ll> El - '■ '■ -7 contained in this Act againft the principal Offender 01 Offenders for their fecond Offence, and none '" ^',- t ?^ C.I. 3 W. & M. c. 13. 7 & 8 W. 3 . c.3 , 5 r.j.(,(, 13 IV. 3. ,. -Sf 6. i Am. flat. 2. c. 17. 2 Of 3 Am. c. 20. ^Ann.i.%, 6 A™. C.J, 7 Aim. f. 21. 1 C«. 1. Jlal. 2. c, 33. 17 G:>. 2. c, 39. 19 Geo. z. c. 9. and 20 Go. 2. c". 30 & 46. C A P. XI. An Act for the Puniflimcnt of the bringing in of the counterfeit Coins of Foreign Realms, being current within this Realm. WHERE divers and fundry Coins of Gold and Silver of other Realms, not being of the properBtinget Coin of this Realm of England, and yet by the Sufferance and Confent of the King and Queen oi>rF ounte ^ i: ' t Sovereign Lord and Lady, be current in Payment within this Realm, many ill difpofed Perfons, for thcir^'?/^' 5 ' own corrupt Lucre and Advantage, have now of late brought into this Realm from the Parts beyond th Sea great Quantity of forged and counterfeit Money, like to the faid Coin of other Foreign Realms, and - . have uttered the fame here by merchandizing an*' otherwife, to divers of the Subjects of this Realm, to 6 - their great Deceit, Hurt and Damage ; (2) becaufe the faid ill difpofed Perfons have perceived and undcr- ftood, that there was not, nor yet is, any fufficient Law or Statute made or provided for the condign Pu- 1 riifliment of the Offenders in that Behalf:' II. Wherefore be it enacted and effablifticd by the Authority of this prcfent Parliament, That if any Perfon or Perfons after the twentieth Day of "January next coming fliall bring from the Parts of beyond tho Sea in:o this Realm, or into any of the Dominions of the fame, any fuch falfc and counterfeit Coin or Mo- ney, being current within this Realm, as is aforefaid, knowing the fame Coin or Money to be falfe and coun- feit, to the Intent to utter or make Payment with the fame within this Realm, or any the Dominions of the fame, by merchandizing or otherwife ; that all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending as aforefaid, their Counfcllors, Procurers, Aiders and Abettors in that Behalf, fliall be deemed and adjudged to be fenders in High Treafon, and fliall fuffer, after lawful Conviction or Attainder thereof, fuch Pains ofD'eath, Lofs and Forfeiture of Lands, Goods and Chattels, as other Offenders fliall ilo in Cafes of High Treafon. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon or Perfons that fliall Th< Manan * -at any Time after the faid twentieth Day of 'January be accufed or impeached of any of the Offences con-.', rained and provided for in this Eftatute, or of any other Offence or Offences concerning the Irnpairin Counterfeiting or Forging of any Coin current within this Realm, fliall and may be indicted, arraign tried, convicted or attainted by fuch like Evidence, and in fuch Manner and Form, ai hath been ufed an J Q. 1 -! 1 2 accufti