Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/543

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A. D. 1555* Anno (ccundo & tertio Philipti & Marijc. C. io, ir. 493 ni.iy pleafc your Highnefe that it may be enacted by your Kighncft, the Lord ii|. Commons, in this prefcnt Parliament aflembled, Thai from and after tl the Mirth ol I 11 1 (tod now next coming, every Licence, Placard or G : made to any Perfon 01 ig. Maintenance, or keeping of any Bowling-Alli , Di n loufi . • • hibited by the Laws and Statutes oi' this Realm, mall be from the faid Feaft utterly void and of none Efl •;; H. 8. C. 9. Art. c. 14. 18 On. 1. 1. vi' -S Cm. i. c. 36. «».' oCm. 2. <■ -.4,. C A P. X. An A61 to take Examination of Pnfoners fufpeiflcd of any Manflaughtcr or Felony. « TT THERE in the laft Parliament holdcn at If' (lmh;/lrr, amongft other Things it was enacted, That I 4 W fuch Juftices of thePeacc as have Authority to B i a.] Pnfoners brought before them lor . Manslaughter or Felony, before any Bailment or Mainprife, mould take tlie Examination of the I fuch Juftices of the Peace as have Authority to Hail any Pnfoners brought before them 1 . lughtei or Felony, before any Bailment or Mainprife, Ihould take the Examination of the I 4 Prifoner, and Information of them that bring him, of the Fact and Circumftancej thereof, and the fame, • or as much thereof as mail be material to prove the Felony, (hall put in Writing before they make the their Accofcri ' fame Bailment; (2) which laid Examination, together with the faid Bailment, the faid Jufli es fhall ' certify at the next General Gaol-delivery to be bolden within the Limits of their Commiilion, as by v., ™ m t ' feme Act more plainly is contained, and may appear : c. ja. ' II. And forafmuch as the faid Act doth not extend to fuch Prifoners as fhall be brought before any Ju- ' iticcs of Peace for Manslaughter or Felony, and by fuch Juftlcc (hall be committed to ward for th Satpi- ' cion of fuch Manslaughter or Felony, and not bailed, in which Cafe the Examination of fuch Prifoner, ' and of fuch a; fhall bring him, is as neceflary, or rather more than where fuch Prifoner fluill be let to j Bail or Mainprife:' (2) Be it therefore enacted by the Authority of this prefcnt Parliament, That from A Joftice »r henceforth fuch Juftice or JuSlices before whom any Perfon fhall b. brought for Maul! lighter or Felony, Pcacc ft l - oi for Sufpicion thereof, before he or they fhall commit or fend fuch Prifoner to Ward, Shall take the Exa- Jml " c h '™ *** mination of fuch Prifoner, and Information of thofe that bring him, of the Fact and Circumftance there- Fd^iSbrebe of, and the fame, or as much thereof as fhall be material to prove the Felony, fhall put in writing within be committed two Days after the faid Examination ; (3) and the fame fhall certify in fuch Manner and Form, and at to Pi fuch Time, as they Should and ought to do, if fuch Prifoner fo committed or fent to Ward had been hailed • or let to Mainprife, upon Such Pain as in the faid former Act is limited and appointed for not taking, or not certifying, fuch Examinations as in the faid former Act is expreffed. (4) And be it further enacted, Rinding cf the That the faid Juftices Shall have Authority by this Act, to bind all Such by Rccognifancc or Obligation, do declare any Thing material to prove the faid Manslaughter or Felony againlt fuch Prifoner as Shall be E ^ n e/ fo committee! to Ward, to appear at the next general Gaol-delivery to be hoi ten within the County, - ! . , r ' c '. u r ,° c . City or Town Corporate where the Trial of the i'aid Manslaughter or Felony fhall be, then and there-.' -. fo~b<ni- to give Evidence againft the Party; (5 and that the faid Juftices fhall certify the faid Bonds taken before; them, in like Manner as they fhould and ought to certify the Bonds mentioned in the faid former Act , ii«'^fi r Tnafin upon Pain as in the faid former Act is mentioned, for not certifying fueh Bonds ao by the faid former Act is limited and appointed to be certified. CAP. XI. An Act touching Weavers. T?Orafmuch as the Weavers of this Realm have as well at this prefent Parliament, as at divers other wll0 fl,,u u r c • JC Times, complained that the rich and wealthy Clothiers do many ways opprefs them, fome by fetting the Trade of 4 up and keeping in their Ho fes divers Looms, and keeping and maintaining them by Journeymen and Per- Weaving. ' fons unfkilful, to the Decay of a great Number of Artificers which were brought up in the laid Science ' of Weaving, their Families and Houfhold ; (2) fome by ingroifing of Looms into their Hands and ' PofTeffions, and letting them out at fuch anreafonable Rents, as the poor Artificers are not able to main-

  • tain themfelves, much lefs their Wives, Families and Children; (3) fome alfo by giving much lefs

' Wages and Hire for the weaving and Workmanfhip of Clothes, than in Times paft they did, whereby f they are inforced utterly to forfake their Art and Occupation wherein they have been brought up :' II. It is therefore for Remedy of the Premifles, and for the Avoiding of a great Number of Inconveni- No Clothier flull encies which may grow Qf in Time it be net foreseen) ordained, eilablifhed and enacted by Authority af keep above one this prefent Parliam nt, That no Perfon ufing the Feat or MyStery of Cloth-making, and dwelling out f WooUca Loo '°* a City, Borough, Market-Town or Corporate Town, fhall from the F'eaft of St. Michael the Archangel now next enfuing keep, retain or have in his or their Houfe or PofTefTion any more or above one Wool- len Loom at one Time ; (2) nor fhall by any Means directly or indirectly receive or take any manner Profit, Gain or Commodity, by letting or fetting any Loom, or any Houfe wherein any Loom is or fhall be ufed and occupied, which fhall be together by him fet or let ; (3) upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Week that any Perfon fhall do contrary to the Tenor and true Meaning hereof, twenty Shillings. III. And be it further ordained and enacted by like Authority, That no Woollen Weaver ufing or No Weaver ff-.t!) exercifing the Feat or Myftery of Weaving, and dwelling out of a City, Borough, Market-Town or Town ^ v " J bo ' 1 ^' Corporate, fhall after the faid Feaft have or keep at any one Time above the Number of two Woollen ° Looms,