Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/545

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A. D. 1555. Anno fecunclo 5c tcrtlo Piiii.ippi & Marije. C. 13 — 16. 495 xcept fuch Cloth 1 e firft view in onef of the Bo he fame be perfectly and truly m d to the Statute ; (2) and d with the of tl 1 !' Boroughs or Towns, in fuel Ed- '• eign of our late Sovereign Lord King Et/tyi i the Sixth, cntitu Making of Woollen Cloth, is for fealii ( I ided and ei ontrary to tl . (hall forfeit 1 The Moiety "l' ••!! whii I be to oui . 1 I jellies, the Heirs and Succc! thai will I'uc for the fame in any 01 the King an , wherein no Eflbin, Protection or . 1 .1 Law (hall be admitted or allowed. tt C, < • ' 1 1. 1 l G"<*. I. <■. 24. 7C.J. 1, (, 2j. Jl Cti.z. c. iZ. aci i C A P. XIII. An Act for the Inhabitants of Halifax to buy Wools. The Ir.' ( TT^Orafmuch as the Parifh of Halifax and other Places thereunto adjoining, being planted in the gr J? Wafts and Moors, where the Fertility of Ground is not apt to bring forth any Corn nor good (Jr. 1 . ■ Hones whereupon to ride, or let their Wools further from them in other rlaces, unlcfs ay be provided :' (2) For the Remedy whereof, Be it enacted by the King and Queen's r . h ' ' Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament, and by the J ' "ame, That from henceforth it (hall be lawful to any Perfon or Perfons inhabiting within f c n it again c... .~ 1 ~at 1 txT'.. „i. _.. r.._u ir: .,„ »u„ pl.u: 1 .u. c _»i .i but in rare Place:, and by exceeding and great Induftry of the Inhabitants ; and the (ame Inhabitant 1 alto- ; the u.-ne ' gethcr do live by Cloth-making, and the great Part of them neither gettcth Corn, nor is able to keep a ' Horfe to carry Wools, nor yet to buy much Wool at once, but hath ever ufed only to repair to the Town z : H - 3 - '■ • :■ 4 of Halifax, and fomc other nigh thereunto, and there to buy upon the Wool-driver, foi tome ' two, and fomc three and four, according to their Ability, and to carry the fame to their Houfes, fome 4 three, lour, five and fix Miles oft", upon their Heads and Backs, and fo to make and convert the fame ' cither into Yarn or Cloth, and to fell the fame, and fo to buy more Wool of the Wool-driver; by Means, ' of which Induflry the barren Grounds in thofe Parts be now much inhabited, and above five hundred [" 4 Houftiolds there newly increafed within thefe forty Years pad, which now arc like to be undone 4 driven to Beggery, by Reafon of the late Efbtute made, that takcth away the Wool-driver, fo that th< y ' cannot now have their Wool by fuch fmall Portions as they were wont to have, and that alio they arc notunu of Hili ' able to keep any Horfes whereupon to ride, or fet their Wools further from them in other Places, unlefs ' fomc Remedy may Kajelties, by the L< Authority of the fame, the Parifh of Halifax, to buy any Wool or Wools, at fuch Times as the Clothiers may buy the fame, other- there. wife than by ingroffing and foreitalling, fo that the Perfons fo buying the fame do carry or caufe to be car- ried the faid Wools fo bought by them, to the Town of Halifax, and there to fell the fame to fuch poor Folks of that and other adjoining, as fhall work the lame in Cloth or Yarn (to their Know!', and not to the rich and wealthy, nor to any other to fell again : (3) And if either the faid V> ool-driver fhall fell his faid Wools at any other Place forth of the faid Town of Halifax, or if any fuch fhall buy their 'Wools at Halifax, fhall fell then- Wools that they bought, again unwrou'gbt in Yarn or Cloth, that then every fuch' Offender to lofe and forfeit the double Value of the Wool i'o fold or uttered ; the one Moiety thereof to be to the King and Queen's Majefties, her Heirs and SucceiTors, Kings of this Realm, The Juflices of and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame in any of the King and Queen's Majefties 1 '"" ma - v h " r Courts of Record, or before the Jullices of Peace in their Seffions, who by Virtue hereof in their open Jhefe OflWes SeiTions fhall have Authority upon Information to hear and determine the fame, and to make Procefs againft , the Offenders, as in any other Cafe to be determined before them. relatfat Jac. j. c. 7. 12 Car. 2. c. 32. 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. iS Sf 19: 1 VV. 6f M. fiat. 1. r. 32. 7 & S IV. 3. c. 28. c/£? 10 W. 3. c. 40. ioE'" ' ; ' 3- c - >°- 3 Geo. 1, [,ii. 4 Geo. 1. c. II. 5 Geo. 1. r. 11. §.14, 12 Ge:, 1. c. 34. 13 Geo. 1. c. 23. 5 Geo. 2. c. 21. 12 Gee. 2. c. 21. 15 Geo, 2. c. 27. 2 5 *»«. 2, .'. 14. 26 Geo. 2. c, S £f II. 29 Geo. 2. c. 33. and 30 Geo. 2. c. 12. CAP. XIV. It fhall be lawful to the Dean and Chapter of Hereford, within eight Years next, to re-edify four fufficient Mills, viz. two Corn-mills, and two Fulling-mills, upon the River of If ye, in or near unto the Place where four old Mills did ftand. PR. CAP. XV. An Act that Purveyors fhall not take Victuals within five Miles of Cambridge or Oxford. See /Ip-pendix. CAP. XVI. An Act touching Watermen and Bargemen upon the River of Thames. Hereas heretofore for Lack of good Government and due Order amongft Whcrrimen and Watermen Ttl = 0| Ji ce *** exercifing, ufing and occupying Rowing upon the River of Thames, there have divers and many ° u ^ ovwfeera Misfortunes and Mifchances hapned and chanced of late Years pall, to a great Number of the King and f Watermen Queen's Subjects, as well to the Nobility as to other the common People that have palled and repafied, t0 wi D g between 4 and