Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/553

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A. D. 1557. Anno quarto Sc quinto Piiii.ippi & Maf C. 4, - y or oth r head Officer of fuch I the fame at the lcafr, be joined in the fame Commiflion or other Authority, . n or Perfons (o authoiifed; any Thing before m ntion to 15 Car. 2. c. 4. 10 is" 11 (/'. 3. .. 11. Ann. fix. 1. c. i 1 . i . 20. tf/li/ 33 0(0. 2. i. 2, 21 U i. C A P. IV. An A<fl chat Acccflaiics in Murder and divers Felonies fliall not have the Benefit of 1 Tgy- , or to commit or do any Robbery in or neai way in the Realm of £ jP.&W the Queen's Dominion;, or to commit or do any Robbery in ani hin dt Scothwd, or wilfully to burn any Dwelling-houfe or any Part thereof, or any Barn tl I . : ( ,: iin in the famej that then every fuch Offender or Offenders, and every of them b i of, or being thereof arraigned and found guilty by the Order of the Law, or being otherv ted " Co - 3 6 - or convicted of the fame Offence ; or being arraigned thereof do Hand mute of Malice or fro ward .Mind, or do challenge peremptory above the Number of twenty Perfons, or will not anfwer directly to fuch Offence, (hall not have the Benefit of his or their Clergy. II. Provided always, and be it enadtcd, That every Lord and Lords of the Parliament, and Peer and ' Pcvrs of the Realm, having Place -and Voice in the Parliament, upon every Indictment for any of the Ol fences aforcfaid, fliall be tried by their Peers, as hath been accuftewned by the Laws of this Realm. CAP. V. An Act touching the making of Woollen Cloches. ' obfene the fame Act in all Points, and have in this prefent Parliament prayed forne Mitigation thereof:'?*' It is therefore at their fpecial inftance and Requeft ordered, eftablifhcd, enacted and provided, in Manner derTtiv and Form following : ^ bepuni^d. II. Imprimis, That every white Cloth and Clothes commonly called Long JPorcejiers, and all like ;&6 ej. 6.c.6. Clothes of like making mentioned in the faid Act, which by the fame was limited to weigh eighty-four ' Pounds, being well fcoured, thicked, milled and fully dried, fhall weigh thrccfcorc and fifteen Pounds at [^"if Vci^"' the leafr. _ _ _ not t0 III. Item, Every white Cloth which fliall be made in the Counties di~WUt]h re, Gl efter and Somcrfet, weigh left than or any of them, or elfewhere of like making, being appointed by the faid Act to weigh fixty^fbur Pounds, feventy-five friall weigh, being well fcoured, thicked, mill d and fully dried, fixty-onc Pounds at the leaft. IV. Iter:, Every BroaJ-Cloth made in the Shires of Kent and Suffix, or at the To, any of them, or elfewhere of like making, mentioned in the faid St, 'which by the fame was limited tow xc. Pounds at the leaft, fliall weigh, being well fcoured, thicked, milled and full dried, Ixxxvi. 1. ai So- leaft. V. him, That every coarfe fhort Cloth made in the Shires of Suffolk, Narft 'i an ! E]jix, or any of tl -. m, or elfewhere of like Sort; and ev;ry coarfe Cloth to be made within the Shire of Kent, not exceeding' the, e, Price of r i. 1. all which by the faid Act are appointed to contain feveh Quarters of a Yard at tjie lcatt in 4 |jc i Breadth, fhall contain and be at the Water, being thorow wet, fix Quarters and a Half within the Lift § "' thorow and by all the whole Cloth at the leaft. VI. Item, Every Yard of Cloth commonly called Handywarp, being well fcoured, thicked, mil fully dried, fhall contain the Breadth fpecified in the faid Act, and ihall weigh two Pounds and a Hah' . the leaft. ' VI 1 . And forafmuch as many Perfons do counterfeit the making of Codfal, Boding and i ' Clothes, commonly called Handywarps, adding thereunto fuch like Lifts as the Makers of fucli C ' do, to the great Deceit of the King and Queen's Majefties Subjeih :' (2) B": it therefor : enacted, no Perfon or Perfons from the firft Day of May next coming fhall add up • '_GJ h like Lift or Lifts, except the Warp thereof be fpun upon the Rock or Difta f, up >n Pain of the fame Cloth or Clothes, or. the very Value thereof : (3) Provided always, That the Cloth-ma the City oiJVorce/ier may make fuch Lifts as they have done heretofore.. ...