Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/555

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A. D. i557« Anno quarto & quinto Piiilippi & Mahi.t.. C. 5. 5,3 XX. Itemi If any Perfon fhall by himfclf, or by any other Perfan by him | . in , pr take away from ajiy Cloth, Kcrfie, Frife. Rug 01 Col I appointed to be J Kerfic, Frife, Rug or Cotton, cither by this Act, orby the (aid former fcltatui •, thai the i fon fo offending (hull incur and have like Penalties, Forfeitures and PuniiQimentB, u in the laid I pointed and limited for the like Offence. XXI. And for the better Execution as well of this prefent Act as ofihe faid former Eflatute, W Intent that all Kind of Kerfies, Cottons, Frills, Ruj;, and oilier Woollen Cloth made in any Town, i! be better known ; (2) it is further enacted, That the Sc d of every Borough orTown Corporate, appointed or to he appointed for the Sealing of any Inch Kind of Cloth, fhall he fixed to all and Cloth being well and fubflantially made within Inch City, Borough or Town Corporate : (3) Which Cloth fo fealed with the Seal of any City, Borouoh or Town Corporate, fhall not be fearched, ti. I by any Searcher or Sealer of any other City, Borough or Town Corporate, by Virtue of his faid Office; any Thing in this Act, or in the faid former Eflatute to the contrary notwithltanding. XXII. Item, lie it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon and Perfons not dwcllingci. and inhabiting within any City, Borough 01 Corporate Town, and making any of the Clothes or Kerfies" "■ "Town aforefaid, may lawfully bring the fame to the next City, Borough or Town Corporate, where any fuch^ ,r J ,"'|' :" * Kind of Clothes or Kerftes be or fhall be commonly made, there to be fealed in Manner and Form .. Ox. exprcfled. per-.:-. XXIII. Item, If any Searcher or Sealer, appointed or to be appointed by Virtue of this prefent Act or of The Forfi the faid former Statute, fhall let the Seal of any City, Borough or Town Corporate to any Cloth which 1 ' 1 fhall not contain fuch Length, Weight and Breadth, as in the faid former Statute or in this prucnt AEt i| [" ,",„^J. appointed, that then the Mayor and Commonalty or Bailiff" and Commonalty, or other Corporation of the, „gi, Townfhip, by whatfoever Name or Names it or they fhall be incorporate, where fuch Cloth, Kerne, frife, Cotton or Rug, fhall be fo fealed, fhall forfeit and lofe the whole Value of the Cloth fo fealed. XXIV. It is alfo enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Searchers or Sealers The $e»reher» and every one of them fhall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Acf, in the Day-time to enter and Seiloiimf into all and every Houfe and Houfcs of every Perfon or Perfons where he or they fhall think meet, to fcarch^"'".' 1 ^^^ and to try all and every Kind of Clothes, Kerfies, Friles and Rugs, as they mall find defective either in iearcb. Length, Breadth or Weight, and the fame to try by Water and Weight; (2) and alfo to fearch and feize as forfeit all and every Cloth and Clothes made of other Colours than in the faid former Act is appointed ; Fryers Gray, Crane Colour, Purple and old Medley Colours, moll commonly ufed to be made before twenty Years laft pafl, only excepted. XXV. And if any Manner of Perfon or Perfons at any Time after the firft Day of A lay next coming ThePeinltjr far fhall deny, withfland or withhold any Cloth or Clothes, Kerfies, Frifcs, Rugs, or any of them, from the ,icn » ,n 5 0l faid Se • Houfcs is a fon ing, Wich-holding or Denial, to forfeit and lofe ten Pounds. XXVI. Be it likewife further enacted, That it fhall not be lawful for any of the faid Searchers or Scalers fjo Searching m or any other Perfon, to fearch any Manner of Woollen Cloth or Kerfie whercunto the Seal of a City, Bo- common Mir. rough or Town Corporate fhall be fixed, within the common Cloth-Market of L:. -:1m, commonly called kttsorFiin. "Blackwell-Hall ; or in any common Cloih-Fair, or Cloth- Market of any other City, Borough or Town Corporate, in and during the Time of the Fair or Market; any Act or Statute to the contraiy hotwith- flanding. XXVII. Be it further enacted, That all and every Article, Claufe and Sentence in the (aid former Sta-AConfirrttatioa tute made in the fifth and fixth Years of the Reign of our faid late Sovereign Lord King R&wan he Sixth, of ^; , - c E S d t3, ( being not repugnant or contrary to any Article, Claufe or Sentence contained in this prefent Act, fhall > fland in full Force and Effect. XXVIII. Provided always, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall incur the Danger, Penalty orForfei lim'ted and appointed for any Offence in the laid former Act, the which is already mitigated or otherwise >■ appointed by this prefent Act. ltr -* J '" "*• XXIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Clothier fhall caufe everyF.yerj C Cloth which he fhall put to Sale, from and afcer the Feafc of the Nativity of St. he .t coming, niirfced >- to be marked with the Letter M crowned, wrought in the Cloth, upon Pain to forfeit xx. .v for every Cloth being fold or put to Sale by any fuch Clothier after the faid Feair, not marked with the faid Lett.. as is aforefaid. deny, withfland or withhold any Cloth or Clothes, Kerfies, Frifcs, Rugs, or any of them, from the 1 :™?'"? " f iealers or Searchers or any of them, or will not fuftcr them to enter into their Shops, Warehoufes, |^J^" S °* el or Places where their Clothes, Kerfies, Friles or Rugs fhall be, the fame to be fearched and tried as" refold, that then every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo denying or withflanding, for every fuch Withiland- Marble Gray, fad new Colour, Azure, Watchet, Sheeps Colour, Lion Colour, fryers Gray, Crane Colour, I urple, and old Medley Colour, moil ccnv.noniy u; f tb'be ma il . ■"• *- -'• A Before twenty Years lafc pafl. ' : - . XXXI. Ite?n, Whereas divers ancient Cities, Boroughs aad Towns Corporate y/fth'in this Realm of Eh*- land, have been in Times pMl well and fubflantially inhabited, occupied, maintained mX upholdeii. as well by Reafon of making of broad Woollen Clothes and Kerfies, as alio by div . . :fc rtific inh ing then in the faid Towns, at which Time alfo the Villages and Hufhand Towns flourifhed, and Huf- bandry and Tillage was well maintained, to the great Benefit of the Realm end all the People therein : (2) Vol. II. Ttt ' Fot