Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/557

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A. D. 1557. Anno quarto & quiiito Phiuppi 8c Maple. C. 7, 3. 515 C A P. VII. An Ad to m;!ke up the Jury with Circumllantibus, where the King and Queen's M jcflie is a Party. isliki to remain untaken for ' the Jurors, that then the fame I :. Requcfl made by the 1 - 1 Parties Plaintiff or Demand nt, fliail have Authority, by Virtue of ihc raid A mand the Shi brother Minifter or Miniflcrs to whom the making of the faid Return fhall appertain, to name. and ap- point, as often as Nc^d fhall require, fo many of fuch other able Perfon ity, then pref I ' at the faid Aflifcs o fn up'a full Jury ; which Perfons l<> to be named and imp ' nelled by fuch Slv rift", or otherMinifter orMinifters, (hall be added tothe former Panel, and their NamesJS H ' 8, c - 6t ' annexed to the fame, as by the faid A£t more at large appeareth : (3) Which Statute w is iurc ' till the End of the next Parliament, and after was and is from Time to Ti e < ntinued, and dtth 1 ' remain, ttand, and be in Effect; (4) which Avlt doth not extend to any Jury impanelled to try an ' Ifluc joined between the King and the Party, or between fuch as purfue any Matter for the King and ' themfelves :' II. He it therefore enacted, ordained and eftablifhcd by the King and Queen's Majeftics, the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the firft Day of June next coming the Juftices of Jljjifc and Nifi Prius, before vrhom any Trial fhall be made by Virtue of any Writ of Habeas Corpora or Pijtringas, with a A where a full Jury fliail not appear, or after Appearance of a full Jury, by Challenge the Jury is like to remain untaken for Default of Jurors, fhall have Authority by Virtue of this Act, upon Requeft made for the Kino; and Queen, her Heirs or Succcffors, by any authorised thereunto, or afligned by th J of the Court before whom the faid Inqueft (hall be taken, or upon Requeft to be made by the Party that followeth as well for the King and Queen,, her- Heirs and Succcffors, as for hirafelf, upon any Penal Statute, or his or their Attorney, to command the Sheriff, or other Minifler or IVIinifters to whom the making of the faid Return fhall appertain, to name and appoint, as often as Need fhall rcq fo many of fuch other able Perfons of the faid County, thai prefent at the faid J/fifi-s or Nifi Prius, ai add and annex the Names to the former Pannel, as fliail make up a full Jury of twelve Men, for the Trial of every fuch Iflue : III. And that all and every Claufe, Sentence, Article and Provifo, comprifed in the faid former Act, fliail be taken, interpreted and expounded, to give the like and the fame Advantage and Commodity to the King and Queen's Majeftics, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and all fuch Perfon and Perfons as dial] purfue any Fcr ftrii .-r/v- Action, Plaint, Bill or Information for the King and Queen's Majeftics, her Heirs and Succeflbrs only,' or for them and the Party, as the Party Plaintiff" in any other Action fliould or might have by Virtue of the'; /■ fame Act, in fuch Form and Condition to all Intents and Purpofes, as if fuch Actions or Suits for the[ ' .'. King had been fpeciaily and particularly mentioned and declared in the faid Act. 3 Ceo. 2. c. 25. 4 C«. 2. c, 7. iCci. 2. c. 37. 2J Go. 2. c. 18. anJzqCeo. z. :. ij. C A P. VIII. An Act: for the Punilhment of fuch as fhali take away Maydens that be Inheritors, being within the Age of fixteen Years, or that marry them without Content of their Parents. ' T TH PRE Maidens and "Women Children of Noblemen, Gentlemen and others, as well fuch as b e Puni<liment of ' VV Heirs Apparent to their Anccftors, as others, having left unto them by their Father, or other An- ceftor and Friends, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, or other great Subftanc:s in Good-, and Chattels' &c* 1 ' moveable, for and to the Intent to advance them in Marriage, fome-.vhat like according to their Degrees, !een '1 ' and as might be moil for their Surety and Comfort, as well tor themfelves as of all other their Friends raid A F?< •*■'-'•

  • Kinsfolks, be oftentimes unaware . to their faid Friends or Kinsfolks, by Flattery, trifling Gifts and fair Pro- 3 ' /- ' ' " "'

' mifes, of many unthrifty and light Perfonages, and thereto by the Intreaty of Perfons of le;vd Demeanour, ' and others that for Rewards buy and fell the laid Maidens and Children, fecretly allured and won to con- ' tract Matrimony with the laid unthrifty and light Perfonages, and thereupon cither with Sleight or Force ' oftentimes be taken and conveyed away from their faid Parents, Friends or Kinsfolks, to the high Difplea- 4 fure of Almighty God, Difparagement of the faid Children, and the extream continual Heavinefs of all ' their Friends : Which ungodly Dealing, for Lack of whole fome Laws to the Redrefs thereof, rem ineth a great, familiar and common Mifchic-f in this our Commonwealth :' I 1 . For Remedy whereof, be it enacted by the King and Queen's Majeftics, the Lor 's Spiritual and Tem- poral, and the Commons, of this -prefent Parliament aflembled, and bv the Authority of the fame, That it ■ftiall not be lawful to any Perfon or Perfons to take or convey away, or caufe to be taken or com eyed away, i Mo- , Ttta Cuftody + Mod - '«'