Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/560

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C. 1.
Anno primo Reginae Elizabethæ.
A.D. 1558.

25 H. 8. c. 21. VIII. And one other Act made in the said xxv. Year, intituled, An Act concerning the Exoneration of the King's Subjects from Exactions and Impositions heretofore paid to the See of Rome, and for having Licences and Dispensations within this Realm, without suing further for the same;

26 H. 8. c. 14. IX. And one other Act made in the xxvi. Year of the said late King, intituled, An Act for Nomination and Consecration of Suffragans within this Realm;

28 H. 8. c. 16. X. And also one other Act made in the xxviii. Year of the Reign of the said late King, intituled, An Act for the Release of such as have obtained pretended Licences and Dispensations from the See of Rome; (2) and all and every Branches, Words and Sentences in the said several Acts and Statutes contained, by the Authority of this present Parliament, from and at all Times after the last Day of this Session of Parliament, shall be revived, and shall stand and be in full Force and Strength, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes: The Sentences and Branches in the aforesaid Statutes shall extend to the the Queen.(3) And that the Branches, Sentences and Words, of the said several Acts, and every of them, from thenceforth shall and may be judged, deemed and taken to extend to your Highness, your Heirs and Successors, as fully and largely as ever the same Acts, or any of them, did extend to the said late King Henry the Eighth, your Highness Father.

32 H. 8. c. 38. XI. And that it may also please your Highness, that it may be enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament, That so much of one Act or Statute made in the xxxii. Year of the Reign of your said dear Father King Henry the Eighth, intituled, An Act concerning Pre-contracts of Marriages, and touching Degrees of Consanguinity, 2 & 3 Ed. 6. c. in the Time of the late King Edward the Sixth, your Highness most dear Brother, by one other Avt or Statute, was not repealed;

37 H. 8. c. 17. XII. And also one Act made in the xxxvii. Year of the Reign of the said late King Henry the Eighth, intituled, An Act that Doctors of the Civil Law, being married, may exercise Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction; (2) and all and every Branches and Articles in the said two Acts last mentioned, and not repealed in the Time of the said late King Edward the Sixth, may from henceforth likewise stand and be revived, and remain in their full Force and Strength, to all Intents and Purposes; any Thing contained in the said Act of Repeal before mentioned, or any other Matter or Cause to the contrary notwithstanding.

What Statutes repealed by the Statute of 1 & 2 Ph. & M. c. 8. s continue repealed. XIII. And that it may also please your Highness, that it may further be enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all other Laws and Statutes, and the Branches and Clauses of any Act or Statute, made void by the said Act of Repeal, made in the Time of the said late King Philip and Queen Mary, and not in this present Act specially mentioned and revived, shall stand, remain, and be repealed and void, in such like Manner and Form as they were before the making of this Act; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

A Revivor of the Statute 3 Ed. 6. c. 1. XIV. And that it may also please your Highness, that it may be enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That Acts and Statute made in the first Year of the Reign of the late King Edward the Sixth, your Majesties most dead Brother, intituled, An Act against such Persons as shall unreverently speak against the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, commonly called the Sacrament of the Altar, and for the receiving thereof under both Kinds, and all and every Branches, Clauses and Sentences therein contained, shall and may likewise from the last Day of this Session of Parliament be revived, and from thenceforth shall and may stand, remain and be in full Force, Strength and Effect, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes, in such like Manner and Form as the same was at any Time in the first Year of the Reign of the said late King Edward the Sixth; any Law, Statute, or other Matter to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

A Repeal of the Statute of 1 & 2 Ph. & M. c. 6.
5. R. 2. Stat. 2. c. 5
2. H. 4. c. 15.
2 H. 5. c. 17.
XV. And that also it may please your Highness, that it maybe further established and enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That one Act and Statute made in the first and second Years of the said late King Philip and Queen Mary, entituled, An Act for the Reviving of three Statutes made for the Punishment of Heresies; and also the said three Statutes mentioned in the said Act, and by the same Act revived, (2) and all and every Branches, Articles, Clauses and Sentences contained in the said several Acts and Statutes, and every of them, shall be from the last Day of this Session of Parliament deemed and remain utterly repealed, void and of none Effect, to all Intents and Purposes; any Thing in the said several Acts, or any of them contained, or any other Matter or Cause to the contrary notwithstanding.

The abolishing of foreign Authority. XVI. And to the Intent that all usurped and foreign Power and Authority Spiritual and Temporal, may for ever clearly extinguished, and never to be used or obeyed within this Realm, or any other your Majesties Dominions or Countries; (2) May it please your Highness that it may be further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, State or Potentate Spiritual or Temporal, shall at any Time after the last Day of this Session of Parliament use, enjoy or exercise any Manner of Power, Jurisdiction, Superiority, Authority, Preheminence or Privilege Spiritual or Ecclesiastical, within this Realm, or within any other your Majesty's Dominions or Countries that now be, or hereafter shall be, but from thenceforth the same shall be clearly abolished out of this Realm, and all other your Highness Dominions for ever; any Statute, Ordinance, Custom, Constitutions, or any other Matter or Cause whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

Cok. pla. fol. 465, 487, Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction annexed to the Crown.
2 Leonard 176.
XVII. And that also it may likewise please your Highness, that it may be established and enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such Jurisdictions, Privileges, Superiorities and Preheminences Spiritual and Ecclesiastical, as by any Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Power or Authority hath heretofore been, or may lawfully be exercised or used for the Visitation of the Ecclesiastical State and Persons, and for Reformation, Order and Correction of the same, and of all Manner of Errors, Heresies, Schisms, Abuses, Offences, Contempts and Enormities, shall for ever by Authority of this present Parliament be united and annexed to the Imperial Crown of this Realm.

XVIII. And that your Highness, your Heirs and Successors, Kings or Queens of this Realm, shal have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Act, by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, to as-
