Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/579

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A. D. 1558.
Anno primo Reginæ Elizabethæ.
C. 17.

it fhall be lawful, only for thi I . ' ill' J foi I" fame ; (a) fo mentioned, do not take, kill or deftroy any ether Fifh with the fiii - ptothcTi and Form above iii thib Statute contained.

V. And be it further ci ifted, I hat il any Perfon or Perfon , after the aforefaid Day limited in thi'- pre-Tb«Fi f-iit A<l, 1. lim, I in any ol the 'oints before rehearfed. contran to the Teni I jny^J el , that then i l-i y Inch Perfon and Perl I ime,, ol' hi: 01 thi n('/. ty Shillings, and the i in •■ taken contn and alfo the nnlawl I Nets, ices and Inftruments, whatsoever th | h or whereby mmitted or di

VI. And to the Intent thai ' v be had of 1 it/urthero Authority aforel id, I le Lord Admiral 6f England, and thi Time being, nnd all an lc and Corporate, which by Granl or other lawful W ivs i r Mi an , lawfully h .c or ought to have any Cohfei i tion <>r Prefervation ol Rivers, Sti mitted in any ot I hae full Po ■ . Virtueofthii Aft to enquire or all in to the Effccl and true Meaning of this Aft, within his or their fuch lawful'Rul . Jurifdiftion and Confervanoy, by the Oaths if twelve M in oi id to hear and determine all and tB,e ' the fame Offences committed wiihin hi:, or their fuch Jurifdiftion, Confervancy, Rule and G vernment.

VII. And that all fuch Tains and Forfeitures as fhall rife or grow by the reafo/i of any I ' (On for any the 'Offences aforefaid, (hall be to the Ule of every of mi f id Perfon . nd I rfons bring no Body Politick or Corporate', nor Head of afny Body Politick or Gorpoi jvbdm fuch Conviction, aforefaid, fhall be had, and to the Ufa ot every fuch Body Politick and Corporate as heretofore have law- fully had any Fines, Forfeitures and Amerciam< ftts tor any Offence unlawfully committed or done in any fuch their Jurifdiftion or Confcrvancies, upon Convidlion had before the Head of any fuch Body Politic Corporate.

VIII. And that alio the Lord of every Leet within this Realm of England and Wales, or the Dominions of the fame, fhall have full Power and Authority to enquire of all the Offences contrary to the Purport, [Tenor and Form of this Eftatute, within the Precinct of their (aid Leet : Such Enquiry to be had in Man- ner and Form, and alter fuch Sort, as o mmon Amerciaments, or other Things inquirable in their Court- Leet, have been 'awfully ufed and accultuiv.ed to be had and made.

IX. And that upon every fuch Preferitrrient had in any Court or Leet, by the Oath of twelve Men or more, as is aforefaid, of any Offence or Offences made contrary to the Tenor of this Eftatute : That then all fuch Forfeiture above in this Eftatute limited and appointed for fuch Offence, fhall be unto the Lord of the laid Leet for the Time being, to his own Ule for ever, and fhall be levied in fuch Manner and Form, as An erciaments for Affrays committed within the Prccinft of fuch Leet kae been ufed and accuftomed to be levied.

X. And if any Leet after the faid firft Day of "June be kept within this Realm of England or Wales, or T . he Forfc;,or e the Dominions thereof, and the Steward of the faid Leet for the lime heing, or other for him, do not "' th * Sttw h ard charge the jury ("worn in fuch Leet, to enquire of all the Offences done within the Precinft of the faid Leet ial ^ n " ot „; ve contrary to the Tenor and Form of this Eftatute ; that then the Steward of the faid Leet to lofe and forfeit this Statute in forty Shillings; the one Moiety of which Forfeitures fnal! be to the Queen's Majcfty, her Heirs and Sue- charge. ceffors, and the other ? ' iety tc him that v. ill file for the fame. (2) And if any Jury fworn in any Leet, The Forfeiture and being charged to ei 61 tl Of ences committed within' th Precmft of that Leet, do wilfully and of 2 jury ma willingly conci '■ ' Defaul in Pref< tmerit,- or do not'prefefit the;Offence and Offenders ; 'that then L * et th ." it {halt be lawful t 1 thi Stewart! or B; iliff oi the" Leet, or his or their Deputy for the Time being, to in - panel one other Jury v itlvin the faid Leet, and to en ; . ment, Default or Non-prefent- mciu ; (3) and that upon Inch Concealment^ Default or Non- prefentmnt found and prefentedi every of the faid Jurors which fo 1 id conceal, make Default or n0( prefent, {ball lofe and forfeit for every fuch Of- fence twenty Shilling!! to the Lord of the laid Leet, the i.n-j to be levied in Manner and Form as is above- faid for the other Offences limited and exprefled.

XI. And it is further enafted by Authority afbrefajd-, That if the Off ■-•-mentioned toucl the taking, killing or deltroying of Fifh, or Fry a, be not p relented at the Leel where the} •not"" be committed, within one Year next after the 1 committed, that the Juftice's of Peace in tl . in the Seflions, Jufiices of Oyer and Determiner, and Juftices-of Aflrfe-in tl . 1 iCireuite, fhall' have full Po rL« . and Authority to enquire thereof, and to hear and determine all the Offences committed contrary to the Tenor of this Eftatute.

XII. Saving always to a'! and every Perfon or Perfon?, Bodies Politick and Corporate, and every ~. ° r * e them, all fuch Right, Fide, Intereft, Claim, Privilege and Confervation, and Enquiry, and Punifl ^vjjj oi and for any the" Offences aforefaid, as they or any of them lawfulh id > joy, or ai Rig't j^Ih tt0 enquire ought to have and enjoy, by any Manner of Me is; any Thing in this Aft to the contrary notivith- "'nd rnniih Handing. (2) This Aft to endure to the End of hi , P liameht. lOftneet.

XIII. Provided always, That this Aft, nor any Thing therein contained, fr.all not extend unto thcTowhatr Fifttingof the River or Water of Tweed; (2) nor a any River or Water whereof the Queen's . :his of any yearly Rent or Profit ; (3) nor to the Owners, Farmers and Occupiers of the Rivers of »*»? «** not or Wye in the County of Msnmuth ; (4) for any Fifh hereafter .0 be taken m any the Rivers or"
