Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/600

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150 C. 9. Anno quinto Reginss Elizabeths. A.D. 1562. /Mod. CNfesin < Party that would fue for the fame, as by the fame Eftatute, amongft divers other Things, more plainly it Law 179. doth appear : 1 Haw. P. C ' II. Sithence the Making whereof, for that the faid Penalty is fo fmall towards the Offenders in thatBe- z Hak P. C ' I"'*' the ^'d Off" ence of Suborn ttion, and fmifter Procurement of falfe Witneffes, hath neverthelefs greatly

  • 9 ,*' eI ' ' ' increafed and augmented, (2) and by Reafon of the wilful Perjury committed by the fame fuborncd Wit-
  • neffes, divers and fundry of the Queen's Majefty's Subjects have fuftained Difherifon and great Impove-

' r:fhment, as well of their Lands and Tenements, as alfo of their Goods and Chattels :'

B.ilftr. 147. III. Be it therefore enacted by our Sovereign Lady the Queen, by the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and

1 Leon. 19S. Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame ThT 'f*f That a ^' an d every fuch Perfon and Perfons, which at any Time after the tenth Day of April next coming procuring of °' ^ a " "lawfully and corruptly procure any Witnefs or Witneffes by Letters, Rewards, Promifes, or by any wilful Perjury, other fmifter and unlawful Labour or Means whatlbever, to commit any wilful and corrupt Perjury, (2) in Coke, ph. •567. any Matter or Caufe whatfoever now depending, or which hereafter fhall depend in Suit and Variance, by Raft. pia. 481. any Writ, Action, Bill, Complaint or Information, (3) in any wife touching or concerning any Lands, GoldiV 191. Tenements or Hereditaments, or any Goods, Chattels, Debts or Damages, (4) in any of the Courts be- t- H°> f orc mentioned, or in any of the Queen's Majefty's Courts of Record, or in any Leet, View of Frank- pledge or Law-day, anticnt demean Court, Hundred Court, Court Baron, or in the Court or Courts of the Stannery in the Counties of Devon and Cormval ; (5) or fhall likewife unlawfully and corruptly procure or fuborn any Witnefs or WitnefTes, which fhall from and after the faid tenth Day of April be fworn to The Penalty en- terrify in perpetuam rei memoriam; (6) that then every fuch Offender or Offenders fhall for his, here or Urged by i G. 2. their faid Offence, being thereof lawfully convicted or attainted, lofe and forfeit the Sum of forty ■ 0. zj. Pounds. IV. And if it happen any fuch Offender or Offenders, fo being convicted or attainted as aforefaid, not to haveanyGoods or Chattels, Lands or Tenements, to the Value of forty Pounds, that then every fuch Perfon fo being convict or attainted of any the Offences aforefaid fhall for his or their faid Offence fuffer Im- prifonment by the Space of one half Year, without Bail or Mainprife, and to ftand upon the Pillory the Space of one whole Hour, in fome Market-Town next adjoining to the Place where the Offence was com- mitted, in open Market there, or in the Market-Town itfelf where the Offence was committed. V. And that no Perfon or Perfons being fo convicted or attainted, to be from thenceforth received as a Witnefs to bedepofed and fworn in any Court of Record within any of the Queen's Highnefs Dominions of a Leo«. ti, England, Wales, or the Marches of the fame, until fuch Time as the Judgment given againft the faid Perfon, or Perfons fhall be reverfed by Attaint or otherwife ; (2) and that upon every fuch Reverfal, the Parties grieved, to recover his or their Damages againft all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons as did procure the faid Judgment fo reverfed to be firft given againft them or any of them, by Action or Actions to be fued upon his or their Cafe or Cafes, according to theCourfe of the Common Laws of this Realm. VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons after the faid tenth Day of April next coming, either by the Subornation, unlawful Procurement, finifter Perfuafion or Means of any others, or by their own Act, Confent or Agreement, wilfully and corruptly commit any Man- ner of wilful Perjury, by his or their Depofition in any of the Courts before mentioned, or being examined The Penalty of ad perpetuam rei memoriam, that then every Perfon or Perfons fo offending, and being thereof duly convict him that doth or attainted by the Laws of this Realm, fhall for his or their faid Offence lofe and forfeit twenty Pounds, commit wilful an( j to ^ zvz Imprifonment by the Space of fix Months without Bail or Mainprife ; (2) and the Oath of fuch Coke' pia. i6±, Perfon or Perfons fo offending, from thenceforth not to be received in any Court of Record within this Realm 165.' ' of England or Wales, or the Marches of the fame, until fuch Time as the Judgment given againft the faid Cro. El. 201, Perfon or Perfons fhall be reverfedby Attaint or otherwife : (3) And that upon every fuch Reverfal the Par- 414- ties grieved to recover his or their Damages againft all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons as did procure C c'oke r qQ. 9 ' typ ' a '^ Judgment fo reverfed to be given againft them or any of them, by Action or Actions to be fued upon his or their Cafe or Cafes, according to the Courfe of the Common Laws of this Realm. VII. And if it happen the faid Offender or Offenders fo offending not to have any Goods or Chattels to the Value of twenty Pounds ; that then he or they to be fet on the Pillory in fome Market-place within the Shire, City or Borough, where the faid Offence fhall be committed, by the Sheriff or his Minifters, if it fhall fortune to be without any City or Town Corporate ; (2) and if it happen to be within any fuch City or Town Corporate, then by the laid Head Officer or Officers of fuch City or Town Corporate, or by hie or their Minifters, and there to have both his Ears nailed, and from thenceforth to be discredited and dif- abled for ever to be fworn in any of the Courts of Record aforefaid, until fuch Time as the Judgment fhall be reverfed, and thereupon to recover his Damages in Manner and Form before mentioned: Whefhall hare VIII. The one Moiety of all which Sums of Money, Goods and Chattels, to be forfeited in Manner iheEorfcUataS an( j Form aforefaid, to be to the Queen our Sovereign Lady, her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety Weans t0 '" uc -' 1 P er ' on ' or Perfonsas fhall be grieved, hindred or molcfted by reafon of any the Offence or Offences before mentioned, that will fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information or otherwife, in any of the Queen's Majefty's Courts of Record, in the which no Wager of Law, Efibin, Protection or In- junction to be allowed. Who firstf have IX. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That as well the Judge and Judges of every fucn A'tthoriiy to of the faid Courts where any fuch Suit is or fhall be, and whereupon any fuch Perjury is or fhall happen to "'"c'f-rr"' Recommitted, as alfo the Juftices of Affizes and Gaol-delivery in their feveral Circuits, and the Juftices of enzx irbrefala. t,>le Peace in every County within this Realm or in Wales, at their Quarter-Semons, both within the Liber- Cro.El. 105, ties and without, fhall have full Power and Authority by Virtue hereof to enquire of all and every the De- 147, 143, z5. ?J faults and Offences perpetrated, committed oj done contrary to this Aft, by Inquifition, Prefentment, Bill 42S. or