Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/639

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A. D. 1570. Anno xiii Rcginac Elizabi.i. C. 6. . ITors, and the othej Moiety to the Party or Parties grieved by fuch feigned and (lilt, Grant, Alienation, Bargain) ( ' v ■■ , Bond , 'lit:,, Judgm ,1 Commons, Profits, Charges and other Things aforefaid, t-> be reci te Record by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no 1 I lion or Was (hall be admitted for the Defendant or Defendants ; (b) and alfo being thereof lawfully i lhall fuffer Imprifonmeni foi one Hall Year without Bail 01 Mainprife. IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That whereat fundry common' Recoveries of Lands, L enements and Hereditaments have heretofore been had, and hereafter may be had * jgainfl Ten. mi in Tail, orothei Tenant of the Freehold, theRcveruon or Remainder, or the Right Revcrfion or Remainder, then In ing in any other Perfon or Perfons ; (2) that every fuch common Recovery heretofore had, and hereafter to lie had, <>! any Lan 1., Tenements or Hereditaments, fhall as touching fun Perfon and Perfons which then had any Remainder or Reverfion, <>r Rig ht of Remainder or Revcrfion, and ggain ft the Heirs of every of them, Hand, remain and l> QJ fuch like Force and Effect, and of none other, as the lame (hould have been if this Act had (lever been had ne made. V. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft, or any Thin therein contained, fhall not extend to make void any Eftate or Conveyance, by reafon whereot any Perfon El1 -" c '•' or Perfons (hall ufe any Voucher in any Writ of Fanrudon, now depending or hereafter to be depending, but f^? that all and every fuch Vouchers in any Writ of Formedtm fhall (land and be in like Force and Efl this Act had never been had ne made ; any Thing before in this Act contained to the contrary notwith- standing. VI. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, or any Thing there contained, (hall not extend to an, Eftate.or Intcrcft in Lands, Tenement-, Hereditament', I. cafe.-, R< Commons, Profits, Goods or Chattel-, had, made, conveyed or allured, or hereafter to be had, 1. conveyed or allured, which Eftate or Ihtereft is or fhall be i:p- >n good Confideration and bona fide lawfully conveyed or allured to any Perfon or Perfons, or Bodies Politick or Corporate, not having at the Time of fuch Conveyance or Afiurance to them made, any Manner of Notice or Knowledge of fuch Covin, fraud or Collufion as is aforefaid ; any Tiling before mentioned to the contrary hereof notwithftanding. VII. This A£t to endure unto the End of the firft Scflkin of the next Parliament. 50 Ed. 3. c. 6. 2 R. v e~.x . P . 2. Stat. 2. c. 3. 3 H. 7. c. 4. made perpetual by 29 Eliz. c. 5. See 27 Eliz, c. 4. frauduttnt Cbmityan<ti t it: 29 Car, 2. i. 3. ar.J 3 //' w .»/. .. 14, C A P. VI. An Act that the Exemplification or Confto.t of Letters Patents fhall be as good and available as the Letters Patents themfelves. OR the avoiding of all fuch Doubts, Queftions and Ambiguities, as heretofore have rifen and been A S moved, and of fuch as hereafter might rife and be moved, in and upon the Statute made in the Par-"'^ ' liament begun and holden at IVcltminJler the fourth Day of November in the third Year of the Reign ot J

  • our late Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth, intituled, An Aii concerning Grants and Gifts n.ade by

1 Patentees out of Letters Patents, and for a due and full Supply of all fuch IVants as may be thought to St th 1 , ;/; .-' II. Be it enafted and declared by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all and every Patentee and Patentees, their Heirs, Succefiors, Executors and AiTigns, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons, having by or from them, or any of them, or under their Title, any Eftate or Intcreft, of, in or to any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any other Thing whatfoever, to fuch Patentee or Patentees hereto- * n ErempUfica. fore granted by any Letters Patents, either of the moft famous Princes, King Henry the Eighth, King :; on ol *f'" Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary, King Philip and Queen Alary, or by any of them, or by the Qyeeni5 f thefanw moft Excellent Majefty that now is, at any Time tithence the fourth Day of February in the twenry-feventh Force as ihc Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, or elfe by the Queen's ^iajefty that now is, net LettA Pita n Heirs or Succeffors, at any Time hereafter to be granted, (hall and may at all Times hereafter in any of the thm,fc,V! ' ! - Queen's Highnefs Courts, her Heirs and Succefiors, or elfewhere, by the Authority of this prefent Ac,p5?| it 5 ^* b . make and convey, and be allowed and fuffered to make and convey, to and tor him, them and every of themfelves, fuch Claim or Title by way of Declaration, Plaint, Avowry, Bar, Replication, or other Pleading whatfoever, as well againft the Queen's Highnefs, her Heirs and Succefiors, and every of them, as againft all and every other Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, for or concerning the Land?, Tenements, Hereditaments, or other Things whatfoever, fpecificd or contained in any fuch Letters Patents, or of, for or concerning any Part or Parcel thereof, by (hewing forth an Exemplification or Conjlat under the Great Seal of England of the Enrollment of the fame Letters Patents, or of fo much thereof as lhall and may ferve to or for fuch Title, Claim or Matter, the feime Letters Patents then being and remaining in Force, not lawfully furrendrcd nor cancelled, for or concerning fo much and fuch Part and Parcel ot fuch Lands, Te- nements, Hereditaments, or other Thing whereunto fuch Title or Claim fhall be made, as if the fame Letters Patents felf were pleaded and (hewed forth ; any Law, Ufage, or other Thing whatfoever to the contrary notwithftanding. Coke, pla, 541. CAP.