Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/648

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598 C. 13—1 Anno xiii Reginse Elizabeths. A.D. OB. zz Car. z Savil 2Zt Hafpital. I570. CAP. XIII. An Aa for the Increafe of Tillage, and Maintenance of the Navy: When Corn may be tranfported and when not Corn may be tranfported out of fome Ports, and with fome kind of Ships, when the Prices be allowed reafonable. For farther Provifions relating hereto, fee 1 Tac. 1. c. 2? $. 26 21 lac 1 c 28. §. 3. and 3 Car. 1. c. 4. $. 24. 22 Car. 2. c. 13. 1 Jac. 2. c. 1. 1 W. & M. Seff. 1. c '12' " if °n 2, n c " • " , 5 ,^ S;. c - 1 2 ^ W £° fta11 have Authority to determine of the Tranfporting of Corn or the keftraint thereof. The Juftices Order fliall be firft notified to the Queen or her Councilf and then allowed. 1 he Lultom due to the Queen of Corn tranfported either by Force of this Statute or by Li- cence. The Queen by Proclamation may reftrain the Tranfporting of Corn. 1 & 2 P. & M. c. 5. CAP. XIV. An KSt for the bringing of Bow-ftaves into this Realm. See Appendix. CAP. XV. An Act that no Hoy or Plate fhall crofs the Seas. CAP. XVI. EXP. The Convictions, Outlawries and Attainders of Charles Earl of Weftmor eland, and fifty-feven others at- tainted of Treafon for open Rebellion in the North Parts, confirmed. The Queen, her Heirs and Suc- ceflbrs fhall have for this Time all the Lands and Goods which any of the faid Perfons attainted within the Eifhoprick of Durham had, againft the Biihop and his Succeflbrs, though he claimeth Jura Regalia and challenged all the faid Forfeitures in the Right of his Church. PR. 18 El. c. 4. CAP. XVII. Robert Earl of Lejcejlerjir.i have^ Authority _to_ found an Hofpital in Warwick or Kenelivorth, for Relief ot any County of that be not holden

in Chief. PR.

CAP. XVIII. An A& for the bringing of the River of Lee to the Northfide of the City of London. FOrafmuch as it is perceived by many grave and wife Men, as well of the City of London, as of the Country, that it were very commodious and profitable, both for the City and the Country, that the River of Lee, otherwife: called Ware River, might be brought within the Land, to the North Part of the faid City of London, the fame to be cut out of the faid River, in the moft apteft and meeteft Place of the faid River of Lee, to' have from thence the Leading and Paflage of the faid Water, thorough fuch a conve- nient and meet Cut, as may ferve for the Navigation of Barges, and other Veflels, for the Carriage and conveying as well of all Merchandifes, Corn and Victuals, as other Neceflaries, from the Town of Ware, and all other Places near the faid River, unto the faid City of London, and from the faid City to the faid Places, and the Town of Ware ; and alfo for Tiltboats and Wherries, for conveying of the Queen's Subjects to and fro, to their great Eafe and Commodity : In Confideration of the Premiffes, and of divers fundry commodious, profitable, and beneficial Caufes, which are like to infueto the Body of this Common Wealth, and fo incidently to many particular Perfons,' Be it enacted by the Queen's moft ex- cellent Majefty, with the Afient of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that it fliall be lawful to the Lord Mayor, Com- minalty, and Citizens of the City of London, and their Succeflbrs, at any Time or Times hereafter, to be- gin and continue the laying out of fuch convenient Limits of Ground, for the making of the Trench for the faid River, at fuch Breadth, as to them and their Deputies and Workmen fhall be feen convenient and meet for the fame, and in that Place that they fhall find to be moft apt and meet for that Purpofe, to have, take, and ufe for the Purpofe abovefaid, fuch and fo much Ground, during, and by all the Length as the faid new Channel, Cut, or River, fliall pafs, as fhall berequifite for the conveying of the faid Water, and alfo fifty or threefcore Foot in Breadth on each Side of the laid River, by all the Length of the fame ; fo alway that they do not in any one Place take in Breadth both in Channel and in Ground on both the Sides of the Water, above the Breadth of eightfeore Foot in all, which convenient Breadth of Ground on both Sides, is thought needful to be had ; for that Ground and Soil of Neceflity muft be occupied on both Sides of the faid River, as well for the laying of the Earth that fhall be caft out of the faid Trench, to ferve in the lower Grounds, and efpecially near the faid River, to make fubftantial Banks for the Pfefervation and Keep- ing of the Country from Inundations when the Floods fhall arife, as alfo for Way to pafs with Tronks and Carts,