Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/650

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600 C. 19, 20. Anno xiii Reginae Elizabeths. A. D. 1570. Ground ; and fhall within ten Years next after the End of the Seflion of this Parliament cut and finifh the fame. Provided alway, and be it enacted, That all the Queen's Subjects, their Boats and Veflels, fhall have free Pafiage through the faid River, as well the new Cut as the old River, without Interruption or Mole- ftation, by reafon of or for his or their Paflage, as in other common Rivers and Waters they lawfully may do. Provided alway, That this Law fhall not extend to make the faid River to be cleanf d, other- wife than any Perfons be or fhall be compellable by the Law, or by {he Statute of Sewers, to cleanfe the fame. Provided alfo, and be it enacted, That if any Perfon fhall refufe to be reafonably compounded with, for Ground to be taken in for the faid new Cut and Banks ; then the faid xvi. Commiflioners, or the more Part of them, fhall appoint and determine the Compofition and Bargain between both the Parties, and the Satisfaction for fuch Ground, and all Ways, Bridges, and other Things to the fame per- taining. Provided alway, and be it further enacted, That if the faid new Cut fhall be the Mean and Occafion that any Milles beneath or above the Beginning of the faid new Cut, fhall be by Virtue of this Act deftroyed, or the Profit thereof decayed by W ant of Water ; then the faid Lord Mayor, Comminalty, and Citizens of London, fhall yield and pay to the Owners of fuch Milles fo decayed, and to fuch Perfons as fhall have any Detriment or Lofs by fuch Decay, fuch reafonable Recompence in Money or yearly Rent, or other- wife, as the faid fixteen Commiflioners, or other fixteen Commiflioners in like Form to be chofen and au- thorized, or any twelve of them, fhall determine and appoint : And that fuch Owners, their Heirs and Afligns, fhall have fuch reafonable Remedy, by Action of Debt, or Diftrefs, or otherwife, to recover, have, and obtain the faid Recompence, as the Lord Chancellor," or Lord Keeper of ths Great Seal oi Eng- land for the Time being, together with the faid fixteen Commiflioners, or with aay twelve of them, fhall Sic farther n appoint ; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding. Geo. 2, c> 3*« fir the Improvement of the Navigation of the River Lee. CAP. XIX. Hits, Every Perfon above the Age of feven Years fhall wear upon the Sabbath and Holyday (unlefs in the Time of their Travels out of their Towns, Hamlets, &c.) upon their Head, a Cap of Wool knit, thicked and : drefled in England, made within this Realm, and only drefled and finifhed by fome of the Trade of Cap- pers, upon Pain to forfeit for every Day not wearing three Shilliiigs four Pence : Except Maids, Ladies, Gentlewomen, Noble Perfonages, and every Lord, Knight and Gentleman of twenty Marks Land and their Heirs, and fuch as have born Office of Worfhip in any City, Borough, Town, Hamlet or Shire j and the Wardens of the Worfhipful Companies of London. Repealed by 39 El. c. 18. §. 45. Godbolt 29. pi. 38. Poph. 8. How long the Leafe of a Be- nefice fhall en- dure. Co. 205. 1 Leon, 307, 333- 1 Bulftr. in. Farther Provi- fions relating hereto, iSEi. c. 11, ' 4. 7. 43 El. c. 28, 113, 490, fhe Parfon's Itafe to his Cu. late. 3 Leon. 102. 1 Leon. loo. Gold*. 162. CAP. XX. An Act touching Leafes of Benefices, and other Ecclefiaftical Livings with Cure. THAT the Livings appointed for Ecclefiaftical Minifters may not by corrupt and indirect Dealings be' transferred to other Ufes ; (2) Be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no" Leafe after the fifteenth Day of May next following the Beginning of this Parliament, co be made of any Benefice or Ecclefiaftical Promotion with Cure, or any Part thereof, and not being impropriated, fhall en- dure any longer than while the LeiTor frail be ordinarily Refident and ferving the Cure of fuch Benefice without Abfence above fourfcore Days in any one Year, but that every fuch Leafe, fo foon as it or any Part thereof fhall come to any Pofleflionor Ufe above forbidden, or immediately upon fuch Abfence, fhall ceafe and be void ; and the Incumbent fo offending fhall for the fame lofe one Year's Profit of his faid' Benefice, to be diftributed by the Ordinary among the Poor of the Panfh : And that all ^hargmgs of fuch* Benefices with Cure hereafter with any Penfion, or with any Profit out of the fame to be yielded or taken, hereafter to be made, other than Rente to be referved upon Leafes hereafter to be made according to the Meaning of this Act, fhall be utterly void. 9. -§. 8. No Benefice with Cure lhall be chafed with a Penfion. Goldfb. 154. * Brownl. 20S. Noy 116. Yetv. 106. Cro. XI. 78,; 564. Moot 270. pi. 412.- Dyer 373. pt. n. 14 Eliz. c. 11. §. 14. II. Provided, That every Parfon by the Laws of this Realm allowed to have two Benefices, may de~: mifethe one of them upon which he fhall not then be moft ordinarily refident, to his Curate only, that/half there ferve the Cure for him ; (2) but fuch Leafe fhall endure no longer than during fuch Curate's Refi-s dence, without Abfence above- forty Days in any one Year: (3) This Aft to continue to the End of the next Parliament. [3 Car. c. 4. made perpetual. Note, That in this Statute, thefe Words (fo foon as it or, any Part thereof fhall come to any Pofleflion or Ufe above forbidden, or) are Repealed. 14 Eliz. c. u f §• 14. CAP.