Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/658

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Suit, 2 Ham. P. C. c. 40,41,42,^3. 608 C. 9— 11. Anno xiv Reginse Elizabeths. A. D. 1572. CAP. IX. An Ad; declaring that the Tenant and Defendant may have a Tales de Circumftantibus, as well as the Demandant or Plaintiff. 35 H. 8. c 6. TpOR the Avoiding of great and chargeable Delays oftentimes happening; unto Tenants and Defendants, 5 "El. r. 25. Jf (2) Be it enacted. That in all Cafes, whereas the Party Plaintiff or Demandant by any Statute here- in what Cafe a tofore made, may have upon-his or their Requeft made unto the Juftices of Nifi prius within this Realm of T mfta d n"ib'us England, or to the Juftices of Oyer or of Affiles of the twelve Shires of Wales, and of the Counties Palatines fliail be granted of Lancafter, Chfrer and Durham, a Tales de Circuntftantibus, that in all and every fuch Cafe and Cafes, at the Tenant's the Party and Parties, Tenants, Aftors, Avowants and Defendants, (if the Plaintiffs or Demandants fhall Defendant's upon the calling of the principal Panel or Jury forbear or refufe to pray the fame) fhall and may, upon his or their Requeft or Defire, have upon the fame Record and by the fame Juftices the Tales or Talef'es unto them granted, in like Manner, Form and Degree, to all Refpefts and Purpofes, as the Plaintiff or De- mandant in any Suit or Aftion may have the fame by any Statute or Ordinance heretofore made or let forth ; (3I and the rather for the fpeedy Trial of the Iflue and Ifl'ues joined or hereafter to be joined in any Plea, Suit or Action; any Law, Cuftom or Ufage heretofore ufed to the contrary thereof in any wife notwith- ftanding. The Defendant II. Provided alfo, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all popular Actions, In- may have a formations, Bills or Suits commenced or had, or hereafter to be commenced or had, in any the Queen's TMes in popular Majefty's Courts of Record, upon any Penal Laws or Statutes wherein any Perfon doth or fhall fue or pro- fecute, or inform, as well for the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, as for himfelf, whereupon Iffue is or fhall be joined to be tried by the Country, That therein the Party Defendant or Defendants fhall Fartba- Pnvt. ^ admitted to pray, and have a Tales de Circumflantibus as in other Cafes aforefaid. Jiens concerning t j ? j Juries, fee 27 El. c. 6 £f 7. 4 VS. & M. c. 24. § 15. 7 fir 8 W. 3. c. 32. 3 (S^Ann. c. 18. 3 Geo. 2. c. 25. 4&0. 2. c. 7. 6 Geo. 2. c. 37. zqGeo. 2. c iS< and%(j Geo. 2. c. 19. CAP. X. Diapeiy. No Perfon ufinp- the Trade of making of Kerfies, fhall purpofely make any above the Length of eighteen Yards. REP. 3 Jac. 1. c. 16. CAP. XI. An Act for the Continuation, Explanation, Perfecting and Enlarging of divers Statutes. Several Statutes ' "rT THERE in the Parliament holden upon Prorogation ziWeJlminfter the fourth Day of February in the Ref Vs"of Kin" ' ' » four and twentieth Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Eighth, one Act was there made, H 8. King E. 6. ' intituled, An Aft to continue and renew the Aft made againjl killing of Calves ; and one other Aft, intituled, and Queen Eliz. ' An Ail again/} killing of young Beajis, called Wainlings. ' II. And where in the Seffion of a Parliament ended at Weftminjler on the firft Day of February in the ' fourth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth, one Aft was made concern- ' ing the buying and felling of Rother Beafts. ' ill. And alfo one other Aft was then and there likewife made, intituled, An Aft for the buying and ' felling of Butter and Cheefe. ' IV. And where alfo an Aft was made in the firft Seffion of the Parliament holden in the fifth Year of

  • the Queen's Majefty 's Reign, intituled, An Aft for the Maintenance and Increafe of Tillage.

' V. And wheie alfo in the Parliament begun at Wejlminfierpn .'the three and twentieth Day oi January in ' the firft Year of the Reign of the Queen's Majefty that now is, and there continued by Prorogation until ' theDiffolution thereof, one Aft was then and there made, intituled, An Aft for the Prejervaiion of Spawn ' and Fry of Fiji). 5 El. c. 7. ' VI. And where alfo in the firft Seffion of the Parliament begun and holden at Weftminjler in the fifth ' Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty that now is, and from thence continued by

  • Prorogation until the Diflblution thereof, one Aft was then and there made, intituled, AnAft for tbeAvoid-

' ing of divers foreign Wares made by Hundicraftfmen beyond the Seas. 5 El. e.g. ' VII. And one other Aft, intituled, An Aft for the PuniJJmient of fuch Perfons as Jhould procure or commit ' any wilful Perjury ; which Afts were limited to endure to the End of the next Parliament. £ El. c. 10. ' VIII. A.nd where alfo in the laft Seffion of the fame Parliament holden by Prorogation at Weftminjier ' inthe eighth Year of the Reign of the Queen's moft excellent Majefty that now is, one Aft was then and ' there made, intituled, An Aft for Bowycrs, and the Prices of Bows, and was made to continue to the End ' of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament. 8El.'c 15. ' IX. And alfo one other Aft was then made, intituled, An Aft for the Prefcrvation of Grain ; (2) all ' which feveral Afts and Statutes were made to continue but for certain Times ; and ail which Acts made ' in the faid fourth Year of King Edward the Sixth, and in the faid firft, fifth and eighth Years of the s- El. c. 2--. ' Queen's Majefty's Reign, wereat the laft Parliament holden at Weftminjier the fecond oi April in the thii- ' teenthYear of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Ladv the Queen's Majefty, made to continue and ftand in ' Force unto the End cf the next Parliament then next following. ' X. And levivec , conti- nued a nd e X- plaine , &c. 24 H. 8. c • 7- 24 H. 8. c .9. 3 &4 Ed. 6. c. 19. 3 &4 Ed. 6. t. 2J. 5 El. c. 2 1 El.

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