Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/669

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A. D. 1576. Anno xviii Reginre Eliza:. C, if, 6ig VIII. And that all and every Penalty, Sum or Sums of Money forftil I /hall be levied in i very Parifh by the Surveyors of the Waya within thai I ftrcfs and Sale of Diftrefs in Manner and 1 Money fo levi 'I to be employ, Highway or common F ti mittecf: (2) And if the Surveyors Ihall not or will not levy and em Offence fo committed, that then the faid Sum or Sums, Fori aforcfaid; by the Conftablcs or Churchward. ns of the Town or Parifh in the Highway as aforcfaid ; (2) and that he or they fo levying any "I th make ana yield fuch Account appointed in the befo I Statutes or cither ol th IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, Thai all an ! every Jufti 1 of Aflizc, J H ef Oyer and Terminer, Juftices or the Peace in the Sefli ins, Leets and Lawdays, fh'all hear and determine all and every Offence, M . come or rile by rcaion ot this at! 1 X. And where the Ferry or PafTage, called the King's-Ferry, within the [flfe of 8kiffey in tl ' K,>it, before the making of the Statute of Highways was ufually repaired and maintained Til ' Memory of Man, at the Charges of all the Inhabitants and Land-occupiers within the wh ' Taxation and Sefiment at one Court or Lawday, Til lind, yearly hoi len on tl ' after the Feaft of Pentetofl at Kingsborow within the faid I lie, in the IS 'Progenitors, only for die Maintenance of the fame Ferry :' (1) Be it therefore enacted, That die Court fhall be duly ki pt in fuch Manner and Form as hath been heretofore a tcuftome ! ; (3I and that it How f fhall and may be lawful to and for ihe jury impanelled and fworn at the lame Court for the Time being, " n ? by their Difi retions reafbnably t > affefs and ux themfelves and all other the Inhabitants and Land-occuj of the faid [fie indifferently, according to the Rate of Land in every Man's Occupying the Main- M tenance of the fai i I 'erry and Pafl ;e and the Ways belonging or lei re of frefh Ac ' Marfh and Upland be taxed above ihe Ra e of a Penny in one Year, nor of every ten Acres of fait Marlh ■hove the Rate of a Penny in one Year: (4) And that all anJ every Thing, Profit, Benefit and Commo- dore hath been given by any Pcrfon or Perfons whatfocver towards the Maintenan the faid PafTage or Ferry, fhall be had levied to the Maintenance of the faid Paflage or Ferry; (5) and that the Ferry-warden for the 'I [h I 1 ! Power and Authority to levy, recover and recei the far... d '! every Perfon and Perfon Diftrefs, upon the Extreats of e ,j, made out by the Steward of the faid Court, as all Amerciaments are ufe I to be levied that arc extreated out bf other the Queen's MajeftYs Leets and Lawdays : (6) And that the faid Ferry-warden fhall beftow the ' Money fo levied upon the Repairing and Maintenance of the faid Ferry, Pafli ge anil V ays, and thei fhall give Account as they have been accuftomed, to the Steward of the faid Court; and Homage tl to be fworn at the next Lawday following ; and all Arrearages in his Hands remaining fhall deliver over to ■■ jhe next Ferry-warden, on Pain, to forfeit the Double of the laid Arrearage?, to be levied as other Pains ' and Amerciaments in the Court aforefaid affeffed, and to be employed to the Mai I the fu.d PafTage A " or Ferry. ' XI. And fbrafmuch as the ufual Highway leading from the A'larkct-Town called Middleton to th .

  • Ferry is prefently in fuch Decay, that neither Man nor Beaft without great Danger is abl« to pais, what-

' foever Neceflity fhould fuddenly happen for Men to repair into or out of the faid Ifle, and the Parifh. ' where the fame lieth is not able to repair the fame:' (2) Be it therefore further enacted, That it fliall be Sl"f' '" . lawful from henceforth yearly, during the Space of ten Years, for three Juftices of Per.ce v. hereof one to, hc g— be of the Quorum, next inhabiting to the faid Town of Middlctcn within the faid County of Kent, reafon- tl ably to affefs and tax all and every Land-occupiers dwelling out of the faid lfle and within four Miles Middleum u diftant from the faid Ferry, as to their Difcretions fhall fecm convenient, not exceeding the Sum of one •'- ' Penny upon every Acre of frefh Marfh and Upland in one Year, and upon every ten Acres of fait Marfh one Penny in one Year, and to aflign and appoint fuch Perfon and Perfons as they fhall think meet for the collecting and employing of the fame upon the faid Highways : (3) And that it fhall be lawful for the faid three Juflices for the Time being, yearly, during the faid ten Years, to take Account and Fjr . ltf „ Reckoning of the faid Perfon or Perfons, touching or concerning the faid Money fo to be levied 01 j employed. 27 El. c. 24. c. 12. 7 W. 3. c. 29. 8 W. 3. c. 16. 6 Am. c. 29. 9 Am. c. iS. i Geo. i. e. I 1 8? 52. 5 Go. 1. c. 12. 6 Gen. I. c. 6. 5 Ce:. z. . . 33- < '■■ l " b «• made perpetual by 27 Geo. 1. e. 16. J 7 Geo. 2. c. 9. 8 Geo. 2. c. 20. 9 Geo. 2. c. iS. 14 Geo. 2. ,. 42. 15 C». »l r. a. 16 Get. X. c. *g. a»G*«  24 Geo. 2. c. 43. 26 Gee. 2. c. 2S £f 30. 2S Geo. 2. e, 17. 30 Gi.. 2. c. 2S. a:d 31 Geo. z. e. 34. CAP. XI. An A£t for Explanation of the Statutes, intituled, Againft defeating of Dilapidations, and againft Leafes to be made of Spiritual Promotions in fome refpects. "HEREAS by a Statute made in a Parliament holden at Wepninfler the fetond Day cf jfyril in A Leafc cr eth.-r