Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/687

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A. D. 1585. Anno xxvii Regime Eliza*. C. ad or rrtad<' any Tlinc heretofore fithcacc the Beginning t-> be had or made, for toe Irti :nt r Perferta Bodies Pulitkk or ( whatfbcvtfr, had or rrtad ww is., or at any Time Ou:h I'cifon or PerfaM»< Bodies Politick or C01 the i.tnic i. , I Pari or Parcel ilufiol) ('•• form m |Q detru'i.l ;■!!,, d or any r'.ti L artfl taken <■. k snd'Coeydratej his imd .'.I'nliy Ravin 'aaftw fo 1 , modify hi or^out of the fame, to !•■- uit'-i iy void, frudrate and ol I rqrioirt lawluliy Navm . whkh have pun i' Lands, Tenement- »P rl artv Par.t or 1' Uur, fained Confideration, or cwpieiiing of any Ufe or Ufes to the oomrai ; . '■■'•- III. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Parti-.:, to fil tfovinous and fraudulent (.lifts, tir.uit.;, Lti-., Charges or Conveyances before cxprefled, or bi Mid knowing of the fame or any ( f them, v.hi.h after the twentieth Day of Slpril next coming 1. tingly and willingly put in are, avow, maintain, iuitify or defend th thtrn, as true, Gnrp Mid done, had or made, bona Jidc, or upon good Confideration, to the J Jnhn bance or Hindrance of the- laid '•"»■•-■ Purchafcr or Punhafers, Lefleefi or Grantees, or of or to the Dilturbaiue or Hindrance of their Heirs, Succcflbrs, Executors, Adminiftrators or Afligns, or fuch as have or ihall lawfully claim any Thing by, from or under them or any of them, ihall incur the Penalty and Forfeiture df fine "i ear' ■ Value of the faid Eands^ Tenements and Hereditaments lo purehaled or charged ; (2) the one Moiety w.:ereof to be to Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeifors, and the other Moiety to- the Party or Parties grieved bv fuch lained and fraudulent Gift, Grant, Leafe, Conveyance, Incumbrance or Limitation of Ufc, to be recovered hi any of the Queen's Courts of Record, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no EHbin, Protection or Wager of Law Ihall be admitted for the Defendant or Defeni Mid alfo- being thereof lawfully convicted, Ihall fatter Imprifonmcrit for one half Year without Bail or Mainprize. IV. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act or any Thing there- Com in contained Ihall not extend or be conitrued to impeach, defeat, make void or frulfrate any Con- " veyance, Amgnment of Leafe, AlTur.mce, Grant, Charge, Leafe, Effete 1 , Intereft or Limitation of L ; I>. >1 ;'('^ or Ufes, of, in, to or out of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments heretofore at any Time had ori, made, or hereafter to be had or made, upon or for good Confidcration and bona fide, to any Perfon;: or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate; any Thing'bcfore-mcnlioneU to the contrary hereof notwith-- * itnnding. 3 Co- V. And be it further enadlcd by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons have heretofore '-'"J* fin een- ftthence the Beginning of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, made or hereafter fliall m .ke any Con- ' . - veyance. Gift, Grant, Demife, Charge, Limitation cf Ufe or Ufes, or Afiurance of, in or out of any c " t ',^ Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, with any Claui'c, Provifion, Article or Condition^ of Revocation, ccratioo, Determination or Alteration, at his or their Will or-Pleafure, of fuch Conveyance, Afiurance, Gran; , Limitations of Ufes or Eitates of, in or out of the faid Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or of, in Moncj °< ° - ncr or out of any Part or Parcel of them, contained or mentioned in any Writing, Deed or Indenture of fuch "" J Conr ' dc - Affurance, Conveyance, Grant or Gift; (2) and after fuch Conveyance, Grant, Gift, Demife, Charge, cro. T»c i( Limitation of Ufes or Afiurance fo made or had, Ihall or do bargain., fell, demife, grant, convey or charge, the fame Lands, Tenements or Hereditament', or any Part or Parcel thereof, to any Perfon or Perfon , Bodies Politick and Corporate, for Money or other good Cor."', .i;.;Vn paid 11 g'ive'rl (fht fold firft Con- veyance, Afiurance, Gift, Grant, Demife, Charge or Limk-ticn, not by him of them revoked, made void or altered, according to the Power and Authority n '■ 1 . of them in and by the faid fecret Conveyance, Afiurance, Gift or Grant :J (3,) That rrfief CorfycyancC, Afiurance, Gift, Demife and Grant, as touching the (Lid Lari'di , eiiien 1 ptsa'hd f icrediuments, fd after bargainee!, fold, conveyed, demifed or charged, againit the faid Bargainees, Vendees, Leflees, Grantees and cveiy of them, their Heirs, Succcflbrs, Executors, Adminiftrators and Afligns, and againif. all and every Perfon and Perfons Which have, fliall or may lawfully claim any Thing, by, from or under them or any of them, ihall . e deemed, taken and adjudged to be void, fruftrate, and of none Effect, by Virtue and Force of this preiint Aa. VI. Provided neverthelefs, That no lawful Mortgage made or to be made bona fiefc, and without Fraud or Covin, upon gjod Confuleratjon, ihall be impeached or impaired by .force of this Act, but fh'all ftand fol in the like Force and Effect as the fame mould have done if this Act had never been had nor made; any Thing in this Act to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Statute made in the three and twentieth Year of the Reign of the late King Hcnyy the Eighth, by the :h. • fhewing forth of the faid Statute Merchant cv Statute Staple fo knowledge d unto the faid Clerk; (2)" which faid Clerk of the Recognizance Ihall etftefj or ciife to be entred, the fame Statutes into a : Book for that Purpofe to be provided and fafely kept by him, taking eight Pence and no more, f. fiich Entry.. 'Iii.