Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/689

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A. D.i 585. Anno xxvii Regina? Elizabeth .t . C. 6. 639 III. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority afon-f.i: 1, Tb a tfail AA, or my Thin? •' therein contained, fhall not extend to any Writ, Declaration <>r i>uit of A, nor to any Indictment or Prefcntment of Felony, Murder, Treafon or otnet Matter, nor to any Pro - upon any of them, (3) nor to any Writ, Hill, Action or Information upon any popular iny Thing aforefaid to the contrary notwithltanding. [Tail Act extended to Vrr.s of Mand^muj, l*c. by r - - q Annse, c. 20. §.7. J '■'*» 5 Cm. 1. 1 1 j CAP. VI. An Aft for Returning of fufficicnt Jurors, and for better Expedition of Trials. T^OR the Returning of more able and more fumcient Juror* for Trials to be hereafter had between Party Wfctf I«»n ' J/ and Party, and for Reformation of Abufes in Sheriffs and other Miniftcrs, who for Reward oftcntimr* "■* 1:1 " lk »"

  • do fparc at home the mot able and fumcient Freeholders, and return the poorer and Ampler Sort, leaft

4 able to difcern the Caufes in Queftion, and mod unable to bear the Charges of Appearance and Attend- i'j' S }1f£* ' ances in fuch Cafes ;' (2) Be it ordained and enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That in returning 'ooe all Cafes where any Jurors to be returned for Trial of any I flue or Iflucs joined in any of the Queen's Ma- tnmmaamt u»t jefty's Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and the Exchequer, or before Juftices of Allife, by the " "*■ ' Laws of this Realm now in Force, ought to have Eftate of Freehold in Lands, Tenements or Hcrcdita- tA ^ ni J ments, of the clear yearly Value of forty Shillings, that in every fuch Cafe the Jurors that (hall be returned (".IS"!:' 14. '" from and after the End of this prefent Seflion of Parliament, (Tull every of them have Eftate of Freehold in Palna jtt>! Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, to the clear yearly Value of four Pounds at the halt ; (3) and that 2 > • • the Writs of Venire facias, which from and after the End of this prefent SeiRon of Parliament fliall be ' C 7, 1<f ' awarded and directed for the Impanelling of Juries in the Cafes aforefaid, Avail be in this Form, Regina, 'J T. if'? ' Lfc. Pracipimus, CSV. quod venire facias coram, C3V. duodecim liberos (sf legates himinis de "uicineto de B. outruns 5/. by the Year at the leaft of Freehold, out of ancient Demefne, within the County where the Iflue is to be 4 I I tried ; (5) upon Pain to forfeit for every Perfon being returned in any fuch Panel, that cannot difpend four ' Lc " r ' ' Pounds Freehold as is aforefaid, twenty Shillings. • -'>• II. And further be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon every firft Writ of Habeas corpora, '!■ er D'iflringas with a Nifiprius, delivered of Record to the Sheriff, or other Minifter or Miniftcrs to whom i^" ["[*!£ the Making of the Return fhall appertain, fh. 11 from and after the twentieth Day of May next enuring return in Iflues upon every Perfon impanelled and returned upon any fuch Writ, at the leaft ten ShiHingi ; 12) and at the fecond Writ of Habeas corpora or Diflringas, with a Ni/i prius upon every Perfon impanel -

d and returned upon any fuch Writ, twenty Shillings at the leaft ; (3) and at the third Writ of Hahas

corpora ox Difiringas, with a Nifiprius, that fhall be further awarded upon every Perfon impanelled and returned upon fuch Writ, thirty Shillings : (4) And upon every Writ that fhall be further awarded to try any fuch Iflues, to double the Iflues laft afore fpecified, until a full Jury be fworn, or the Procefs otherwife ceafed or determined; (5) upon Pain to forfeit for every Return of Iflues contrary to the Form aforefaid, five Pounds. III. And be it further enacted, That if any Sheriff, Under-Sherift", Bailiff or other Minifter, from and ifl".m nmrnti after the End of this prefent Seflion of Parliament, do return any Perfon or Perfons to be fummoncd to "P<» ■> .' »•»* appear in any Jury, wherein he fhall for Default of his Appearance lofe or forfeit any Iflucs, where in not f nlnln "»* Truth fuch Perfon fhall not be lawfully fummoned ; that then the fame Sheriff, Under-Sheriff, Bailiff cr other Minifter, by whofe Default fuch Perfon fhall be returned fummoned as aforefaid, fhall forfeit, lofe and pay unto the faid Perfon and Perfons fo returned, double the Value of the IiTues by fuch Juror cr Jurors loft or forfeited for his Default of Appearance. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Sheriff, Under-Sheriff, Sheriffs Recema? Re- Deputy, Sheriff or Under-Sheriff's Clerk, or any Bailiff of Franchife, fhall at any Time after the End WJrd '■" nu * of this prefent Seflion of Parliament receive, take or have by himfelf, or by any other, any Sum of " turn,r 'S " ( * Money, Reward or any other Profit, directly or indirectly, or do take any Promife, make any Agreement ^ u *" or Aftent, to have any Sum of Money, Reward or other Profit, directly or indirectly, of any Perfon or Perfons, for the Sparing, not Warning, or not Returning of any Perfon to be fworn as a Juror, for the Trial of any Iflue joined or to be joined in any of the Queen's Majefty's Courts aforefaid, or before any Juftices; that then every Sheriff, Under-Sheriff, Sheriff's Deputy, Sheriff or Under-Sheriff his Clerk, or Bailiff of Liberty or Franchife, fo offending, to forfeit for every fuch Offence the Sum of five Pounds; (2) the one Moiety thereof to our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, and the other Moiety thereof to fuch Perfon and Perfons as will fue for the fame in any Court of Record, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Efloin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be allowed to the Defendant. V. And further be it ordained and ena&ed by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the End of TwoHunir&'cri this pjefent Seflion of Parliament, at or upon the Trial of any Iflue joined in any Perfonal Action, no l"**** •«» further r"'"*-^"