Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/694

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644 G. 10 — 1%> Anno xxvii Reginae Elizabeths. A. D. 1585. cap. x. An Aft for the Continuance of a former Statute, intituled, An Act to redrefs Diforders in common Informers upon Penal Laws, made in the eighteenth Year of the Queen's Ma- jefty's Reign. T.he Statute of < "IT THERE in the Parliament holden at Weflminjier the eighth Day of February in the eighteenth Year touching In- 5 ' ' 'V of the Reign of our moft gracious Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth, there was amongft others an formers upon ' Act made, intituled, An Acl to redrefs Diforders in_ common Informers upon Penal Laws, which Ad is to penal Statutes, « continue in Force and Effeft but unto the End of this Seffion of this prefent Parliament; forafmuch as'the made perpetual. «, f a y Aft is found by Experience fince the making of the fame Aft to be very neceffary, beneficial and ex- gar.ibtrPrn>yi<ms' i pedient for the Commonwealth :' ■ hereto za El. c. 5. 31 El. c. 5. 21 Joe. I. c. 4. $& 5 W.&M. c. 18. and g Ann. c. 20. II. Be it therefore enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the fame Aft above remem- bred, and all, and every the Branches, Claufes and Provisions in the fame contained, fliall ranain, continue and be from'henceforth in full Force and Effect for ever. CAP. XL Certain Statutes, viz. xix. made in the Reigns of King Hen. 8. King Ediu. 6. and Queen E/iz. revived, and made to continue until the End_ of the next Parliament. EXP. A Repeal of fo much of the Statute of 5 Eliz. c. 5. as concerneth the Eating of Fifh, and reftraineth the Eating of Flefh, upon the Wed- nefday. Sea-fifh may be fold any Day in the Week faving Sunday. Viftuallers fhall utter no Flefh in Lent, nor upon Fridays or Saturdays. All Manner of Pins may be brought into this Realm. EXP. 35 Eliz. c. 7. 39 Eliz. c. 18. Co. Entr. 3,71. CAP. XII. An Act for Swearing of Under-Sheriffs and other Under-Officers and Minifters. ja Ed.. 4. c. 1. *- "OOrafmuch as grievous Complaints are many Times made of the Mifdemeanor and evil Behaviour of Under-sheriffs, » J£l Under-Sheriffs, who oftentimes having to them committed by the High-Sheriff the Whole or Part of Bl ' l 'fh°[irT lbei " ' t ' le Exercifmg and Executing of the Office of the High-Sheriff, and not taking any corporal Oath as the- cic'rks and Dc- ' High-Sheriff doth, for the Executing and Discharging of the fame Office, do therefore daily moft inju- puties, fliall be ' rioufly, through Corruption and Affeftion, impanel jurors for the Queen's Majefty, and betwixt Party twice feorn. ' an r] Party, to the great Lofs, Damage and Hindrance of divers her Majefty's loving Subjects of this Complaints of c. R ea ] m .' nors ofUndcr- $• For Reformation whereof, Be it enafted by the Authority of this Parliament, That all and every Sheriffs. Perfon and Perfons, that from and after the laft Day of the Seffion of this prefent Parliament, fhall be ad- j.Roli 274. mitted to or take upon him the Executing of the Office of an Under-Sheriff in any Shire or County within. this Realm of England, before he intermeddle with the Ufe or Exercife of the faid Office, fhall receive and take a corporal Oath upon the holy Evangelifts, before the Juftices of Affife or one of them of the fame Circuit wherein that County is whereof he fhall be Under- Sheriff, or before the Cuftos Rotulorum, or two Juftices of the Peace whereof one to be of the Quorum, of the faid County whereof he fhall be Under- 'r'h'r)' h' f Sheriff as aforefaid, (2) for and concerning the Supremacy, in fuch Manner and Form as that Oath is ex-. Supremacy grefieJ and declared in one Aft of Parliament made and ordained in the firft Year of the Reign of our faid-. Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, (3) together with which Oath he fhall in like Sort, before the fame The Under- Perfon or Perfons, receive and take another corporal Oath as followeth, (that is to fay) I A. B. fliall not ufe Sheriffs Oath Qr exerc jf e the Office of Under-Sheriff corruptly during the Time that I fhall remain therein, neither fhall •"'nanafi^eof or w *" acce P*> receive or take, by any Colour, Means or Device whatfoever, or confent to the taking of juri«.' " ' any Manner of Fee or R.eward of any Perfon or Perfons for the Impanelling or Returning of any Inqueft,, " jury or Tales, in any Court of Record, for the Queen, or betwixt Party and Party, above two Shillings or the Value thereof, or fuch. Fees as are allowed and appointed for the fame by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, but will according to my Power, truly and indifferently, with convenient Speed, impanel all Jurors,. and return all fuch Writ or Writs touching the fame as fhall appertain to be done by my Duty or Of- £ce, during the Time, that I fhall remain in the faid Office. So help me God. (4) And likewife be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft fliall be a fufficient Warrant, to the Perfons appointed. by this Aft to minifter the Oath aforefaid, for the miniftring thereof accordingly. The Under- Jjl. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Under-Sheriff that is already, Sheriff thofen Q},pfcn. and appointed'; for the executing of the faid Office of Under-Sheriff for the Year or Time be-. "b ' statute"* ' tTun ' °^ or u P oa the laft Change of Sheriffs, fhall within forty Days next enfuuig the. Seffion of this prefent; ir.aic.ii" " Parliament receive and take the Oaths mentioned in this Aft, before, fuch Perfon, or Perfons, as by this Aft is or are limited and appointed to minifter the fame.., 3ailif£ef Fran,- IY. And be it further enafted by trie Authority aforefaid,. That every Bailiff of Franchifes, Deputy and '.fiifcs, sheriffs gj^-Jc of every Sheriff and Under-Sheriff, and every other Perfon and Perfons, which after forty Days after v 3fc$s if d.De-. ^ j£ ^ 6 ^ t ^ s g e |£ on . of Parliament fliall have Authority, or take upon, him tp impanel or return any In- queft,. 8-