Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/707

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A. D. 1587. Anno xxix Rcginrc Elizadfi &M, 7. — 9. V. Ami for the more fpccdy Coi" 1 h Offender, in not repairing to Divine Inning the fame contrary to the faid Eftatut enacted by I Indictment of every furh Offender, mentioning nol th i oming ol fm n I ) fin ler to i ! rifh where fuch Perfon at .my Tim h Indictmei say other Church, Chapel, or ufual Place of Common Prayer, fhall he fufl I that it (hall not be needful to mention in an) tment, that the P irty happen any fuch Offender then not t<> be within thia Etealm orotherhci M ting within tlii ; Realm of England or any other the Queen's M in thia R fuch Cafe, the Party (hall be relieved by Plea to be put in in thai Behalf, :rwife : ($) upon the Indictment of fuch Offender, a Proclamation (hall be m in which the Indictment (hall be taken, (if the fame be taken at any Afliz* fhall be commanded, that the Body or fuch Offender fhall be rend red to the Sheriff ol I before the faid next Affixes or Genera] Gaol-delivery to be holden in the fame County ; (6) And if at th laid next Affixes or Gaol-delivery the fame Offender fo proclaimed (hall not mak cord, that then upon fuch Default recorded, the lame fhall be as fufficienl i C< Offence v/hereof the Party fo ftandeth indicted, as is aforefaid, as if upon the lame- Indid • Verdict thereupon had proceeded and been recorded. VI. Provided always, That whenfoevi r any fuch Offender, as is aforefaid, dial I make SubmifEon, and The' become conformable, according to the Form limited by the fame Eftatute made in the I Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign, or (hall fortune to die : That then no Fori for any Month, or Seizure of the Lands of the fame Offender, from and alter fuch Submiflion and Con- *" formity or Death, and full Satisfaction of all the Arrearages of twenty Pounds Monthly, before fu< I ',„ due or payable, (hall enfue or be continued againft fuch Offender, fo long as the lame Perfon fhall continue in coming to Divine Service, according to the Intent of the faid Eft t t . ' VII. And where by the faid former Statute, the third Part of the Forfeitures for not coming to Di- The ihirdPirt

  • vine Service is limited to the Poor :' (2) Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, 1 h it it (fa dl ■

and may be lawful to and for the Lord Treafurer of England, Chancellor and Chief Baron of the Exche- *% nrd "> the quer for the Time being, or two of them, to aflign and difpofe of the full third Part of the twenty Pound s , for every Month paid or to be paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer, as is aforefaid, for the Relief and Maintenance as well of the Poor, and of the Houfes of Correction, as of impotent and maimed Soldiers, as the fame Lord Treafurer, Chancellor and Chief Baron, or any two of them, fhall order or appoint; any Thing in the faid Eftatute made in the faid three and twentieth Year of her Majefty's Rci^n mention- ' ed to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. VIII. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not in any wife extend AfTurancei mide or he conftrued to make void or impeach any Grant or Leale- heretofore made bona fide., without Fraud or has fib, nut Covin, whereupon any yearly Rent or Payment is referved or payable ; (2) or any Grant or Leaf; here- im; after to he made bov.a fide, without fraud or Covin, whereupon the accuftomed yearly Rent or more I be referved ; (3) or any other Conveyance, Affurance or Alignment whatfoever heretofore made bma fid(, upon good Consideration', and without Fraud or Covin, which is not or fhall not be revokable at the I'lea- fure of fuch Offender ; (4) otherwifc than to give Benefit and Title to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succef- fors, to have, perceive and enjoy fuch Rents and Payments during the Continuance of fuch Leafe and Grant, according to the true Meaning of this Act. IX. And provided alfo, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not in .'end Seizureof) or be conftrued to continue any Seizure of any Lands or Tenements of fuch Offender in her Hands, or in the Hands of her Heirs or Succeifors, after the faid Offender's Death, which Land.i or 'I e- ^ nements he fhall have or be feized of only for Term of his Life, or in the Right of his Wife ; any Thing r.ifc. " in this Act to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. 5 El. c. 1. 23 EI. c. 1. • Rccufants, 35 El. e. a. 3 Jac. 1. c. 5. 7 Jj;. 1, e. 5. 2$ Car. i. r. :. jirj fie iCCe;. 1 CAP. VII. A Subfidy of fix Shillings in the Pound granted to the Queen by the Clergy, to be paid in th. Years. E CAP. VIII. A Subfidy and two Fifteenths granted to the Queen by the Temporality. EXT. CAP. IX. A Confirmation of the Queen's General and Free Pardon. Except, irV. EXP, ' p YoL. II, 4 P Anno