Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/715

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A. D. 1 5 8 9 . Anno triccfimo primo Rcginsc E 1. 1 z a be t h m. C; 8 . 60$ Leets to enquire, ami to take Prefentment by the Oath of Jurors, of all and .-very Offence an I Ifl in this Behalf; (•)) and upon fuch Presentment had or made," to levy by Diflh '. ol the Leet all fuch Sums of Money as fo (hall he forfeited : ( 5 ) And moreover, thai 1: (hall l<<: la .•. Lord of every fuch Lect where luch Prefentment fliall be made, to recover to his 01 fciturc, by Action of Debt, in any of the Queen's Majefty's Conn, ol Record, wherein tcction or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. 35 Eliz. cap. 6. 43 ]Lc. cap. z. C A P. VIII. An Act for the true Gageing of Veflels brought from beyond the Seas, converted by Brcwen for the Utterance and Sale of Ale and Beer. c TT7 H E R E Beer and Ale are now very commonly uttered, fold and put to Sale by the B roofbt ' aiul Ale-Brewers, as ^weH within_the City of London as elfewhere within the Ri and, *■ rty ) this prefent Parliament, fell, utter or put to Sale any Beer or Ale in any fuch Veflel or Veflels, within the City of London or Suburbs of the fame, or in any othcr.PIacc or Places within two Miles Compafs without the fame Suburbs, before the fame fliall be lawfully gaged, and the true Content of every fuch Veflel lit down upon the fame, by the Gallon appointed anil allowed for Beer and Ale, according to that Standard, by the Mafter and Wardens of the Art or Myfteiy of Freemen of the Coopers of the C ; ' . ■ ■ r, or their Deputy or Deputies ; (3) nor fhall (after the Time before limited) fell, utter, or put to Sale any Vefleli brought Beer or Ale in any fuch Veflel or Veflels, in any other Place or Places within the Realm of E tglandana from beyond the tjpales, before the fame fhall be lawfully gaged, and the true Content of every fuch Veflel fet down upon **» '<> "her the fame by the Gallon aforefaid, according to the Standard, by fuch as by the' Statute in that Behalf made ^^ in the three and twentieth Year of the Reign of the late King of famous Memory King Henry the Eighth, : - u. '%. c . <# are to have the Gaging of Barrels, Kilderkins and Firkins, made for Beer or Ale to be put in, in fuch other Place or Places within the Realm of England and Wales ; (4) upon Pain to forfeit all and every fuch Veflel or Veflels wherein any Beer or Ale fhall be uttered, fold, or put to Sale, contrary to the true Mean- . ins hereof, and alfo all the Beer or Ale which fliall be at the Time of fuch uttering, felling or putting to Sale, therein contained, to him or them that will feize the fame ; (5) and upon Pain alio to forfeit for every fuch Veflel wherein Beer or Ale fhall be fo uttered, fold or put to Sale, ten Shillings ; (6) the one Moiety of which Forfeitures fhall be to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeilors, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information or other- wife, wherein no Efloin, Protection, 'Wager of Law or Injunction fliall be admitted or allowed for the De_ fendant : (7) And that there fliall be taken for the Gaging of every fuch Veflel, within the City of Loi- what Dull be don and Suburbs of the fame, and in all and every Place and Places within two Miles Compafs without t: the fame Suburbs, by the Mafter and Wardens of the Art or Myfteiy of Freemen of the Coopers of the ? City of London, for every Butt one Peny, for every Pipe one Peny, for every Puncheon one Half-peny, w i lc ' :c . for every Hogfliead one Half-peny, for every Tierce one Half-peny ; (8) and for every other Veflel which fliall at any Time (after the Time before exprefled) be brought into this Realm from any the Parts beyond the Seas, wherein Beer or Ale fliall be uttered, fold or put to Sale within the faid City or Suburbs, or any other Place or Places within two Miles Compafs without the fame Suburbs, after like Rates and no more : (9) And that there fliall be taken for the Gaging of every fuch Veflel or Veflels, in all and every other Place and Places within the Realm of England and [ales, by fuch Perfon and Perfons as by the faid Sta- tute ma«Ie in the faid three and twentieth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth arc appointed tor Gaging thereof, after fuch like Rates as are herein before appointed to be taken for Gaging within the City of London and Suburbs of the fame, and in other Places within two Miles Compafs without the lame Suburbs. II. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft fliall extend to all and every Per- The v C :T c !s n-aj- foil and Perfons which fliall ufe or occupy the Myfterv of Brewing, as well Englijb-born as Strangers : b« retained until (z) and that it fhall be lawful to all and every Perfon and Perfons which fhall ha by Virtue j™ jj. 5 *^ o.f this Aft, to gage any Veflel or Veflels by this Aft meant or intended to be gaged, to retain every Vef- lel which fhall be gaged according to the true Meaning of this Act, until the Money which fliall be due for the Gaging thereof fhall be truly fatisfied and paid. III. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Mafter and War- The Wardens of dens of the Coopers aforefaid, or their fumcient Deputy or Deputies, within the Space of eight and forty Coopen (tall Hours next after any reafonable Requeft to them or any of them made, fliall come to any Brewer or jJJJJ^h Brewer's Houfe, or other Place in the faid City of London or Suburbs thereof, or two Miles Diftance of the J ^ £ j "., fame, where their Cafks fhall be, and there with all reafonable Expedition fhall gage and mark the fame Cafks, and every of them ; (2) upon Pain for every Default to forfeit and lofe to the Party by or from whom fuch Requefts, as aforefaid fhall be made, the Sum of twenty Shillings of lawful Money ol England, to be had and recovered by the faid Party againft the Corporation of Coopers aforefaid, by Action ot Debt in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at Jfyimin/ier, or elfewhere ; in which Action no Eflbin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be admitted or allowed. „ _ ., , v >. 11, 4 q, jy* Provided