Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/733

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A. D. 1593. Anno xxxv Region Elizabeths, C. ii — 14. 683 Plaintiff is to recover hia Cofl in n P otccl n, v. ■:•■■• il I...-.V or Eflbin Di (3) This A< tto 1 ndure till the End ol the next Parli imcnt. fi Car, 1. c. •). continued until the End of the firll Scflion of the next Parliament, and fan. r. C. t. f.J C A I*. XI. **"' w An Aft for the Bringing in Clap-hoard from the Parts beyond the Seas, and the Retraining of Tranfporting of Wine Cafks, for the Sparing and Prefervjngof Timber within the Realm. HERE AS of late Years Timber h greatly decayed and confumed within this Realm, the a Qui- Want thereof is greatly to be feared, and fpecdily t<i be pro <u»>-fco»rj Ml

  • is great Occafion of fpending and confuming thereof, by felling "I" great Quantitiea of 'I ruber, and j£ ' .

' converting the lame into Cloven-board for the miking of Cafk, which i. ufuaTly tranfpOFted out of the nr-', J f^s, "*" ' Realm into the Pints beyond the Seas: (2) Ami forafmuch alfo a Wini -Cafk brought into this Realm, '.unjwird. ' is very ferviceable, as well for her Majcfty's Iloufhold and Navy, in Time of her Highnefi Scrvi . ' for victualling of her Highnefs S 11 i ; > , , and alfo for victualling of Merchant Ship*, and a great Caufc of ' fparing Timber within this Realm :' II. Ik- it therefore enacted by the Queen's mo ft excellent Majcfty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Wi«.c«r* ft- i and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all and not <- every Pcrfon and Perfons, which fhall after the Fcaft of the Nativity of St. 'John Baptijl next enfu '/* *£" ie carry or transport any Beer into the Parts beyond the Sets, to be fold or exchanged for other Merchan- " niiD "I 1 *™ dize, fhall (if he be a Stranger, then) before the fame Tranfporting, {if he be a Subject born, then) ci- ther before the fame Tranfporting, or within four Months after, bring or caufe to be brought into thi. Realm, from the Parts beyond the Seas, for every fix Tuns of Beer, two hundred of Clap-board fit for to make Cafk of, to contain in Length three Foot and two Inches at the lc;ift, or elfe the fame Cafk again, or fo much other good and fweet Cafk in Quantity, and the fame to be entred at the Cuftotn- houfe without any colouring; (2) or if the fame Tranfporting fhall be into the Realm of Ireland, then to bring in, in Manner and Form its aforefaid, fo much of the Shaft'old-board in Quantity as the faid Clap-board amounteth unto. III. And alfo be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Stranger born fhall after the laft Day of June, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thouf.ind five hundred ninety-four, fhip, carry or traiifport beyond the Seas, any Pilchers or other Fifh in Cafk, unlets the fame Perfon have be- fore fuch Shipping, brought or caufed to be brought, into this Realm, from the Parts beyond the Seas, for every fix t uns of Pilchers or other Fifh, according to the Rate and Manner aforefaid, of Clap-board fit for Cafk, or elfe of Cafk as aforefaid ; (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the faid Beer, Pilchers and Cafk, that fliall be fhipped or laden to be transported into the Parts beyond the Seas. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall not be lawful for any Perfon or ,n «*»< C«fe» Perfons, after the faid Feaft of St. John the Baptift next enfuing, to tranfport or carry any Wine-Cafk °£j ^'"^f** out of this Realm with any Beer or Beer-Eager, nor any Wine-Cafk fhaken, and fell the fame Beer or™' Beer-Eager, or Cafk, except for the victualling of any Ship or portable Veffel, or of any of her Majcfty's Sa 3 J»c. 1. c. Garrifons and Forces in the Parts beyond the Seas ; (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the Sum of forty 11. Him Bin- Shillings for every Tun of Cafk fo carried or tranfported. mntttnmjjmH V. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend to the Tranf- portation of any Herrings whatfoever in Cafks. (2) This Act to continue to the End of the next Parli- ament. [3 Car. i.e. 4. continued until the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car. 1. cap. 4.] CAP. XII. A Confirmation of two Subfidies of four Shillings in the Pound, to be paid in two Years, granted to the Sjifidics. Queen by the Clergy. EXP. CAP. XIII. A Confirmation of three Sublldies and fix Fifteens and Tenths granted to the Queen by the Tempo- Subfidica. ralty. EXP. CAP. XIV. A Confirmation of the Queen's General and Free Pardon, except, ti>V. EXP. .Putin. 4S 2 Anno