Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/735

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A. D. 1597. Anno tricefimo nono Rcginae li l i /. ., 1; r 1 n r. C. 3. to contribute according as they (hall be aflVlicd, by Diftrcfs and Sale of the ( Meadow G od*, a» the rcftion fuch, as (hall not imploy thcinfclves to worke, becing apj I ; And alfo any two fuch Juftices of Peace, to commit to Prifon eucry one of the faydc C fecrs, which (hall refufe to accompt, there to remayne without Bayle "v bdayneprifc. tiil hee hauc nude a true Accompt, and fatisfied and payed lb much as vpon the faydc Accompt (hall be remayning in his Hands. And be it further enacted, That it (hall bee lawful! for the (ayd Churchwardens and Oucrfecn, or the greater Part of them, by the All'ent of anie two Juftices of the Peace, to bind anie fuch Children a laid to be Apprentices, where they (hall fee conuenient, till fut h Man-child Ih.dl come to the Age of fourc and twentie Ycarcs, and fuch Woman-child to the Age of one and twentic Yearea: The fame to be a-; effectual] to all Purpofes as if fuch Child were of full Age, and by Indenture of Coucnani bound him or her felf. And to the Intent, that neceffarie Places of Habitation may mart coniti nit :.', lit prouiaidftr j . impotent People; Be it enacted by the Authoritie aforefayd, that it (hall and may be lawfull for the fayd Churchwardens and Oucrfeers, or the greater Part of them, by the Leaue of the Lord <>. | Mannor, whereof anie Waft or Common within their Pariih i.> or lhall be Parcell, and irpon Agreement before with him or them made in Writing, under the Hands and Scales of the (ayd Lord or L otherwife, according to anie Order to be fet downe by the Juftices of Peace of the fayde County, at their General Quarter Scflions, or the greater Part or them, by like Leaue and Agreement, of the fayd Lord or Lords in Writing vndcr his or their Hands and Scales, to erect, build, and fet up i. conuenient Places of Habitation, in fuch Waftc or C( mmon, at the general! Charges of the Pa/ifh, or otherwife of the Hundred or Countie as aforcfaydc, to bee taxed, rated, and gathered, in Manner before expreffed, conuenient Houfes of Dwelling for the fayd impotent Poore, and alfo to place Inmates, or more Families then one in one Cottage or Houfe : One Aft made in the one and thirtieth Yearc of her Maiefties Raigne, intituled, An Aft againft the creeping and maintaining of Cottages, or any Thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Prouided okvayes, That if any Perfon or Perfons (hall find themfelues grieucd with any ScfTc or Ta>.e, or other Aft done by the fayd Churchwardens, and other Perfons, or by the fayd Juftices of Peace, that then it (hall be lawfull for the Juftices of Peace at their General Quarter Scflions, or the greater Number of them, to take fuch Order therein as to them fnall be thought conuenient, and the fame to conclude and bind all the (aid Parties. And be it further enafted, That the Parents or Children of euerie poore, oldc, blinJe, lame, and im- potent Perfon or other poore Perfon not able to worke, being of fufficient Abilitie, (hall at their owne Charges, relieue and maintaine euery fuch poore Perfon in that Manner, and according to that Rate, as by the juftices of Peace of that Countie where fuch fufheient Perfons dwell, or the greater Nember of them, at their General Quarter Scflions fhall be aflefled, upon Payne that euery one of them to forfeit xx.s. for eucry Moneth, which they fhall faile therein. And be it further hereby enafted, That the Maiors, BailifFes, or other head Officers of eucry corporate Towne within this Realme being Juftice or Juftices of Peace, (hall have the fame Authoritie by Vcrtue of this Aft, within the Limits and Precinfts of their Corporations, as well out of Seffions, as at their Scflions, as is herein limitted, prefcribed and appointed to any of the Juftices of Peace of the Coun- tie, for all the Ufes and Purpofes in this Afte prefcribed, and no other Juftice of Peace to enter or meddle there. ...... ^ And be it alfo enacted, That if it fhall happen any Panfh to extend it felf into moe Counties then one, or Part to lye within the Liberties of tny Citie or Towne Corporate, and Part without, that then, as well the Juftices of Peace of euerie Countie, as alfo the head Officers of fuch Citie or Towne Corporate, fhall deale and intermeddle only in fo much of the faid Parifh as lieth within their Libcrtie, and not any And be it further, enacted by the Authoritie aforefaid, That from the firft Day of Noue inker next cn- fuing the End of this Seilion of Parliament, no Perfon or Perfons whatfoeuer, (hall go wandring abroad, and begge in any Place wherefoeuer, by Licence or without, upon Paine to be eftecmed, taken, and pu- nifhed as a Rogue. Prouided t Uvaies, That this prefent Aft fnall not extend to anie poore People, which fhall afkc Rc- liefe of Viftualls onely in the fame Panfh where fuch poore People doe dwell, fo the fame be in fuch Time onely, and according to fuch Order and Direction, as fhall be made and appointed by the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poore of the fame Pariih, according to the true Intent and ing of this Aft. !.•',-",', «« „'r» I ■ i t- r ■ i r And further be it enafted by the Authoritie aforefayd, That all Penalties and r 01 fettures before mention- ed in this Aft, fhall goe and be imployed to the Vfe of the Poore of the lame Pariih, and towards a Stockc and Habitation for them, and other neceflary Vfes and Reliefe, as before in this Act are mentioned and expreffed, and fhall be leuied by the fayde Churchwardens and Ouerfeers, or one oi them, by V from any two fuch Juftices of Peace by Diftrelt'e and Sale, as aforefayd, or in Delect thereof, it (hail he lawful for anie two fuch Juftices of Peace to commit the Offender to Prifon, there to remayne without Bayle or Mayncprife, till the laid Forfeitures (hall be fatisfied and payed : - forbidden by this prefent Ail :