Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/745

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A. D. 1597. Anno trictfimo nono Reginae E L l C. 18. ' XXXII. Ami one other of the afbn I ' Queen's M.uedy'. Reign, iatitul d. / i : ■ ' Experience round to be very ncceitary ind profitable foi theCommoi , _ t<> which Caufe, he it in.' II by th< Q I ■ <.t. t11.1l and ', and thcC v the Audi ■■< fame, Thai the laid three I ticth War, el' the Queen .1 every oi Claufes and Provifions in them and everj ntaiued, (lull from henceforth tinue in Forci ind Effc ' XXXIII. And forafmuch as the Branches, Claufes and Provifions con) i

  • two I >ntinuan< e made in the fo irt< enth .uul :■ ven and I

' Reign, in Addition, Alteration, Explanation, Perfecting and enlargin ' other Statutes, and all the Red Sue of the laid recited Ae9 1 Statutes before, hereby made perpetual ;' 1 XXXIV . And except alfo the (aid Act made, intituled, An .7.7 for tic avoiding I I •: .iftjmrn beyond the ' XXXV. And the faid . intituled, An Ad touching cm ' Maintenance tj the Navy ;' . t. j. ' XXXVI. And the Eftatutc, intituled, An AJ fir Maintenance and Increaft tf Villa*/, made in the H^tnin. ' fifth Yearofthi Queen's Majefty's Reign;' ' XXX r II. The laid Act made for the Continuance of making of Caps, in the laid thirteenth Y'ar uuf<rr.

  • of the Reign of the Queen's iMajelty that now is ;' ij iiu. c. 19.

' XXXVUI. The Act made in the fourteenth Year of the Qyccn's Majefty's Reign intituled, An roor. ' Act fo, the Punijhment ofFagubonds, and for the Relief of the Poor and Impotent ;' • c. 5 ' XXXIX. The Act made in the eighteenth Year <>f her Majefty's Reign, intituled, Ar. Ad fir i ' /it ting of the Peer on IVork, and for the avoiding of Idlcnefi ;' .-. e. j. 1 XT,. And the faid Act made in the repairing of J3mw Haven •,' ' XL!. Ami the faid Act made for the neceflary Relief of Soldiers and Mariner?;, !-) do fa m food |fo< ' and beneficial fo the Weal and Profit of this Realm:' (3) Be it enacted by the Authority • r- fent Parliament, That the faid Branches-, Claufes and Provifions of the faid two ntinuance. Voa i' v and the Refidue of the faid recited Statutes and Acts, except before excepted, and e. be by Authority of this prefent Parliament revived, continued, and endure in Force and L.'Fect until the TbeifadU End of the next Parliament next enfuing. 1. 1 1. c. 11, and the Liu mentioned S Statutes renewed and continued until the End of the rteirl'jiluowot. XLII. And as concerning the faid Act touching politick Conftitutions made for the Maintenance of M « cn » n, «- the Navy, and the faid Aft made for the repairing of Dover Haven ; $El«.c. !• XLIH. And the faid Aft made for the repairing and amending the Bridge • and Highways near unto the w City of Oxford; (?.) the fame fhall be and continue in Force until the End of the next Parliament, in -i *■■'. c. c. i:eh Manner and Form, and with the fane and and like Provifoes, Qualifications and Alterations, as by the faid Statute made in the thirty-fifth Year of the Queen's vl; ;;rign that now is, intituled, An A£i for Reviving, Continuance, Explanation and Perfctli g of divcri > , arc qualified, altered or Onn'nuaneej. '".I with. 35 El; - XLlV. And that the faid Aft made for the avoiding of divers foreign Wares made by Handicraftsmen Oufta lc mere. beyond the Seas, fhall be revived, continued and be and remain from he ncefoi th in Force unto the Er.d of 5 lu. c. 7. the next Parliament. XLV. Artd; that the faid -Aft made for the Continuance of making of Caps, fhall be f;cm henceforth U.- . Itepfcaled and void. ■) R! T cl1 <^. "'LVI. And that the faid Aft, intituled, An A .' tf Tillage, fo; h much ', j S J,V^ c , Sofas doth concern Tillage, fhall be repealed, and for fo much of the fam I th Concern the r gchin(i»d2j the reel lu.iy auiuug Maintenance, Repairing or Continuance of any Houfcs of Hufbandry, and be- of Cap* longing, it fhall be continued and be in Force unto the End of the next Parliament, if no other Aet be """"ndxy. mad tor the Maintenance of Houfes of Hufbandry, and againft the Decay thereof, in this prefent Par- 5 E '"-'- «  foment, r, XLVIT. And that the faid Afts, the one intituled, An Ac? fori '**Poor *" Relief of the Poor and Impotent ; The other intituled, Ar. ASi forfetting of Poor 1 . 7'";,,;, ,.-.... for the cru ■ ■'- u e';;,, c- , ihg ifldledefs, fhall be revived and ft and, and be continued, and in Fcrce, until the End of the next Pi 1 liament : Except for fo much of the fame two feveral Statute.--, ami either of them, as fhall be altered, iSEhr. c. ;. repealed orotherwife provided for, or made void by any Ae I oi Parliament made in this prefent Parliament. XLVIII. Provided, it further enafted by Authority 61 1 Parliament, That the faid Poor, Act made in the thirty-fifth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now i ; , intitul -.e.*, net ffary Relief of Soldiers and Mdrinersi fc r fo much thereof as Jhall not be altered, orotherwife,:. . fa dM for by any ether Act made in this prefent Sefnon o( Parliament, fhall be in Force and continue unto the ^ End of the next Parliament ; any Thing in this prefent Act to the contrary not ■'■ ithfranding. E^ c d ^'] t 'nc»t r^rltamtnt j