Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/753

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A. D. 1 60 1 . Anno quadragefimo tcrtio Rcginae El f Z a B e t HA. G. 2. (aid Juftices able and fit to relieve the faid feveral Parifbea doI able to provide for themfelra u ifbtrfi I ' ■ Then the Juftices of Peace at their General Quarter-Seffions, or the 1 and aflefs as aforefaid, any other of other Panll.r,, or out of any I'.triih, within ttu: fai I Puroofes aforefaid, as in their Difcretion (hall feem fit. IV. And that it fhall be lawful, as well for the prefent as fubfequent Church/. any of them, by Warrant from any two fuch |> aforefaid, to I • S ■ «»• Sums of Money, and all Arrearages, of everyone that (hall refufc to contribute (hall A Kjarmtj fa be aflliTed, by Diltrcfs and Sale of the Offendi r's Good behind upon any Account to be made as aforefaid, n adnng to the Parti ■•,<>■... , (2) and in : fec~t of fuch Diltrcfs, it (hall be lawful for any fuch two Juftices oi tin I • him or them the common Gaol of the County, there to remain without Bail or Mainprizc until Payment of the Sum, Arrearages and Stock: (3) And the faid Juftii , or anyone of them, to fend to I Houfe of Correction or common Gaol, fuch as fliall not employ themfelves to Work, bein --otof thereunto, as aforefaid : (4) And a!fo any fuch two Juftices of Peace to commit to th : faid Prilon every -t, e tint will one of the faid Churchwardens and Overfeers which mall refufe to account, there to remain without liail not wuric or Mainprizc, until he have made a true Account, and fatisfied and paid fij much as upon the (aid Ac- Hcfucr. to«- count (hall be remaining in his Mauds. count, V. And be it further enacted, That it (hall be lawful for the faid Churchwardens and Overfccrs or 6 "J| the greater Part of them, by the AlTent of any two Juftices of the Peace aforefai I, to bind any fuch Chil- ' 7 Ceo - *•«•}*- dren, as aforefaid, to be Apprentice, where they (hall fee convenient, till fuch .VI wi-Child (hall come to R - M ' n c ■ I the Age of four and twenty Years, and fuch Woman-Child to the Age of one and twenty Years, or the £** A PI* a >- greater Part of them, by the Leave of the Lord or Lords of the Manor, whereof any Wafte or Common g C £ tn ' w within their Parifh is or fliall be Parcel, and upon Agreement before with him or them ma le in Writing, c . 30 . j, under the Hands and Seals of the faid Lord or Lords, or othcrwife, according to any Order to be (etPirUh Appro- down by the Juftices of Peace of the faid County at their General Quartcr-Sellions, or the greater Part '"■'■■ "»y 1* of them, by like Leave and Agreement of the faid Lord or Lords in Writing under his or their Hands and '!"'%*%" IO Seals, to ereft, build, and fet up in fit and convenient Places of Habitation in fuch Wafte or Common, L e 4*", Ann*' at the general Charges of the Parifh, or otherwife of the. Hundred or County, as aforefaid, to be taxed', c . 6. i. 6. rated and gathered in Manner before exprefled, convenient Houfes of Dwelling for the faid impotent BoUding of Poor ; (4) and alio to place Inmates, or more Families than one in one Cott 1 . or I (oufe ; one Ait made Hoofa on the in the one and thirtieth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail again 1 1 1 tnd maintaining ■■,'), Cottages, or any I hing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding : (5] Which Cottages and . c„ , Places for Inmates (hall not at any Time after be ufed or employed to or for any other Habitation, but EliZ c only for Impotent and Poor of the fame Parifh, that (hall be there placed from Time to Time by the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor of the fame Parifh, or the moll: Part of them, upon the Pains and Forfeitures contained in the faid former Aft made in the faid one and thirtieth Year of her Majefiy's Reign, VI. Provided always, That if any Perfon or Perfons fliall find themfelves grieved with anv Scfs or A Rcmcd y ,or Tax, or other A«£t done by the faid Churchwardens and other Perfons, or by the faid Juftices of Peace ; ^,.1° that then it (hall be lawful for the Juftices of Peace, at their General Quarter-Seffions, or the greater cr ;„ed „jih ia j Number cf them, to take fuch Order therein, asto'tliem (hall be thought convenient; and the fame to T**. conclude and bind all the faid Parties. VII. And be it further enacted, That the Father and Grandfather, and the Mother and Grand- Poor P«fons r»» mother, and the Children of every poor, old, blind, lane and impotent Perfon, or other poor Perfon not i,ctci ' J > ,nclt able to work, being of a fufficient Ability, (hall, at their own Charges, relieve and maintain every fuch q"^" "' poor Perfon in that Manner, and according to that Rate, as by the Juftices o( Peace of that County . cat. i.e. 8; where fuch fufficient Perfons dwell, or the greater Number of them, at their General Quarter-Seffions a Bolftr. 544. (hall be affeffed ; (z) upon Pain that every one of them .fhall forfeit twenty Shillings for every Month which they (hall fail therein. VIII. And be it further hereby enatfled, That the Mayors, Bailiffs, or other Head Officers of every Officers ofCor- Town and Place Corporate and City within this Realm, being- Juftice or Juftices of Peace, fhall have £° rllc Town » the fame Authority by Virtue of this 'Act, within the Limits and Precincts of their Jurifdictions, as well rl ;"t iuiw°" out of Seffions, as at their Sefiions, if they hold any, as is herein limited, preformed and app ; ,. Ci j c . Jultices of the Peace of the County, or any two or more of them, or to the t', ice in their Quarter-Seffions, to do and execute for all the Ufcs and Purpofcs in this Act pi (cribed, and no other Ju- itkc or Juftices of Peace to enter or meddle there : (2) And tiiat every A lei of the City ol - within his Ward, fhall and may do and execute in every Refpecr. fo much as p . : I and allowed by Lu ' - •■• this A£t to be done and executed by one or two Juftices of Peace of any County within this Re 'IX. And be it alfo enacted, That if it fhall happen any Parifh to extend it felf into more Counties APai than one, or Part to lie within the Liberties of any City, Town or Place Corporate, and Part without, in: in-.? ;«o That then as well the Juftices of Peace of every County, as ajfo the Head O - ! : City, Towi - or Place Corporate, fliall deal and intermeddle only in fd much of the faid Parifh as lieth within their Li- '" i berdes, and not any further: (2) And every of them refpedtively within their fevera] Limits, Wards and 2 Jurifdictions, to execute the Ordinances before-mentioned concerning the Nor. : a ion of Overfeers, the Content to binding Apprentices, the giving Warrant to levy Taxations unpaid, the taking Account of C ■