Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/762

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j 12 C. 8, 9. Anno xliii Reginae Eliz abeth je. A. D. i6or. other to be by bim appointed, upon the Offender, the Puniihment limited by this Statute; That in th at Gift it {ball and may be lawful for the faid Juftice of Peace to commit the faid Conftable or other inferio^ Oflicer fo refufing, or not executing the faid Punifhment by himfelf, or fome other, to the common Gao* or the faid County, City or Town Corporate, there to remain without Bail or Mainprife, until the faid Oftender or Offenders be by the faid Conftable or Conftables fo refufing or not executing, or fome othir by his or their Procurement, punifhed and whipped as is above limited and declared. NYra- Bid! pu- III. Provided always, That no Juftice of Peace, or other Head Officer, do execute this Statute for any cm ii OSince f the Offence; aforefaid done unto himfelf, unlefs he be aflbciated and adifted with one or more other Jui- d.-neuiKoh^- fice$ rf p whom ^ offence doth not concern. feu. T- ..; Dra aaed . A - 7. - & ~C: 5] 21 ■vitralions m ce >e DCbas ot etr tuwiiil

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id. - % . .-■ 11. H.o.: 5.

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C A P. VIN. An Act againft fraudulent Adminiftration of Inteftates Goods. v Orafmuch as ft is often pat in Ure, to the defrauding of Creditors, that fuch Perfons as are to have the Adminiftration of the Goods of others dying Inteftate committed unto them, if they require it, will not accept the fame, but fuixer or procure the Adminiftration to be granted to fome Stranger cf msan Efta-e, and not of Kin to the Inteftate, from whom themfelves or others by their Means do take Deeds cf Gifts and Authorities by Letter of Attorney, whereby they obain the State of the Inteftate into their Hands, and yet ftani not fubject to pay anv Debts owing by the fame Inteftate, and fo the Creditors for ]ac!c of Knowledge of the Place of Habitation of the Administrator, cannot arreft him nor fue him ; and ' if they fortune to find him out, yet for lack of Ability in him to fatisfy of his own Goods, the Value of ' that he h3th conveyed away of the Intcftate's Goods, or releafed of his Debts by way of Wafting, the 4 Creditors cannot have or recover their juft and due Debts :' ~ _..,. n , II. Be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That every Perfon and Perfons that here- s umift-ation after fhall obtain, receive and have any Goods or Debts of any Perfon dying Inteftate, or a Releafe or other

gates Discharge of any Debt or Duty that belonged to the Inteftate, upon any Fraud, as is aforefaid, or without

■ ;he fuch valuable Coniideration as lhall amount to the Value of the fame Goods or Debts, or near thereabouts, ~.' r ~.',- "*1 Exe 'except it be in or towards Satisfaction of fome juft and principal Debt of the Value of the fame Goods or cucorof his Debts to him owing by the Inteftate at the Time of his Deceafe) fhall be charged and chargjable as Exe- own Wrong. curorofhis own Wrong; (2) and fo far only as all fuch Goods and Debts coming to his Hands, or where- Al ranee of of he is releafed or difcharged by fuch Adminiftrator, will fatisfy, deducting neverthelefs to an! for himfelf juft Debt= and Allowance of all juft, dje and principal Debts upon good Confederation, without Fraud, owing to him by the Inteftate at the Time of his Deceafe, and of all other Payments made by him, which lawful Executors or Adminiftrators may and ought to have and pay by the Laws .and Statutes of this Realm. videos "f .. r .;'-- - aAm, fa 22 G? 23 Cur. 2. c. 10. 29 dr. 2. c. 3. j Joe. 2. c. 17. a-.d 14. Go, 2. c, 2.0. CAP. IX. An Act for Continuance of divers Statutes, and for Repeal of fome others. SWjs. ~TX~ ^ enl -^ ty Authoritj' of this prefent Parliament, That an A£t made in the one -and twentieth 21 H. S. c. 1. £j Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Eighth, intituled, ' An Aft for the true making of Ca- ' bles, Halfers and Ropes :' Ci-'-. I . And that an Act made in the four and twentieth Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Eighth, 24H. S. c. 9. intituled, ' An Act againft killing of young Beafts called Weanlings :' CarJe. III. Arid that two Acts made in the fourth Year of the Reign of the late King Edivard the Sixth, the one 3&- 1 Ed. 6. c 19. concerning Buying and Selling of Rother Beafts and Cattle;" the other intituled, ' An Act for the Buying y^y.! 6 „ ' and Selling of Butter and Cheefe:' | ifl ^ IV. And that an Act made in the firft Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, intituled, ' An 1 El. c. i-. ' Act for Prefervation of Spawn and Fry of Fiih :' Merchants. V. And that an Act made in the fifth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, intituled, ' An 5 EL c 7. « Aft f or avoiding divers Foreign Vares made by Handicraftfmen beyond the Seas :' Fiih. VI. And that an Act made in the fame fifth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, ' An Act touching 5 cliz. c. 5. ' certain politick Conftitutions made for the Maintenance of th_- Navy ;' together with all and every Ad- ditions, Explanations and Alterations mace thereunto or thereof, or of any Part thereof, by any Statute or Statutes made fitheiice the making of the fame Act, and now continuing in Force : Gntnes. VII. And that an Act made in the eighth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, intituled, 'An S Ei. c. 10. * Act for Bowyers, and the Prices of T3ows :' Lei 'f 5 - VIII. And that an Act made in the thirteenth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, intituled, Cortinoarce ' ^- n - A -^ toucr >i n g Leafcs of Benefices and other Ecclefiaftical Livings with Cure,' together with all and every Explanations, Additions and Alterations thereof, or thereunto made by any other Statute or Sta- • s Eliz. c. 11. t :tes made fithence the making of the faid Act, and now continuing in Force ; (2) with ths further Addi- Judjmen-j Toid z { on to y, e enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all Judgments hereafter to be had, for the Cv*er d --to- ^ nrent t° have or enjoy any Leafe contrary to the faid Statutes, or any of them, fhall be deemed void, in Lei e/ofBe'ne- f~ c ^ ^ ort '^ Bonds and Covenants are appointed to be void which are made for that Purpofe : fice« with __.-e. IX. And