Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/82

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44 C 3. Anno decimo feptimo Edwardi IV. A. D. 1477. Bro. Jurifdic- tier, J 19. The Penalty of a Steward pro - ceeding in a Court of Pi- powders, if trie Plaintiff hath not depofed, that the Contrail, &c. was made in the Time and Jurifdiaion of Made perpetual by 1 R.3. c. 6. ' Firft Day of May next enfuing, no Steward, Under- ' fteward, Bailiff, nor Commiffary, nor other Minifter ' of any fuch Courts of Pipowders, fhall hold Plea ' upon any Adtion at the Suit of anyPerfon or Perfons, ' unlefs the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, or his or their At- ' torney, in the Prefence of the Defendant or Defen- ' dants, do fvvear upon the holy Evangelifts, upon the ' Declaration that the Contradt or other Deed con- ' tained in the faid Declaration, was made or com- ' mitted within the Fair, and within the Time of the ' faid Fair where he taketh his Action, and within the ' Jurifdidtion and Bounds of the fame Fair. (9) And ' although that the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs by their Oath ' do affirm the fame, yet neverthelefs the faid Defen- ' dant or Defendants fhall not be concluded by the ' fame, but may anfwer and plead to the Adtion, or in ' Abatement of the Plaints, and to profer an Iffue that ' the fame Contract, Trefpafs, or other Deed contain- ' ed in fuch Declaration, whereupon the Plaintiff or ' Plaintiffs do declare, was not committed nor done ' within the Time of the Fair, and Jurifdidtion of the ' fame, but out of the Time of the Fair, or at other ' Places out of the Jurifdidtion of the fame Fair, ac- ' cording to the Truth in this Behalf. (10) And if it ' be fo tried, or that the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, or their ' Attornies, do refufe to take the Oaths in the Form ' aforefaid, that then the Defendant or Defendants ' fhall be quite difmiffed and difcharged in that Behalf ' out of the fame Court, the Party Plaintiff to take his ' Remedy at Common Law, or other Place convenient, c as fhall to him feem good, notwithftanding this Or- ' dinance. (11) And that every Steward, Under-ftew- ' ard, Bailiff, and Commiffary, or other Minifter, hold- ' ing, ruling, or governing any of the faid Courts, ' that doth the contrary of this Ordinance, fhall for- ' feit for every Default in this Behalf, an hundred Shil- ' lings, the one Half to be to our Lord the King, and ' the other Half to him that will in this Behalf purfue ' his Adtion upon this Ordinance, by Adtion of Debt ' in his own Name, (rz) And that Writs of Procla- ' mation be in all good Hafte directed to every Sheriff of ' every County of England, to caufe this Ordinance to ' be proclaimed in every Fair within his County, as ' well within Franchile as without. (13) This Aft to ' endure from the faid Firft Day of May, until the Firft ' Day of the next Parliament. (14) Provided always, ' That this Adt, nor any thing comprifed in the fame ' Act, be hurtful or prejudicial to IVilliam now Bifhop ' of Durham, or to his Succeffors, within the Liberty ' and Franchife of the Bifhoprick of Durham.' Cotton MS. del May profchein veignaunt nulle fenefchall, fouth fenefchall, baillif, commiffarie, ne autre miniftre dautiels courtes de Peepowdres, teigne plee fur afcune adtion al fuite dafcune perfone ou perfones, finon ou le pleintif ou pleintifs ou fon attourney en prefence del defendaunt ou defendauntz face ferement fur le Seint Evaungelie, fur la declaration qe le contradt trefpaffe ou autre feet conteignuz en mefme la declaration fuift fait ou commife deins la feire temps del dit feire lou celluy preigne fa adtion & dedeins les boundes & jurifdidtion de mefme la feire; & mefqe le dit pleintif ou plein- tifs per lour ferement afferme le mefme : nepur- quaunt qe le dit defendaunt ou defendauntz ne foit ou foient concludez per ceo, mes que ceux poient refpounder, & pleder al adtion, ou en abatement des pleintes, & de tender iffue, qe mefme le con- tradt trefpaffe ou autre feet conteignuz en tiel de- claration, fur quoy le pleintif ou pleintifs declare ou declarent, ne fuift commife ne fait dedeins le temps de la feire & jurifdidtion del dit feire, mes hors le temps de la feire, ou as autres lieuxhors de la jurifdidtion de mefme la feire, folonqe laverite en celle partie : Et fil foit enfi tries, ou qe le pleintif ou pleintifs, refufe ou refufent, ou lour attourneys, de faire les ferements en fourme avauntditz ; qe donqes le defendaunt ou defendaunts foit ou foient quietes difmiffes & difcharges en celle partie hors dicell court, le partie pleintif de prendre fon a- vauntage a la commune ley ou autre lieu conveni- ent, come luy femble bon, ceft ordeignaunce nient contrifteant. Et qe chefcune fenefchall, fouth-fe- nefchall, baillif, commiffarie, ou autre miniftre teig- nant, rulant, ou governaunt, afcuns des ditz courts, qi face le contrarie du ceft ordeignaunce, forfacera pur chefcune default en celle partie C s. lune moite ent a noftre Seignur le Roy, & lautre moite ent a celluy qi en celle partie purfuera fa adtion fur ceft or- deignaunce per adtion de dette en fon propre noun, Et qe briefs de proclamation foient en tout bonhafte directs a chefcune vifcountdechefcunecounteedEn- gleterre de faire ceft ordeignaunce cftre proclaymes en chefcune feire deinz fon countee, fibien deinz fraunchife come dehors : ceft adt dendurer a le pri- mer jour de May avauntdit tanqe al primer jour de parlement qeprofcheinementenfuera. Purveutoutz foitz, qe ceft adt, ne null chofe comprife en mefme ladte, foit damageous ou prejudicialle a William ore Evefqe de Durham ne fes lu'cceffours deinz les I liberte & fraunchife del Evefchie de Durham. No Perfcn ftall ufe any of the Games called Klofle, Half- bowle, Kayles, Hand in Han:), or Queckbord, upon Pain of Two Years Im- prifonment, and Forfeiture of Andwho- foever fhall fuf- fer any Perfon to play at any of the faid Games CAP. III. For unlawful Games. ITEM qe come folonqe les leies de ceft terre nulle perfone uferoit afcuns defloialx Juez come dife coiftes 1 pelottes au pee & tielx femblables Jues ; mes qe chefcune perfone potent & able en corps uferoit fon- arke, pur caufe qe la defenfe de ceft terre eftoife meult per archers : contrarie as quelles loies les ditz Jeuez 4 & diverfes novelx ymagines Jeuez appelles cloifh, kayles, half-bowle, handyn & handoute, & quekeborde, de jour en autre fount ufes en diverfes parties de ceft terre, fibien per perfones debon reputation comede petit avoir nient folonqe Dieu divinement difpofes, tielx qi ne doubtent doffender Dieu en noun obfervaunt divine fervice es jours feftivalx, ne le rupture des loies de ceft terre, a lour propre empoveriftiment, & per lour ungracious procurement & corage mefnent autres en tielx Jues, tanqe ils foient tout ouftrement de- ftroiez & empoverifhez de lour biens, a pernicious enfample as plufours des lieges du Roy, ft tielx em- profitables Jeus ferrount longement foeffres dendurer, per caufe qe per la moien dicelles diverfes & plufours murdres, roberies, & autres felonies trefheynoufe fovent foitz foient commifes & faitz es diverfes parties de ceft terre, a trefgraund inquietaunce & trouble des plufours des bons difpofes des lieges du Roy, & emprofi- table perde de lour biens; les queuxjuours en lour ditz mesfaits journelment fount fupportes & favores 4 per