Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/87

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A.D. 1+82. Anno vkdimo foainuo E dwa rdi IV. C. 2. 49 Coi (on MS. Mini falitlon per foy mcfme faun/. mixture oveftje dafcuns grille , rumpes I to '. petit* peflbns appellez . futon t pakkez per (oy mefmes foulcment i i mixture fur payn de forfeiture & per- dition de vj. s. vn'j.d. |uir cnfefcdrJc "buttb, barelle, trie a cell a&c mixtes, rakkes, et miles an vend. Auxi qc nullc marchaunt naurre perforie mette afcun an vend per barelle, di. barelle, <iu firkyn, iinon incline le barelle conteigne xxxij. galor.s, le di. btirelle, et firkyn, folonqc rrteffrie la i. He, et (|e melaie le harank foient bicn foialnn nt ct i'.iltemuH couehc et pakkc, et (bit del prife ditnd t< mps et lali'ut ■■-, et qc rnefme le harank (bit fi bon ct froien paklees en le midye, et eh chefcune part du dit barelle et autre vclleau, come il ferra en les mefmes les barelles et vefleaulx ; fur payn de forfeiture et perdition de iij. s. iiij. d. pur chefcune barelle dimi barelle et firkyn end faillant lour dit mefure, et auxi fur payn de forfeiture" ct perdition de iij. a. iiij. d. pur cnefcune barelle, di. barelle, ct fu l:yn de harank contrarie a celt acte fortez couchez ou pakkez. Auxi qe nullc tiel marchaunt ne pa- lingman vende ou mette an vend afcuns anguillcs per barelle, di. barelle, ou firkyn, finon le barelle conteigne xlij. galons, le di. barelle et firkyn fo- lonqe rnefme la rate ; ne qc afcune tiel marchaunt ne palingman mefceient afcun galbelton, moreys, ou decories anguilles, ovefqe bones anguillcs ; mes qc mefmes les bones anguillcs foient bien et jufte- ment pakkes, et venduz per foy mefmes ; ne mefcent ovTqc les ditz anguillez, ou mette au yende, afcuns anguillez rougez ; fur payn de for- faiture et perdition de x. s. pur chefcune barelle dimi bdrelle & firkyn enfi faillant lour dit mefure; ct auxi fur peyne et perdition de x. s. pur chefcune barelle, di. barelle, et firkyn, enfi come eftavaunt- dit mixtez, et contrarie a celt abte pakkez ou mile au vende. Auxi qe nullc tiel marchaunt apres la dit fefte vende ou mette au vende a (bun peflbn ba- rcllez, finon rnefme le peflbn foil bon et foialment pakkez, fcilicet laccomptablez peflbn, vulgare- ment appellez talelisfh, per foy rnefme, et les pe- titz peflbns appellez girles per (by mefmes, faunz afcun mixture de les ditz peflbns ovefqe le grofle pcflun, et faunz mixture et pskkure des thokez et peflbns rompez le ventre ovefqe le dit comptable peflbn ou petit peflbn : Et qe ne laccomptable pef- fon ne petit peflbn (bit couche double en pakkure. Et qc chefcune peflbn comptable conteigne en lon- gieure del ofle al fyne jefquez al tierce jointe del cowe xxvj. poucez au meyns. Et qe les napes de tout tiel peflbn barellez ne foient pluis longez, qe au petit ofle qe fet fur le grofle fynne. Et qe lone de chefcune tiel peflbn falee foit prife hors, jefquez le lumble de rnefme lc peflbn. Et qe chefcune tiel peflbn foit fplatte ou overte bafe delqe un maniple del cowe, fur payn de forfaiture et perdition de iij.s. iiij.d. pur chefcune barelle de peflbn, quele enapres ferra trovez pakkez, fortez, mixtez, na- pez. couchez double, ou merit deofles ne fplattes, ou overtez, accordaunt a cefl aft. Et auxi en efchuer de les communes damages et defceite'a avauntditz, noftre dit Seignur le Roy ad - ofdeigiie et ena6te, per le fuifdit audtorite, qe toutz niairs baillifs et governours des citees villes burghs marchez et toutz autres lieux de cefl: fon Roialme pur le temps eileantz, lou ils fount mairs bailliffs Vol. II. to fay, the great Salmon by', without mingling with them any Grill i bi broken bellied at all (mail Fifh called G ln i «' packed by themfclvc", only, without any mingling, '*' f Pi feitare an I Lofs o( Six Shillings and Pence f r every Butt, Dane!, and half Barrel mingled', packed, and fet to Sale contrary to this Ac!.' 1 II. Alfo that no Merchants nor other Pcrfoh fet Tl.c Content ni any Herring to .Sale by Barrel, half Barrel, or Fir- ", ,,j,,rl ul lln - kin, except the fame Barrel contain Two and Thirty ".■ f c . , l ' nd Gallons', thchalf Barrel and Firkin after the ferae weUwekeZ • (i) and that the lame Herring be well, truly, Rate : and juflly couched and packed, and that it be of One Time's taking and falting ; (}) and that the feme Herring be as good and as well packed in the Midi}, and in every Part of the fame Barrel, or other VeflVJ, as it fhall be in the Ends of the fame Barrels, and other Veflels, upon Pain to forfeit Three Shillings and Four Pence for every Barrel, half Barrel, and Firkin Co failing their faid Meafure, (j) and alio up- on Pain of Forfeiture and Lofs of Three Shillings and Four Pence for every Barrel, half Barrel, and Firkin of Herring forted, laid, or packed contrary to this Act. (5) Alfo that no fuch Merchant nor The Content of Palingman fell or fet to Sale any Eels by Barrel, half * Cjrrc: ' Barrel, or Firkin, except the fame Barrel contain ^emingW Two and forty Gallons, the half Barrel and Firkin "° after the fame Rate ; (6) nor that any Merchant nor Palingman do mingle any Gallebetten, ftarved, or pulled Eels with the good Eels, but that the good Eels be well and juflly packed, and fold by them- felvcs ; nor that they mingle with the good Eels, or put to Sale any red Eels, upon Pain of Porfeiture and Lofs of Ten Shillings for every Barrel, half Barrel, and Firkin fo failing their Meafure; and alfo upon Pain of Forfeiture and Lofs of Ten Shillings for every Barrel, half Barrel, and Firkin fo mixed, packed, and fet to Sale, as afore is find, contrary to this Act. (7) Alfo that no fuch Merchant, after the faid Feaft, How Fifb d«ffl fell, or fet to Sale any barrelled Fifh, except the tc packed, fame Fifh be well and faithfully packed, that is to fay, any countable Fifh, commonly called Tale-fiflL by itfelf, and the fame Fifh called Grills by thern- felves, without any Mixture of the faid Fifhes with the great Fifh, and without Mixture or packing of Thokes, or Fifh with broken Bellies with the faid Tale-fifh, or fmall Filh ; (8) and that the ("aid Tale- fifh, or fmall Fifh, be not laid double in the Pack- ing ; (o) and that every Ta!e-fifh contain in Length, from the Bone in the Fin, to the third Joint in the Tail *, fix and twenty Inches at the leait, and that * Neck, the Napes of all fuch barrelled Fifh mail be no longer than the little Bone that refieth upon the great Fin ; (10) and that the Bone of every fuch Salt Fifh fhall be taken away to the Navel of the Filh. And that every fuch Filh be fplatted, or opened down, to an Handful of the * Tail, upon Pain of Forfeiting and * RWH. lofing of Three Shillings and Four Pence for every Barrel of Fifh which hereafter fhall be found packed, forted, mixt, naped, laid double, or not boned, nor fplatted, nor open, according to this Act. ' III. Alfo in efchewing the common Loffes and De- Chief Officers ceits aforefaid, our faid Lord the King hath ordained of cities and and enacted, by the Authority aforefaid, That all Bjrou s il3 > *c5 Mayors, Bailiffs, and Governors of Cities, Boroughs, sear'cbersTo Market-towns, and all other Places of this his Realm, fa rc h an; i eai)ge for the time being, where there be Mayors, Bailiffs, Veflfchof filh. H ' or