io8 C. 20. " Anno vicelimo primo Jacobi I. A. D- 1623: A Grant of the XII. Be it further enacted, Tlvat the faid Commiffieners or the greater Number of them fhall have ■ o'f'tiieBankrupt Power by Virtue of this Aft, by Deed indented and inrolled within fix Months after the making thereof, ftiallbegood. in fome of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejlminjier, to grant, bargain, fell -and convey any Manorsj Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, whereof any Bankrupt is or fhallbeinaiiy ways'feiled of any Eftate in Tail, in Poffeffion, Reverfion or Remainder, and whereof no Reverfion or Remainder is'orfhall be in the King's Majefly, his Heirs and Succeffors, of the Gift or Provifion of his Majefly, hisPrdgeni- tors, his Heirs or Succeffors, to any Perfon or Perfons, for the Relief and Benefit of the Creditors of all fuch Bankrupts ; (z) and that all and every fuch Grants, Bargains, Sales and Conveyances, fhall be good and available in the Law to fuch Perfon or Perfons and their Heirs, againft the faid Bankrupts, and againft all and every the Ifliies of the Body of fuch Bankrupts, • and againil all and every Perfon and Perfons claiming any Eftate, Right, Title or Intereft, by, from, or under the faid Bankrupts, after fuch Time as fuch Perfon fhall become Bankrupt, and againfl all and every other Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, whom the faid Bankrupt by common Recovery, or other W^ys o^ Means might cut off or debar from any Re- mainder, Reverfion, Rent, Profit, Title or PofTibillty, into or out of any the faid M-anors, vLands, Te- nements or Hereditaments. Conditional XIII. And be it further enaded. That if any Perfon that now is or hereafter fKaHbecome a Bankrupt, Eftates granted jj^yg heretofore granted, conveyed or afTured, or fhall at any Time hereafter grant, convey or afilire, any may be redeemed Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, or other Eflate, unto any Perfon or Perfons^ upon ■■ by the Commif- Condition, or Power of Redemption at a Day to come, by Payment' of Money or oth«rwife; That it fioners, f^gji g^fj x^2c^ be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners or the greater Part of them, before the Time of the. Performance of fuch Condition, to aflign and appoint under their Hands-and Seal'§ fuch Perfon or Perfons as they fhall think fit, to make Tender or Payment of Money, or other Performance^ according to the Nature of fuch Condition, as fully as the Bankrupt might have done : (2) and that the faid Com-^ miffioners, or the greater Part of them, fhall after fuch Tender, Payment or Performance, have Power to fell and difpofe of fuch Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels, and other Eftates fo granted, conveyed or affured upon Condition, to and for the Benefit of the Creditors, as fully as- they may fell or difpofe of any the Eftate of the Bankrupt. The Commiffion XIV. Provided further. That no Purchafer for good and valuable Confideratioti fhall be impeached by ihaii be fued Virtue of this A6t, or any other Adt heretofore made againft Bankrupts, unlefs the Commiffion to prove? YearsT" '" ^^ •"1 ^^ her a Bankrupt be fued forth againft; fuch Bankrupt withinfive Years after he or fhie fhall become > ' a Bankrupt. Strangers (hall XV. Provided further, and be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That this Adt, and all other Ad* ofthifand'aii^* of Parliament heretofore made againft Bankrupts, fhall extend to Strangers born, as well Aliens as Deni- otherLaws zens, as effeflually as to the Natural-bom Subjects, both to make - them fubj eft to the Laws as Bank- againft Bank- yupts, as alfo to make them capable of the Benefit or Contribution as Creditors by thofe Laws. 13 & 14 FanherPrmifwns Car. 2. Cap. 24. . relating b.reto, 10 Am, e, 15. 7,Gw. 1. c, 31. j Gen, i, r. 30 (ivbich is cmtinued iy 31 Ceo, 2. c. 35 toigSef. 1764^ 19 Ced i, c, JSi erfd a4Ce*z.-^. 57. C A P. XX. An A6t to prevent and reform profane Swearing and Curfing. None (hall pro- * TT^Orafmuch as all profane Swearing and Curfing is forbidden by the Word of God ;' Be it therefore faneiyfwear or ' J} enabled by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall from hence- Tq Geo. z. c. 21. ^°'"'h profanely Swear or Curfe : (2) And that if any Perfon or Perfons fhall at any Time or Times here- ' after offend herein, either in the hearing of any Juftice of Peace of the County, pr of any Mayor, Juftice of Peace, Bailiff or Head Officer of any City or Town Corporate, where fuch Offence is or fhall be com- mitted, or fliall thereof be convidted by the Oaths of two Witnefles, or by Confeffion of the Party, before He that pro- any fuch Juftice of Peace of the County, or Head Officer or Juftice of the Peace in the City or Town. oTfwearethftiaU Corporate where fuch Offence is or fhall be committed, to which End every Juftice of Peace and every forfeit 12 d. to fuch Head Officer fhall have Power by this Adt to minifter the fame Oath ; That then every fuch Offender the ufeof the fhall for every Time fo offending forfeit and pay to the Ufe of the Poor of that Parifh where the fame Of- ThTcon(labIe, fenceis or fliall be Committed, the Sum of twelve Pence : (3 j And it fliall alfo be lawful for the Confta- &c. (hall levy ' ble, Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor of that Parifh, by Warrant from fuch Juftice of the Peace the faid For- or Head Officer, to levy the fame Sum and Sums of Money by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods, By'e'^&yW. 3. rendring to the Party the Overplus : (4) Andin DefedV of fuch Diftrefs, the Offender, if he or fhe be e. II. fea. i". the above the Age of twelve Years, fhall by Warrant from fuch Juftice of the Peace or Head Officer be fet fecond Offe^'^e i^ the Stocks by three whole Hours ; but if the Offender be under the Age of twelve Years, and fliall tor eits oa e. ^^^ forthwith pay the faid Sum of twelve Pence, then he or fhe, by Warrant of fuch Juftice of Peace or Head Officer, fhall be whipped by the Conftable, or Ijy the Parent or Mafter in his Prefence. TheOfficerbe- IJ. And be it further enadted. That if'any fuch Offender fhall commence any Suit in Law againft any plfad'^the Gene- Officer or Other for fuch Diftraining, Sale of Goods, Whipping or fetting in the Stocks, the Defendant or ral iffue. Defendants may plead the general IfluCj and give the fpecial Matter in Evidence to the Jury at the Trial ; and if it be found againft the Plaintiff, or that the Plaintiff be nonfuit, the Defendant or Defendants fhall be allowed good Cofts, to be taxed by the Court. This Offence ^^- Provided neverthelefs. That every Offence againft this Law fliall be complained of, and proved OiaU beprofe- as abovefaid, within twenty Days after the Offence committed. (2) And it is alfo enadfed. That this Adt cmed^wuhin f^all be read in every Parifh Church by the Minifter thereof, upon the Sunday after Evening Prayer, Th1"Aa mail twice in the Year. be read in the Church twice every Year, IV. Fro-