130 C. 5. (6.)-7. (8.) Anno tertio Caroli I. A. D. 1627. any Conftitution, Order, Statute, Law or Cuftom heretofore made, ufed or taken for tranfporting any. fuch manner of Corn or Grain, or made in this prefent Seffion of Parliament or hereafter to be made. ThsKing'sPro- XXV. Provided always, and be it enadted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the clamation may King's Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, may at all Times by his and their Writ of Proclamation, to portatronof"'^' ^^ publiftied generally in the whole Realm, or in any of the Counties of this Realm, where, any Porta Corn. are, command. That no Perfon fliall by Virtue of this A(fl tranfport or convey any manner of Grain out of his Highnefs Dominions generally, or out of any fpecial Ports, to be in the faid Proclamation. particularly named, for fuch Time as {hall be therein limited and appointed : (z) And it (hall not be. lawful for any Perfon to carry out any fuch Grain contrary to the Tenor of the faid Proclamation, upon fuch Pains and Forfeitures as by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm are and have been provided and ordained in that Behalf ; this A6t or any Thing therein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. Welrti Cottons. XX VL Provided alfo, and be it enai5led. That no Perfon or Perfons (liall incur any Penalty for Vi/^ant of Length, Breadth or Weight of Welfli Cottons, under the Price of fifteen Pence the Yard, or two Shillings the Goad, fo as they be not mixt with Hair or other deceitful Stuff, nor for any others above that l^rice, except they (hall be mixt as aforefaid, or (liall (hrink above the Rate of Half a Yard in twelve Yards of Length, or weigh lefs than fourteen Ounces the Yard, or hold not full three Quarters of a Yard broad. Spicery. XXVIL And be it alfo enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That that Part of one Statute made in j6 R. X. c. 1. ^^g fixteenth Year of the Reign of the late King Richard the Second, by which it is ordained. That no manner of Spicery, after that it be brought into the Realm, fliall be carried out of the fame Realm by Liveries. Aliens nor by Denizens, upon Pain of Forfeiture thereof: (z) And one Statute made in the fixteenth 1 6 R. i. c. 4. Year of the Reign of the late King Richard the Second, concerning Liveries : ( 3 ) And one other S tatute made 31 R. i. c.». J jjj the twentieth Year of the Reign of the late Kin^ Richard the Second, by which it is ordained, That no Vadelets called Yeomen, nor other of leffer Lftate than an Efquire, (hall ufe or bear any Sign of I H.i|.. c,7. Livery, called Livery of Company, of any Lord within the Realm: (4) And one Statute made in the ^ „ ^ firft Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Fourtli, concerning giving of Liveries : (5) And 7 . 4. c. 14. ^^^ Statute made in the feventh Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Fourth, concerning giving 13 H. 4, C.J. of Liveries : (6) And one other Statute made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Fourth, concerning giving of Liveries : (7) And one Statute made in the eighth Year of the 8H. 6.C.4. Reign of the late King Henry the Sixth, concerning Liveries : (8) And one Statute made in the eightk ^h"*c'^'i*' ^^^ °^ *^^ Reign of the late Kin» Edward the Fourth, concerning Liveries : (9} And fo much of one 3H'. 7'.c.V». Statute made in the third Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Seventh, concerning the Star- ^ j ^j ^j^g Chamber, as toucheth or concerneth the Punifhment of thofe that fhall give or take Liveries: (10) nine Statutes * And one Other Statute made in the faid third Year, concerning taking of Liveries by the King's Officers iaft-mtntioned. and Farmors ; (11) be from henceforth repealed. XXVIIL And be it alfo enaf^ed by Authority of this Parliament, That one Aft of Parliament made Lands preferved in the feventh Year of the Reign of the late King "James, intituled, ' An Adt for the fpeedy Recovery from the Sea. t pf ^lany thoufand Acres of Marlh Grounds, and other Grounds within the Counties of Norfolk and Continued un'til ' Suffolk, lately furrounded by the Rage of the Sea, in divers Parts of the faid Counties, and for the the next Pariii- ♦ Prevention or the Danger of the like Surrounding hereafter,' be continued, and (hall (land in Force ment. yj^^.;] ^.j^g Y,nA of the next Seffion of Parliament. [By 16 Car. i. c. 4. All Ads hereby continued are XB.eai.t<itiA.c,t, further continued.] CAP. V. (VL) The Eftates of the Tenants of Bro7nfield and Yak in the County of Denbigh, and of the Tenures, Rents and Services thereupon referved (according to the late Compofition made for the fame with th« King's mo(^ excellent Majefty, then Prince of JVales) ratified and confirmed. P. R. CAP. VL (vn.) Five Subfidies granted by the Spiritualty, EXP. CAP. VIL (Vm.) Five Subfidies granted by the Temporalty Jnno quarto Caroli Regis. EXP. Anno Regni Caroli Regis Anglian, Scotiae^ Franciae & Hi- berni*e^ decimo fexto.
- A T the Parliament begun at Wejlminjler the third Day of Noliember, Anno Dom. one thoufand
' Jf fix hundred and forty, in the fixteenth Year of the Reign of Charles the Firft, by the Grace of ' God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, i^c. To the
- high Pleafure of Ajmighty God, and the Weal publick of this Realm, were ena<5ted as followeth.'
C A P. L fariiamint. An A<S for the preventing of Inconveniences happening by the long Intermiffion of Parliament. Repealed and altered, 16 Car, 2. c. 1. CAP.