Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/241

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A. D. i06o. Anno duodecimo Caroli II. C. 24. 193 VI. Provided always, and be it cnaded, That any Thing herein contained fhall not take awa^, nor f'"" '"'*•••- be conQiiicil Id i;ikc awny, any Fiia'!> tor Alicnatiuu due Iw purticuiar CJii(ornb of puiiitular Xi < *«.' and i'lace^, utliur tliaa lines tui Alicna(iuas of J^audk ur I ciu:nient!> iioldcn iininediatcly of tlu I. . ,1)*-' in Cipite. j""- ViJ. Pr^H'idcd alfo, and be it further cnacHcd, Tlut this A<£V, or any Thii>g therein contained, dull '"•'"•'"' not take away, or l>e conllrued to take away. Tenures in /■'rjiit-/f!wsityi, or to fubi'.dt them to any greater ' "'"*•."• or otiier Services tinn they now are ; (2) nor to alter or thanRC any "^i'eiuirc by Copy ol Court-Roll, or^'"P/ <>' t->«'t' any Suvici'* incident thereunto ; (t) nor t(j take away tie honorary Services of Grand Serjeanty, otJiei „^^,j than ofWardlhip, Marriage and Value of Korfeiture of Marriage, Efcuage, Voyages Hoyal and other Scivact. Charges incident lo Tenure by Knigjjts-Servicc ; and other than /fiJt pur Ja'ur jitz. Cbivalitr, and JiJf pur fUe nunkr. VIII. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, T!»at where any Perfon hath or (liall havcPa'tnuirnyHir. any Child or Children under tJie Age of one and twenty Years, and not niariicd at the Time of '•"'^'^fl^'hu"' Death, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for the l-athcr of fuch Child or Children, whether born dre„Vurirg at the Time of the Deceafc of the Father, or at that Time in ventre fii mere, or whether fuch Father be their Minority. within the Age of one and twenty Years, or of full A^c, by his Deed executed in his Life-time, or by ^jj^^*" his lalt Will and Tellament in Writing, in the Prel'eiice of two or more credible Witiiedes, in fuch' ' **" Manner, and from Time to Time as lie (hall refpeiflively think tit, to difpofc of the Cuflody and I'uition ot fuchCiiild or Children, for and durinj; fuch 'I'ime as he or they fliall refpecflivcly remain under the Age of one and twenty Years, or any klFer Time, to any Perfon or Perfons in Pofleirion or Remainder, other than Popilh Recufants ; (2) and that fuch Difpolition of the Cuftody of fuch Child or ^h>l(lren made fiiKc the twenty-fourth of Feliruary oni^ thoufand lix hundred forty-five, or hereafter to be inade, (Iv.ill be good and efleiUial againfl all and every Perfon or Perfons claiming the Culody or Tuition of fuch Child or Children as Guardian in Socage or otherwife : (3) And that fuch Perfon or Perfons, to whom the Cullody of fuch Child or Children hath been or (hall be fo difpofed or devifed as aforefaid, *^'°'"'^'^** Ihall and may maintain ait Ai5ion of Ravilhment of Ward or Trefpafs, againft any Perfon or Perfons ward"'" yhich (liall wrongfully take away or detain fuch Child or Children, for the Recovery of fuch Child or Children ; (4) and (hall and may recover Damages for the fame in the faid Ad^ion, for tlie Ufe and IJcnelit of fuch Child or Children. IX. And be it further enaded. That fuch Perfon or Perfqns, to whpm the Cuftody of fuch Child or J*'.' '^" »' Children hath been 01;^ (hall be fo difpofed or devifed, (hall and may take into his or their Cuftody to the ,(,e' Managc- Ufe of fuch Child or Children, the Profits of all Lands, Teneriient^ and Hereditaments of fuch Child or mcnt of ih«ir Children ; and alfo the Cuftody, Tuition and Management of the Goods, Chattels and Perfonal ElUte P«°'V' E"* of fuch Child or Children, tall their relpedlve Age of one and twenty Years, or any lefler Time, accord- GMfdlliu, jng to fuch Difpolition aforcfaid; (2) and may, bring fuch Acflion or A(5ions in relation thereunto, as by Law a Guardian in common Socage might do. . X. Provided alio. That this A&, or any Thing therein contained, fliall not extend to alter or preju- dice the Cuftom of the City oi London, nor of any other City or Town Corporate, or of the Tov/n of Berwick upon Tiveed, conce^^ing Or|)hans ; nor to dil'charge any Ajiprentice from his Apprenticeihip. XI. Provided alfo. That neither this Ad, nor any Thing therein contained, (lull infringe .or hurt Provifoiouctiing any Title of Honour, Feodal or other, by which any Perfon hath or may have Right to fit in thc'^"y f^?" Lords houfe of Parliament, as to his or their Title of Honou', or litting in Parliament, and the Pri-"°"^ '° *' vilege belonging to them as Peers; this Ad, or any :Thing therein contained to the CcntraTj- ift any wife notwithlanding. (3pp: . ' en^ployed for making Provifions for the Kino's Houlhokl, Carriages and other Purveyance for his Ma-aw.iy. ' jerty and his Occafions; yet divers Opprellions have been ftil] continued, and feveral Counties hzwt ' fubniitted themfelves to fundry Rates and Taxes and Compofuions, to redeem theuifelvcs from fwcfi ' Vexations and Opprelfions : (2) And forafmuch as the Lords and Commons aflcmbled in ParliamcJm: ' do find that the faid Remedies are not fully eiie:!-lual, and that no other Remedy will be fo cffedudl Commons in this prcfent Parliament afrembied, That fiom henceforth no Sum or Sums of Money or other I'hing (hall be taken, railed, taxed, rated, impofed, paid or levied, for or in regard of any Provi- fion. Carriages or Purveyance for his Majefty, his Heirs or SuccelTors. . . .: '"■" ....... ^ ^ - - — - ... .Pnrvfy«noe^(^r or Owners thereof had and obtained without Menace or Inforcement ; (2) nor (hall fummon, vv;.rn, take. Car! i" Stat! VI le or require any of the faid SubiecTis, to furnifh or find anv Horfes, Oxen or other Cattle, Carrs; ■: S. ^. =. , Ploughs, Wains or other Carriages,' for die Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs or SuccefTors, or of any Qiicen J? * '.'^i't Vol. in. C c of jj'acij.Vio.'