The T I t L E S of the STATUTE S. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno decimo oSfavo Caroll II. Regis. J' Act for niifing Monies by a Poll, and o'thefwife, towards the Maintenance of the prefent War. ¥. An Act againit Importing Cattle from Ireland, and other Parts beyond the Seas, and Filh taken by Fo- reignet-s. ■3. An Act to continue a former Act for preventing of Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Borders oi England. %, An Act for Burying in Woollen only. 5. An 4p.t fpr encouraging of Coinage. I. ;. ;■ 'private act s. Anno decimo oSfavo Caroli II. Regis. •r. A N Afrt to enlarge the Time given by a former Act, -^ for Redemption of Mortgages made by the Earl of ■' ICleaveland. 2. An Act for the Naturalizing of Ifabella of Najfaw, Wife - of the Right Honourable the Lord Arlington, one of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State. g. An Act for Supply of Part of the Jointure of the Lady Elizabeth Noell. -4. An A(ft for fettling the Eftate of John Bodnell, Efquire, _ deceafed. 5. An Additional Act for Enabling the Sale- of Lands, to- pay the Lord Strangford's Debts. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno decimo mm Caroli II. Regis. 1. A N Act Explanatory of the Act for raifing Monies .t by a Poll, and otherwife, towards the Mainte- nance of this prefent War. 2. An Act for erecting a Judicature for Determination of • Differences touching floufes burned or demoliftied by Reafon of the late Fire w^hich happened in London. 3. An Act for Rebuilding the City of £(7«ic«. 4. An Act for Relief of poor Prifoners, and fetting of them on Work. 5. An Act. extending a former Act concerning Replevins ■ and Avowries, to the Principality of Wales, and the County Palatines. 6. An Act for Redrefs of Inconveniencies by want of Proof of the Deceafes of Perfons beyond the Seas, or abfent- ing themfelves, upon whofe Lives Eftates do depend. 7. An Act to prevent Difturbances of Seamen and others, and to preferve the Stores belonging to his Majefty's Navy Royal. 8^ An Act for granting the Sum of twelve hundred fifty- fix thoufand three hundred forty-feven Pounds thirteen Shillings, to the King's Majefty, for the Maintenance of the prefent War. g. An Act for taking the Accounts of the feveral Sums of Money therein mentioned. 10. An Act for Banifliing and Difenabling the Earl of Clare7idan. M. An Act to make Prize-Ships free for Trade. '12. 'An Act for aifigning Orders in the Exchequer without Revocation. 13. An Act for fettling Freedom and Intercourfe of Trade between England and Scotland. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno decimo 7iono Caroli II. Regis. 1. A NAct forNaturalizingof /f>/?6^rZt'Z,»z^, theDaugh- »^*- .ter -and. Coheir of Gidfon Le Louy Lord of Colium- 4 iers in Normandy, the now Wife of the Right Honour- able Denzill, Lord Mollis of J field. 2. An Aft for Confirming, Explaining and Enlarging an Act, intituled. An ASi to enable ]o
Lord l^tx%z.znu.y.
Son and Heir of Henry late Lord Abergavenny, to fell certain Lands for Pay^nent of his Debts, and Preferment of his Brother and Sifters. 13 Car. z. rtat. i. c. 11. 3. An Aft for the Illegitimation of the Children of the Lady Anne Roos. 4. An Aft for Sale of a Meflliage in Chifwicke, for Pay- ment of the Debts of Edward Riijfell, Efquire.
- . An Aft for Confirmation of a Settlement of the Eftate
of Sir Seymour Shirley, Baronet. 6. An Aft for fettling the Moiety of the Manor of Iren AEion on Sir John Point%. 7. An Aft for fettling an Eftate in Truft for the Benefit of Mrs. Elizabeth Pride and her Children. 8. An Aft for the afcertaining the Bounds of the feveral Reftories of Swafham Saint Ciriac, and of Swafham Saint Maries, within the Town of Swafham Prior in the County of Cambridge, and for the Uniting of the two Churches there. g. An Aft for the Reftoring of Francis Scawen, Gentle- man, in Blood. 10. An Aft for Naturalizing Dame Mary Frazer, and others. 11. An Aft to enable a Sale of Lands for Payment of the Debts of Henry Kendall, Efquire. 12. An Aft for fettling Part of the Lands of Henry Mild- may, Efquire, deceafed, for Payment of his Debts, and making Provifion for his Children. 13. An Aft to enable Leicefter Grofvenor and his Truftees, to fell certain Lands for Payment of Debts. 14. An Aft for fettling Part of the Poffeilions of John late Earl of Clare deceafed, and enabling Gilbert Earl of Clare his Son and Heir, to difpofe of fome other Part thereof, for Payment of Debts and Portions. 15. An Aft to enable John Lord Bifhop of Durham and his Succeflors, to make Leafes for three Lives of certain Lead Mines. 16. An Aft for Confirmation of an Exchange of certain - Lands, between Horatio Lord "Townfend and the Reftor of Eafl and Wefl Reynham in the County oi Norfolk. ly. An Aft for the Naturalization oi Alvaro de Gojia, and others. 18. An Aft for fettling the Lands therein mentioned upon Sir Richard Wifeman and John Plott and their Heirs, to enable them the better to perform a Truft. 19. An Aft for exchanging certain Manors and Lands of William Palmes, Efquire, for other Lands fettled upon him and his Ifiue by ilcfor)' his Wife. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno vie efimo Caroli IF. Regis. 1. AN Aft for raifing three hundred and ten thoufand -^^ Pounds, by an Impofition on Wines and other Liquors. 2. An Aft for the better Payment of Monies received for the Ufe of the Crown. 3. An Aft for the Increafe and Prefervation of Timber within the Foreft of Df««, 4. An Aft for proceeding to Judgment on Writs of Error brought in the Exchequer. 5. An Aft for giving Liberty to buy and export Leather, and Skins Tanned or Drefted. 6. An Aft to regulate the Trade of Silk-throwing. 7. An additional Aft againft the Importation of Foreign Cattle. 8. An