Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/354

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'/J 06 .G. 3. Anno decimo nono Caroli II. A. D. 1667 Labourere XVIL And to the Intent no Brick-maker, Tile-maker, Lime-burner, Carpenter, Bricklayer, Mafoni ■Wigcs, Plaifterer, Joyner, Plumber or otlier Artificer, Workman or Labourer, may make the common CalatnitJ r, : a Pretence to extort -unreafonable or exceflive Wages, (2) Be it likewife enacted, That in cafe of Combina- , tion or Exadion of unreafonable Wages by the iaid Artificers, Workmen or Labourers, or any of them the faid Juftices of the Court of King's Bench, or any two or more of them, upon the like Complaint o the faid Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, Ihall and may from Time to Time limit, rate and appoint, the Wages of the faid Artificers, Workmen and Labourers, by the Day, Week or otherwife, and wl>a; .Wages every of the faid Workmen {hall have by the Great, by the Foot, Yard, Rod or Perch, or for anv greater Qiiantity ; which faid Rates, together with the Prices of the faid Materials and Carriages fo aflefled, being fet down in a Table, and Proclamation thereof made by the Lord Mayor for the Time being accord- ■lijlgly, the fame fliall effectually bind all Perfons therein concerned : (3 ) And if any of the faid Artificers re- fuCe to fell the faid Materials for the Prices fo affeffed, or any of the iaid Carpenters, Bricklayers, Mafons, Plaifterers, Joyners, Plumbers, or other Workmen or Labourers, fhall either refufe to work for the Wages ' ib affeffed, or fhall depart from his faid Work after he hath undertaken to do the fame, without Licence ol fuch Perfon or Perfons as imployed him, and before it be finifhed, unlefs it be for Nonpayment of his Hire, or. other juft Caufe to be allowed before one Juftice of the Peace of fuch Place where the Offence fiiall be committed ; or if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall by any fecret Ways or Means give, cove- nant, article or agree to give, direftly or indireftly, by himfelf or any other for him, any other or greater . Wages, Prices or other Commodities than fhall be fo affeffed; the faid Offender and Offenders, being hereof 1 legally convicft by the Oaths of one or more Witneffes, which Oath the faid Juftice is hereby impowcred to: adminifter, fhall be by the faid Juftice of the Peace forthwith committed to the Common Gaol, thereto remain by the Space of one Month,, without Bail or Mainprize, unlefs he fliall pay or caufe to be paid for every fuch Offence to the faid Juflice of the Peace, fuch Fine as by the Difcretion of the faid Juftice fliall be fet upon any fuch Offender, not exceeding ten Pounds : Out of which Fine the faid Juftice fhall and may award and pay unto the Party injured fuch Satisfadtion as he fhall judge reafonable, and the Refidue thereof fhall pay unto the Chamberlain of London for the Time being, to be imployed for and towards the^ Re-edifjfing of the publick Buildings of the City aforefaid. . ' Fdrelpners may XVill. And be it further enacSted, That all Carpenters, Bricklayers, Mafons, Plaifterers, Joyners andi 8s Freemen other Artificers, Workmen and Labourers, to be imployed in the faid Buildings, who are not Freemen-qf^ workinLondon. jfjg j-^-jj CJty^ {^all for the Space of feven Years next enfuing, and for fo long Time after as until theiaidi Buildings ftiall be fully finifhed, have and enjoy fuch and the fame Liberty of working, and being fet to' work in the faid Building, as the Freemen of the City of the fame Trades and Profeffions have and ought to enjoy; any Ufage or Cuftom of the City to the contrary notwithftanding. [z) And that fuch Artificers, as aforefaid, which for the Space of feven Years fhall have wrought in the Rebuilding of the City in their refpeftive Arts, fl:iall from and after the faid feven Years have and enjoy the fame Liberty to work as Free- men of the faid City, for and during their natural Lives. Provided always, That fuch Artificers claiming fuch Privileges, fhall be liable to undergo all fuch Offices, and to pay and perform fuch Duties in Reference, to the Service and Government of the City, as Freemen of the City of their refpedtive Arts and Trades arei liable to undergo, pay and perform. Who may deter- XIX. And to remove all Obftacles v/hich otherwife may hinder fo good and pro,fitable a Work ; (2) Be mineDJfferenccs.^gj- enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Differences ariling between the faid Builders, or any akcm^fto'^rin^" Others, concerning placing and flopping up of Lights, Windows, Water-courfes or Gutters, which may Lights, "ac."^ ■ hinder or retard the faid Building, mall and may be heard, mediated and determined (if it may bej by the Alderman of the Ward where the Caufe of any fuch Difference fhall arife, and his Deputy; and if either . the faid Alderman or his Deputy be concerned as Parties in the Controverfy, or that they cannot deter-- mine the faid Differences, that then and in every fuch Cafe the fame be certified by the faid Alderman or his Deputy unconcerned therein, to the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen, who upon deliberate Hearing of all Parties, fhall finally determine tlve fame without further or other Appeal. Common Sew- XX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Numbers and Places for all Com- ers, Dreins and mon Sewers, Dreins and Vaults, and the Order and Manner of Paving and Pitching the Streets and Lanes Thh c'lalTfe within the faid City and Liberties thereof, fhall be defigned and fet out by fuch and fb many Perfons as the ms"e perpetual f^'d Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty in Common Council affembled, fhall from Time to Time autha- by22&23 rize and appoint under then" Common Seal, or the more Part of them; (zj which faid Perfons fo autho- Car. 2. c. 17. rized and appointed, or any feven or more of them, together with the faid Surveyors, or fome or one of ?owerof Perfons tjjgn,^ within his or their Precin£t refpectively, fhall at their Meeting have Pov/er and Authority to order Pmmi'^ice'of ^^^ direfl: the Making of any new Vaults, Dreins and Sewers, or to cut into any Drein or Sewer already this Aa, in- made, and for the Altering, Enlarging, Amending, Cleanfing and Scouring of any old Vaults, Sinks or Urged by '7 Ann. Common Sewers : (3) For the better Effe6ting whereof, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Per- •■ 9. fons fo authorized and appointed, as aforefaid, or any feven or more of them, at their faid Meeting, to im- ' pofe any reafonable Tax upon all Houfes within the faid City and Liberties thereof, in Proportion to the , Benefit they fliall receive thereby, for and towards the New-making, Cutting, Altering, Enlarging, Amend-: ing, Cleanfing and Scouring all and fmgular the faid Vaults, Dreins, Sewers, Pavements and Pitching ^ . aforefaid ; (4) And in Default of Payment of the faid Sums fo to be charged, it fhall and may be lawful ■ to and for the faid Perfons fo authorized as aforefaid, or any feven or more of them, by Order and War- rant under their Hands and Seals, to levy the faid Sum and Sums of Money fo alTeffed, by Diftrefs and Sale

of the Goods of the Party chargeable' therewith, and refufing or neglefling to pay the fame, rendring the

■ Overplus (ifanybe.) (5} And that all other Commiffjoners whatfoever be altogether lufpended to inter- . meddle in the Premiffes within the faid City and Liberties thereof, for the Space of feven Yeai's next, and for fo long after until the faid intended Buildings fhall be fully finifhed i any Law or Statute to the contrary finally wife notwithftanding. ' XXL Arid