Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/360

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■C. 4" Anno declmo nono Carol i II. A. D. 1667 Sarthcr Provi- Jioni relating Mereto, %z Car, s. iC- 111, 34 Elia. e. .;. jJ3 El'iz. c. 2. fia. 14. Slow Stodks inay be provided /or fetting the iScarao work. Sidcnefe and Difeafes happen- ing among Pri- ionerj. Removing of Prifoners. SxODt Devon. XLVII. General Rules. N every Foundation within the Ground, add one Brick in Thicknefs to the Thicknefs of the Wall {a; in the Scheme) next above the Foundation, to be fet ofF in three Courfes equally on both Sides, z. That no Timber be laid within twelve^ Inches of the Forefide of the Chimney- Jambs, and thatali Joifts on the Back of any Chimney be laid with a Trimmer at fix Inches Diflance from the Back. 3. That no Timber be laid within the Tunnel of any Chimney, upon Penalty to the Workman foi every Default ten Shillings, and ten Shillings every Week it continues unreformed. 4. That no Joifts or Rafters be laid at greater Diftances from one to the other than twelve Inches, anc no Quarters at greater Diitance than fourteen Inches. 5. That no Joifts bear at longer Length than ten Foot, and no fingle Rafters at more in Length than nine Foot. 6. That all Roofs, Window-frames and Cellar-floors be made of Oak. 7. The Tile-pins of Oak. 8. No Summers or Girders to lie over the Head of Doors and Windows. 9. No Summer or Girder to lie lefs than ten Inches into the Wallj no Joifts than eight Inches, and to be laid in Loam. CAP. lY. An A£l for Relief of poor Prifoners, and fetting them on Work. ' TX 7 HERE AS there is not yet any fuiEcient Provifion made for the Relief and fetting on Work of ' V V poor and needy Perfons committed to the common Gaol for Felony and other Mifdemeanors, who ' many Times perifh before their Trial ; and the Poor there living idly and unimployed, become debauched, ' and come forth inftrufted in the Praftice of Thievery and Lewdnefs :' (2) For Remedy whereof, be it enabled by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, with Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame. That the Ju- ftices of the Peace of the refpeftive Counties at any their General SefEons, or the major Part of them then there aflembled, if they fhall iind it needful fo to do, may provide a Stock of fuch Materials as they find convenient for the fetting poor Prifoners on Work, in fuch Manner and by fuch Ways, as other County-] charges by the Laws and Statutes of the Realm are and may be levied and raifed ; and to pay and provide' fit Perfons to overfee and to fet fuch Prifoners on work ; (3) and make fuch Orders for Accounts of and 1 concerning the Premifles, as (hall by them be thought needful, and for Puniftiment of Neglects and othefij Abufes, and for beftowing of the Profit arifing by the Labour of the Prifoners fo fet on work, for their- Relief, which ftiall be duly obferved ; and may alter, revoke or amend fuch their Orders from Time to Time. (4) Provided that no Parifti be rated above fix Pence by the Week towards the Premifles, having Refpeifi to the refpcftive Values of the feveral Parifhes. ' II. And whereas fometimes by Occafion of the Plague, and other whiles by the great Number of Prifo- 1 ' ners, great and infeiSious Difeafes have happened among the Prifoners, whereby it hath come to pafs ! ' fometimes that the Judges, Juftices and Jurors have, upon Occafion of their Attendance at the Trial of ' Prifoners been infe£ted, and many of them died thereof, and fometimes fuch Infection hath fpread in the

  • Country:' (2) For fome Remedy therein, be it by the fame Authority enafted. That any Sheriff of the

refpe£i:ive Counties having the Cuftody of the Gaol, or fuch Perfons who have the Cuftody of the Gaol, with the Advice and Confent of three or more Juftices of the Peace, whereof one to be of the ^oruniy may, if they fhall on Enquiry or Information find it needful, upon emergent Occafions in the refpeclive Counties, provide other fafe Places for the Removal of fick or other Perfons from and out of the ordinary and ufual Gaols ; (3) the fame Places to be ufed and imployed for the Reception and Cuftody of the Pri- foners, to be by or according to their Order or Orders kept, ordered, difpofed and conveyed to the Places appointed for the Gaol-delivery, in fuch and like Manner as fuch Prifoners ought to be kept, ordered, dif- pofed and conveyed, in and from the common Gaols by the Laws and Statutes of the Land. Provided, no fuch Place be made Ufe of for the Purpofes aforefaid, againft the Good and Free-will of the Owners thereof. III. Provided alfo, and be it enaiSed by the Authority aforefaid. That the Mayor, BailifF and other Head Officer, or any other Perfon and Perfons who have and hath the Cuftody of the common Gaol within any Corporation of this Kingdom and Dominion oi Wales, fhall by and with the Advice of three or more Juftices of Peace within the faid Corporation, whereof one of them to be of the ^orum, in Time of In- fection, have the like Power and Authority for Removing his and their Prifoners into fome other conveni- ent Place v/ithin their Jurifdiftion as to them fhall feem fit, during the Time of Infection ; and alfo to raife a Stock after the fame Rates and Proportions, as is herein before allowed to and for the feveral Counties of this Kingdom. IV. Provided alfo, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, as followeth, (viz.) That whereas there is already provided a ftrong and fufficient Mefluage in the Parifli of Saint Thomas the Apoftle near the City of Exon for the Purpofe aforei'aid, and one thoufand Pounds more by certain Truftees, upon Propofals and Agreements made by them with certain Gentlemen, Juftices of the Peace for the County of Devon, who have alfo provided one thoufand Pounds more, in order to purchaie Lands of Inheritance for the good Purpofes hereafter mentioned ; (2) Be it enadfed by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid two thoufand Pounds be laid out in Purchafe of Lands of Inheritance, by Order of the General Scffions of the Peace hereafter at any Time to be held, in the Name of fuch Perfons as by fuch Order fhall be appointed, (3) tli'">