Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/365

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A.D. j668. Anno vicefimo Caroli II, C. 7. 317 IV. And be it further enabled, That no By-Law already made or hereafter to be made by the faid Com- Apprcniicti. uanv, fhall or may limit or confine any Freeman of the laid Company to take a lefs Number than three ""'"■ f^^i- Apprentices at any Time. ^TT^.l/r pi. J. e.g. ^&6 JV.& M. CIO. 6&?7^. 5. f. 18. 8 Eji' 9 ^. 3. c. j6. 9^ JoW. }. f. 30 fBT 43. 5 /#»». r. 20. 6y^m. c. 19. SC«. i. c. 1;. aOco, I. c. 8. I Geo, a. c, 17. 13 Geo. z. c,g& 20. andiS do. x. c. zi. CAP. VII. An additional Aft againft the Importation of Foreign Cattle*

  • 1X7 HERE AS by an A(9: of this prefent Parliarnent, intituled, Jn j£i ogainji Importhi^ Cattle from ^zX^v.^^.n,

' W Ireland and other Parts beyond the Seas, and Fifti taken by Foreigners, amongft oiher Things, Pro- ' vifion was made againft Importation of Cattle from Parts beyond the beas : And it was thereby cnadted,, ' That fuch Importation from and after the fecond Day oi February which was in the Year one thoufaiid frhportaiion of

  • fix hundred fixty-fix, was a publick Nufance, and fhould be fo adjudged, deemed and taken to all Intents ^"'.'t/""'^*
  • and Purpofes ; (2) and that if any great Cattle, Sheep or Swine, or any Beef, Pork or Bacon (except •fa^,"^"'"'*

' for the neceffary Provifion of the re('pe«Stive Ships or VefFels in which the fame fhould be brought, not ex- 3 y'i^Ed.e.

  • pofing the fame to S;»Ie) fliould from and after the faid fecond Day oi February, by any wife whatfoever, c 19-
  • be imported or brought from beyond the Seas into this Kingdom oi England, Dominion of Wales or ^^ "i^-^ ^•'

'Town oi Berzviek uponTweed, That then it fliould and might be lawful for any Conftable, Tithing- i' „ ' man, Headborough, Church-warden or Overfeers of the Poor, or any of them, within their refpe£tive jg ^ar.'i 'c. ?!, 'Liberties, Pariflies or Places, to take and feize the fame ; (3) and keep the fame during the Space of

  • eight and forty Hours, in fome publick or convenient Place where fuch Seizure fliould be made 5 within •
  • which Time, if the Owner or Owners, or any for them or him, fliould make it appear unto fome Jufr
  • tice of the Peace of the fame County where the fame fliould fo be feized, by the Oath of two credible
  • Witnefles, that the fame were not imported from Ireland or from any other Place beyond the Seas not
  • therein after excepted, after the faid fecond Day of February, Then the fame, upon the Warrant of fticfi :
  • Juftice of Peace, fhould be delivered without Delay ; but in Default of fuch Proof and V/arrant, then

•i the fame to be forfeited, one Half thereof to be difpofed to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifh where the . *■ fame fliall be fo found or feized, the other to be to his or their own Ufe that fhould fo feize the fame. -^ ' II. Notwithftanding which Aft, and the good Provifion thereby, great Number of Cattle, Sheep and '^ Swine, and great Quantities of Beef, Pork and Bacon, have fince the Time limited by the faid Aft been ' Imported from Ireland and other Places beyond the Seas, as well in Foreign as EngUfli Shipsand Vefiels, iS Cir. s..-*:, i,

  • contrary to the good Intent of the faid Aft, and in Continuance of the laid Nufance and in high Con-

'*• tempt of the Authority of Parliament : (2) And divers Church-wardens, Conftables, Tithingmen and

  • Overfeers of the Poor living near the Sea, for their own private Lucre, having combined with the Own-

' ers of fuch Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Beef, Pork and Bacon, Imported as aforefaid, or with their Agents, •■ have colourably feized, and afterwards privately and fraudulently fold the fame at very low and inconfi-

  • derable Rates, to the faid Owners or their Agents : (3) A>.nd other of the faid Ofiicers who have difchar-

' ged their Duties in the due Execution of the laid Aft, have been molefl'cd therefore, and feveral Aftions,

  • Suits, Plaints and Informations have been brought and profecuted againft fome of them in Counties and

' Places far diftant from their Habitations, to their great Charge and Difcouragement.' (4) For the Vin- dication therefore of the Authority of Parliament from fuch bold Affronts, and the Indemnifying as well of fuch Officers, who have faithfully endeavoured the Execution of the faid Aft (although they have not ftriftly purfued the fame in every Circumftance) as of fuch other Perfon and Perfons who have afted in . ■^eir Aid and Affift-ance, and for the better and further Suppreffion of the faid Nufance; (5) Be it enafted , , by the King's moft: Excellent Majefly, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and , 7'emporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by Authority of the lame, That ^" ^'^"'■-"'■■> all and every Conftable, Tithingman, Headborough, Church-warden and Overfeer jof the Poor, and every ^^'^ *f'fp^"f other Perfon or Perfons who have afted in or concerning the Seizure, Keeping, Detaining or Difpofing of ™f^'^},",j,Md'sf' any Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Beef, Pork or Bacon, imported contrary to the i^xi K&, after the faid fecond tmpt nation 0/ Day of February, (hall be and are hereby faved harmlefs and indemnified in that Behalf, againft the Owner Bscon provided or Owners thereof at the Time of fuch Importation, their Executors and Adminiftrators, and every other '°' "^y J ^^^ Perfon or Perfons claiming from, by or under their Gift, Grant or other Difpofition, and againft all and *'*"•'■ *■ §■ 4'- every Perfon and Perfons to whom any fraudulent Sale hath been made after fuch Importation as aforefaid-, and their and every cf their Executors and Adminiftrators. ■ III. And it is provided, and further enafted. That not only the Conftables and OiEcers above-named. Any Perfon may but every or any other Inhabitant or Inhabitants of or within the Liberties, Pariflies and Places, where '"'="= '"^FoTcd fuch Importation fhall be made, fliall and may take and feize the Cattle and Goods fo imported, and after 5i,^"'7 ^"'j'"'^' ' fuch Seizure fliall forthwith deliver or caufe them to be delivered to, the Conftable, Tithingman, Head- t'iIe'offi^r"° - borough. Church-warden or Overfeers of the Poor, or any of them, within the refpeftive Liberties, Pa- riflies and Places aforefaid, to be kept, ordered and difpofed in the Manner, and to the Ufes and Purpoies , in this Aft and in the faid recited Aft or either of them mentioned and direfted. IV. And it is further enafted. That if no Seizure at all fliall be made by the Officers or Itjhabitants, nor The Forfeitura any of them, within the Liberty, Parifli or Place v/here fuch Cattle or Goods as aforefaid fliall be firft im- °' ^^^^ ^j>s.- ported, then fuch Liberty, Parifli and Place, and the Inhabitants thereof, neglefting to make fuch Seizure, g='^'° ^""^-» for every Default flial! forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds, which fliall be employed for the Ufe of the ■ Houfe of Correftion within the County or Liberty v/here fuch Default of Seizure Ihall be ; (2) and the , Monies fo to be forfeited, and other the Penalties and Forfeitures which are to accrue to the Poor by Vir- tue of this Aft and the faid recited Aft, or either of them, ftiaU be accounted for to fuch Perfons, at fuch 4 Timesg