372 C. 2^. Anno vicefimo fecundo & tertio CaSoli It. A. 0. 1670'.. he Receivers General may receive them till Sale made. Advantages al- lowed to pLir- chafers. 21 Car, 2. c. 6. ance The flievving of ^^^^ this Aft and Deed {hall be a good Evidence in any Court of J-uiUce. No Tenant in Tail of any of the faid Rents, ftall fuffer any duly executing their Authority, fhall he difchai'- Ijed again!! his Majefty, &c. All Purchafers may make a ge- neral Juftifica- IV. Provided always, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of thefe Prefents, That until Sale fliall be made of the faid feveral Rents by the Truftees afore-mentioned, or the Survivors or Survivor of them, their Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators, That the Receiver or Receivers General of his Majefty's Revenue (hall and may receive, collect and gather the fame and every Fart thereof, as fully to all Intents and Pur- pofes as if the faid Letters Patents or this prefent Aft had not been made. V. And iaftly, be it enaded. That all fuch Perfons as fhall purchafe any of the faid Rents by Virtue of this A£l:, fhall have and enjoy all the Benefits and Advantages given or allowed to Purchafers by the faid former A£t ; and the fhewing of the printed Copies of this and the faid former A61:, and of the Convey- made by the faid Truftees, and Enrolled according to the Diredion of the faid former Aft, fliall be lent Evidence in any Court of Juftice, to entitle the Purchafer and Purchafers, their Heirs and Af- figns, to any Rent by him, her or them purchafed, and contained in fuch Conveyance, without any fur- ther Proof or Evidence in that Behalf. VI. Provided, That no Tenant in Tail of any the faid Rents fhall be enabled by this Aft to fufFer any Recovery or do any other Aft or Deed to bar the Remainder, hereby vefted in the faid Truftees and their Heirs, nor fhall fuch Tenant in Tail have any other or greater Povi^er over the faid Rent than he had be- fore the pafling of this Aft ; any Thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithftanding. VII. And be it further enaftcd. That the faid Truftees and the Survivors and Survivor of them, convey- ■^ecovery to bar '"S ^"'^ difpofing of the faid Rents according to fuch Contrafts and Agreements as fliall be figned by the the Remainder. Lord Treafurer of England and Chancellor of the Exchequer, or the Lords Commiffioners of his Majefty s The Truftees Treafury for the Time being, purfuant to the faid former or this prefent Aft, and the Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators of the faid Truftees, fhall be for fo doing and are hereby freed and difcharged againft his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors for ever. VIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Purchafer of any of the Rents and PremilTes by the Intent of this or any former Aft fold or appointed to be fold, their Heirs and Ailigns, and all Perfon and Perfons, their Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, claiming by, from or un- der fuch Purchafer or Purchafers, may fue for, make Avowry, Juftification or Conuzance, as the Cafe fhall require, for fuch Rent or Rents, and PremifTes, and Arrears thereof, without fetting fortli how his tion, by faying Majefty or his Progenitors became entitled to fuch Rents or other the PremifTes, or fetting forth or pro- that the Truftees du^jng jfi Court any Letters Patents or other Matter, whereby fuch Rents or Premifl'es had Commence- p"° a^nd fo'° ment, or the faid Letters Patents whereby the PremilTes were granted -or intended to be granted to the faid Granted to them, Francis Lord Hawky, Sir Charles Harbor d. Sir WUliam Haward, ^r John Talbot, Sir Robert Stewart -and William Harbor d (2) but it fhall be fufficient in every fuch Suit, Avowry, Conuzance or Juftification, where Occafion fhall be to fet forth the Title of fuch Purchafer, to declare or alledge, that the faid Fran- cis Lord Hai'jley, Sir Charles Harbord, Sir William Howard, Sir yohn Talbot, Sir Robert Stewart and JVil- Ham Harbord, were feifed in Fee, or in Demefne as of Fee, of fuch Rent or PremilTes, in PofTeffion or Re- verfion, as the Cafe requires, and fo feifed granted the fame. , ' IX. Whereas many of the Rents vefied in the faid Truftees by the two Patents herein be!"ore men- ! ' tioned, are either mifrecited, or not fo fully and particularly expreffed, as may be reafonably defired by ' fome Purchafers :' (z) Be it therefore further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Truftees,, and the Survivor and Survivors of them, and the Heirs of fuch Survivors, fhall and may convey the faid Rents _ or any of them to the refpeft:ive Purchafers, either by the Words expreffed in the Aiid Letters Patents, or cates, or Grants by Particulars to be made out by the refpeftive Auditors, or by the original Grants from the Crown, where- from the Crown, in thofe Rents are referved, as the faid Truftees fhall find moft convenient for the Satisfaftion of the faid A Saving to the P^'"'^'^^'"^^' > (3) Saving unto the Queen's Majefty all fuch Right, Title, Intereft, Poffeflion or Eftate, as Queen's ivlajefty her Majefty had, fhould or might have, or of Right ought to have had, in or unto the Rents hereby veffed, cf all her or any of them, as fully and amply as her Majefty fhould or might have had before this prefeiit Aft, and Rights, &c. 25 if this Aft had never been had or made j any Thing herein before contained to the contrary notwith- ftandlng. C A P. XXV. (17.) An A£t for the better Prefervation of the Game, and for fecuring Warrens not inclofed, and the feveral Fifliings of this Realm. ^THEREAS divers diforderly Perfons, laying afide their lawful Trades and Employments, do be- V take themfelves to the ftealing, taking and killing of Conies, Hares, Pheafaiits, Partridges and other Game intended to be prelerved by former Laws, with Guns, Dogs, Tramels, Lowbels, Hays and other Nets, Snares, Hare-pipes and other Engines, to the great Damage of this Realm, and Prejudice of Noblemen, Gentlemen and Lords of Manors and others. Owners of Warrens ;' I Jac. I. c. 27. 3 Jac. I. c. 13. 13 Car. 2. Stat. i. c. lo. II. For Remedy thereof, be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice ' and Ccnfent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflem- bled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all Lords of Manors, or other Royalties, not under the Degree of an Efquire, may from henceforth by Writing under their Hands and Seals authorize one or more Game-keeper or Game-keepeis within their refpeftive Manors or Royalties, who being thereunto ^o au- thorized, may take and feize all fuch Guns, Bows, Grey-hounds, Setting-dogs, Lurchers, or other Dogs to kill Hares or Conies, Ferrets, Tramels, Lowbels, Hays or other Nets, Hare-pipes, Snares or other En- gines, for the taking and killing of Conies, Hares, Pheaiants, Partridges or other Game, as within the Precinfts of fuch refpeftive Manors fhall be ufed by any Perfon or Perfons who by this Aft are prohibited to keep or ufe the fame : (») And moreover, That the faid Game-keeper or Game-keepers, or any other 4 Ferfoii JLibeirty given to Purchafe by the Words exprefled in the Letters Patents, the Au» ditors Certifi ,2. Stat. I. c. 17. J3R, 13. 9 H. 7. c. I! 1. H. 8. c. 8. 3 El. c. 21. ^3 El, c. 10. yi^ho may ap. pomt Game- Jteepers. What fuch Ganie-keepers ma; feizei