412 C. iS* Anno primo Jacobi II. A. D. i6Sc. 30 Car. 2. flat. XIV. And be it further enacted by tlie Authority aforefaid. That one other A£i made in the thirtieth 1. C.7. Executor Year of King Charles the Second, intituled, An ASl to enable Creditors to recover their Debts of the Executors fJvEn" Year's. °' and Adminijlrators of the Executors in their own Wrong, fhall be in Force from the firft Day of this prefem Seilion of Parliament, and fo to continue for feven Years, and from thence to the End of the firft Seflioa of the next Parliament. 13 i- 14 Cjir.:. XV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That one other A& made in the thirteenth the 1 rels,_^^ ] f^,,^f„„„ty, Vo^r,- ,-,f V,;, CiA }it-p l/fo'>,.(lw'c Rp!.rn t-t,t A J^ /In A- j.„-,. ^:... ^U. fyeaitent Al uf Printing and Printing ^ . , . , _ . . . continue in Force froru,' the four and twentieth Day of fune in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred eighty-fi|Ve, for du? Space of feven Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament. Foreign built Ship to pay 5s, per Ton, ftifpofalof the Money. Foreign Ships already in Eng- lifh Hands is. fcr Ton. The.Dutiepto be recovered, as provided by 12 Car. 2, c. 4, The Duties jiot to be farnjed. CAP. XVIII. An Acl to encourage the Building of Ships In England, ' T T /"HERE AS for fome Years paft, and more elpecially fince the laying a Duty upon Coats brought ' VV into the River oiThames, there hath been oblerved a more than ordinary Decay in building Ships ' in England, and particularly in Newcajile, Hull, Yarmouth, Ipfwich, Alborough, Dunwich, Walderfwick^ ' Woodbridge, and Harwich, where many ftout Ships were yearly built for the Coal and other Trade, which ' were of great Ufe to his M;ijefty in Time of War, and a Nurfery for able Seamen ; but by the Difcou-
- ragement that Trade hath ever fince lain under, occafioned chiefly by the Freedom which foreign Shipi
' and Vefiels, bought and brought into this Kingdom, have enjoyed in the Coal and other Inland Trade, ' equal to that of Englijh built Ships, the Merchants, Owners, and others, have not been able to build as ' formerly, which hath caufed many of our Englijh Shipwrights, Calkers, and Seamen, to feek their Im- ' ployments abroad, whereby the Building Trade is not only wholly loft in feveral of the aforementioned ' Places, and in others very much decayed, but alio the Importation of Timber, Plank, Hemp, Pitch, ' Tar, Iron, Mafts, Canvas, and other Commodities ufed In building and fitting out Ships, are greatly • leflened-, to the apparent Prejudice of his Majefty's Cuftoms, the Lofs of a confider^ble Imployment fbr ' Shijjping, and confequently of all other Ij^rades depending thereupon, to the too great Advantage of ' foreign Nations :' II. Be it therefore enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefly, by and with the Advice and Confent erf the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all foreign built Ships and Veflels, which fhall from henceforth be bought and brought into the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and be im- ployed in carrying or tranfporting any Goods or Merchandize from Port to Port, as aforefaid, for every Voyage fhall pay to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, at the Port of Delivery of the refpe£tive LadJrtg (before the Delivery thereof) over and above all Duties now paid, or that fhall hereafter be payable by Englijh built Ships, the Sum of five Shillings /i^r Ton, to be colle£led and received by fuch Perfpn or Per- fons as his Majefty fhall appoint in that Behalf; one Moiety whereof to be for theUfe of the Cheft at Chatham, the other Moiety to the Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants of the Trinity Houfe oi Deptford-Strondy for and towards the Relief of wounded and decayed Seamen, their Widows and Children. ' III. And whereas there are now in England, belonging, or pretending to belong to Englijh Owners, ' many Foreign built Ships and Veflels which do tranfport Coals and other Goods from Port to Port in ' England, as aforefaid, paying no more Duty than Englijh Ships pay ;' Be it further enacted by the Autho- rity aforefaid. That all fuch foreign Ships (which are not free) for every Voyage Ihall pay, after the Feaft of St. Michael, in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred eighty and nine, at the Rate of twelve Pence per Ton over and above all Duties now paid, or that fhall hereafter be payable by Englijh built Ships, to be difpofed of unto the Cheft of Chatham, and the Trinity Houfe of Deptford-Strond,. by Moieties as afore- faid, and for the Ufes before mentioned ; which faid laft mentioned Duty of twelve Pence per Ton alfo fhall be collefted and received in Manner aforefaid, at their refpedlive Ports of Delivery of their refpeftive La- ding, before the Delivery thereof. IV. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That his Majefty ihall have the fame Re- medy for receiving and recovering of the Duties above-mentioned, as are provided in a certain A& of Parliament made in the twelfth. Year of the Reign of our late Sov-ereign Lord King Charles the Second,, intituled, A Subjidy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money payable upon Mtr- (handite exported and imported. , ■ V. Provided always, That the faid Duties of five Shillings /><??■ Ton, and twelve Pence ^^fr Ton, or any Part thereof, hereby impofed upon fuch Foreign built Ships, which have been heretofore or ihall hereafter be bought or brought into England, fliaW not be fet to Farm to any Perfon or Perfons for any Term or Time, : or for any Rent or certain Payment whatfoever, but that the feveral Perfons, who fhall be appointed to receive the fame, Ihall .aftually receive the faid whol? Duty payable by every fuch Ship, and account for the 1 fame, as by this Aft is directed. C A:R "•'^