Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/468

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420 gated Oiths fince Dscemter laft. J 3 Car. z. flat. z. c, I. 'C.>^. Anno primo Gulielmi 6c Mari^. A. D. 1688, Corporation, Borough, Cinque-Port, or their Members, or other Port-Town, at the Time of his beitis Prnvifion for Onicei'swho could no: take the abrntat d O.itlis Tncc iVIiclij^lmas 25 2'. c, : any fuch Officer fhall, before the firll Day oi Augujl in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred • eiglily nine, take the Oaths herein men.ioned and required to be taken, before fuch Perfon or Perfons, whe by* the fid'd Act fliould have adminiltred the faid abrogated Oaths, at the Time of his AdmifTion into fuel: Office or Employment, the faid Eledion and Placing into fuch Office or Employment fhall be taken and adjudged t-i be as good and cfFefiaal, as if he had taken the faid abrogated Oaths ; any thing in the laid Aft. or in any other Statute to the contrary in any wife notwithflanding. ■X V . And v/hereas llnce- the Feaft of St. Michael lail paft, divers Perfons have been admitted into Offices. Employments, or Places of ' Truft fuch md could not take the faid abrogated Oaths, and fubfcribe the Deck- Manner, as is- dircfted and appointed by one A£t made the five and Kinf? may al- low to 12 of the Nonjilrant Clergy Sub- it itcncc. j?.if. Mr. 78.} &786. Jimn, jS^. a, 318, Lord Mayor, &c. may vender De- claration of 30 Car. z. to Papifts or fo reputed. Suffex miftakcn for E(l't;Xj infra, §. J. c. 37. 30 Car. s. flat. 2. C. I. Penalty for Rc- .fufal. Juftlces of Peace fliall cer- tify Sulifcribers and Refufers into the King's Bench, itc. Penalty upon P-crfon certified to have refufed, if he take not the Oaths next Term, &c.

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■ *■ twentiet ' from P, before the End of Trinity 1 crm next, in tiie av^'a Courts ol tjnancery or jvmg's -Bench, or before the firli ■ of yU'.guJl in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred eighty-nine, at the Quarter-StiTions for that County or Place where he or they fliall inhabit or refide, or execute the faid Office or Employment, take the (3aths in this A<;t- mentioned and appointed to be taken, and repeat and fubfcribe the faid Declaration. and take the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the Ufage of the ', hurch of England, and pro- cure Certificate thereof, in iuch Manner as in the faid Act is required, directed, and appointed, that then fuch Perfon fhall and is hereby indemnified and_ difcharged from any Penalty or Dilability that he mighi or Ihould have inctirred by the iVid Acf, and ftiail and is hereby adjudged to have been and be as good and fufficii'nt an Officer from the Time of his Admiffion, as if he had taken the faid abrogated Oaths, anc performed all other Things required by the faid Ac!: ; any thing to the contrary in any wife notwith- 'ilanding. _ .. ' XVI. Provided always, and bo it cnafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it be left to the King, tc allow to fuch of the Clergy as fhall refufe the Oaths prefcribed by this A61, as he Ihall think fit, not exceeding the Number of rv^elve, an Allov/ance out of their Ecclefialtical Benefices or Promotions foi their Subiiftence, not exceeding a third Part, and to contiiiue during his Majefty's Pleafure, and nc longer. , C A P. IX. An Acl for the amoving Papifts, and reputed Papifts, from the Cities of London and Wefir minjler, and ten Miles Diftance from the fame. « "l^/HEREAS the great Numbers of Papifts reforting to the Cities oi London ^.n^ WeflmlnJIer vet W and for a long Time have been found dangerous to the Peace and Safety of this Kingdom:' Foi the better Prefervation of the common Safety, andavoiding their mifchievous Practices and Deiigns :' ' IL Be it enabled by the King's and Qtieen's mofi: Excellent Majeflies, by and with the Advice and Con- fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliamenfailembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That for the better difcovering and amoving all Papifts and reputed Papifts out oi the faid'Cities, and ten Miles of the fame, it fhall and may be lawful, and it is hereby required, that the Lord Mayor oi Londin for the Time being, and every Juftice of the Peace of the City of London, and for the City and Liberties oiW^ftminfter, and Borough oi Southmark, and of the Counties oi Middlekx, Surrey, Kent, and 5z£^^,. within their reipective Counties, Cities, Boroughs, and Limits, do from Time to Time caufe to be arrefled and brought before him every Perfon or Perfons, not being a Merchant Foreigner, within the faid Cities, or within ten Miles of the fame, as are or are reputed to be Papifts, and tender unto him the Declaration mentioned in the Statute made in the thirtieth Year of King Charles the Second, inti- tuled, Jn AtT for the more effeSiual preferv'ing the King's Perfon and Government, by difabling Papijis from fitting in either ILoife of Parliament : And in cafe fuch ferfon, upon fuch Tender, refufe audibly and folemnly to repeat, make, and fubfcribe the faid Declaration, and fhall after fuch Ps.efufal remain, continue, or be within the faid City or Cities, or ten Miles Diftance from the fame, that in every fuch Cafe he or fhe fhall forfeit and fufFer, as a Popiffh Recufant ConviiSl by the Laws already eftablifhed Ihall or may forfeit or fufFer. _ _ ■ ' '• in. And it is hereby further enafted. That every Juftice of Peace fhall and do certify all and every Sub- fcription before him by virtue of this Aft taken, and likewife the Names of all and every Perfon refufing to repeat, take, make, or fubfcribe, as aforefaid, upon Tender, under the Hand and Seal of the faid [uftice, into the Court of King's Bench, the next Term, or elfe at the next Quarter-Seffions that fhall be of or for the County or Place where fuch Taking, Subfcribing, or Refufal fhall happen: And if the faid Perfon, fo refufing and certified, fhall not, v/ithin the next Term or Seffions after fuch Refufal, appear in the Court, of King's Bench or Seffions where fuch Certificate fhall be returned, and in open Court audibly and fo- lemnly repeat, take, make, and fubfcribe the Declaration aforefaid, and indorfe or enter his fo doing upon the Certificate fo returned, fhall be, -from the Time of fuch his Negleft or Refufal, taken, efteemed, and adjudged a Popilh Recufant Convift, and as fuch to forfeit and be proceeded agaijift. IV.