Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/470

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422 G. 13 — 15" Anno primo GuLiELMi 8c Mari^. AD. i688. faid CommiiTioners or other Perfons are hereby authorized and required to adminifter, and upon Bond given by every fuch Merchant, or other Perfon, in the Sum of two hundred Pounds at the leaft for every hundred Tons of Corn fo fhipped, and fo proportionably, that the faid Corn (Danger of the Seas ex- cepted) fhall be exported into Parts beyond the h'eas, and not be again landed in the Kingdom of £«r- RewaiJ pj'iJ to land. Dominion of JVales, the Iflands of Guernfey and "Jerfey, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed: Every fuch the Exporter by Merchant fo (hipping off any of the aforefaid Corn, and giving Certificate and Bond, as aforefaid, fhali k'-» f"th °p have and receive from fuch Fanners, Commiffioners, ColleSors, or other Pejfons in any Port refpeftively, vWions as to where the fame Corn fhall be fo {hipped, for every Quarter of Barley or Malt, ground or unground, two Malt, by 5 An-Shillings and Six-pence ; for every Quarter of Rye, ground or unground, three Shillings and Six Pence; na!,c. 29. §. for every Quarter of Wheat, ground or unground, five Shillings : Which Sum or Sums every fuch Corn- 's- * '- An- niillloner, tarmer, or other Perfon, are hereby authorized and required, upon Demand by fuch Exporter, T^_'„a. ' ^' to make prefent Payment of accordingly, without taking or requiring any Thing for Cultom, or any Fee or Reward for Corn fo laden to be exported, or for fo much Grain as fhall be exported in any Ship where'n any other Goods fhall be {hipped ; any Law, Statute, or Ufage in any wife to the contrary notwithftand- ixpotters Bond ing ; And upon Certificate returned under the Common Seal of the Chief Magillrate in any Place or Places howdifcharged. UgyQj^j the Seas, or under the Hands and Seals of two known EngUfo Merchants upon the Place, that fuch fb"bv"^'"^&"i7 Corn was there landed, or upon Proof by credible Perfons, that fuch Corn w£s taken by Enemies, or W. 3. c". 10. perifhed in the Seas, the Examination and Proof thereof being left to the Judgement of fuch Commiffioners, Farmers, Colleftors, or other Perfons ; which Proof being made, or Certificate delivered to fuch Perfon or Perfons refpedHvely, as took Bond, as aforefaid, the faid Bond fhall be delivered up to fuch Importer Gollcaors al- qj- ii|g Order, to be cancelled, without any Fee for the fame : And the Monies by any iuch Commiffioners, iTc^^fn'thei^^"" Farmers, Colleftors, or o!her Perfon, fo paid in Obedience to this Aft, {hall be accepted of in his or their Accounts. Accounts, as fo much paid to their Majelties, and he and they is and fhall be difcharged therefore accordingly, Scifanbcr^An. {- 49. z^Go-T- c. 18. 5 Geo. 2, c, iz. 11 G«. Si c, aj. 24 do. 2. c. 56. axd 26 Geo. 2. c, 15. CAP. XHL An A£l for raifmg Money by a Poll, and otherwife, towards die reducing of Ireland. EXP. CAP. XIV.. An A£i for preventing Doubts and Queftions concerning the coIle£l:ing the publick Revenue. EXP. C A P. XV. An Aft for the better fecuring the Government by difarming Papifts and reputed Papifts. Two Juftices of T7* O R^ the better fecuring of the Government againft Papifts and reputed Papifts : Con. — -- -, -J- , , , -- — ^ , „„^, Papifts,' s.-c.° ^y Authority of the fame. That It fhall and may be lawful for any two or more Juftices of the Peace, who f'e.icemay tem!er_|/ H. Be it cnafted by the King's and Queen s moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and Declaration of Coj,fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and Tor Scotland, fhall know or fufpect any Perfon to be a Papift, or fhall be informed that any Perfon is, or is fufpeiSed to fee I Geo. 1. be a Papift, to tender, and they are hereby authorized and required forthwith to tender to fuch Perfon fo fiat. 2. c. 20. known or fufpefted .to be a Papift, the Declaration fet down and exprefted in an Act of Parliament made 30 Car. 2. flat. '" "^^^ thirtieth Year of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, intituled, Jn j£i for the more effec- 7. c. . ' ' tuoi preferving the King's Per/an and Government, by difahling Papijis from Jttting in elt er'HoiiJe of Parlia- Penaltyupon ment, to be by him made, repeated, and fubfcribed : And- if fuch Perfon fo required fhall refufe to make, - Refufers. .repeat, and fubfcribe the faid Declaratioa, or fhall not make, repeat, and fubfcribe the faid Declaration, cr {hall refufe or forbear to appear before the faid Juftices, for the making, repeating, and fuhfcribing the •faid Declaration, upon Notice to him given or left ^.t his ufual Place- of Abode, by any Perfon authorized in that Behalf, by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the faid two Juftices, fuch Perfon from thence- forth fhall be taken to be, and is hereby declared to be, liable and fubjedt to all and every the Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities hereafter in this hSk mentioned. j[irilices of Peace ^ And be it hereby further enafted. That the fliid Juftices of Peace {hall certify the Name, Surnanie, SubfcnbCTs and^ ^"'^ "('^^^ Place of Abode pf every Perfon, who being required, fhall refufe or neglect to make, repeat, aiid Refufers to the fubfcribe the faid Declaration, or to appear before them for the making, repealing, and fubfcribing the faii Seflions. Declaration, as alfo of every Perfnn who fliall make, repeat, and fubfcribe the faid Declaration, at the next General Quarter-Seffions to be holden for the Shire, Riding, Divifion, or Liberty, for which they fhall be Juftices of the Peace, to lie there recorded by the Clerk of the Peace, or Town Clerk, and kept amongft the Records of the faid Seffions. Refufer (liall IV. And for the better fecuring their Majefties Perfons and Governm.ent; he it further ena(9:€d and de- ke-ii no Arms, clatcd, That no Papift or reputed Papift, fo refufmg or making Default, as aforefaid, fhall or may have Bac. r.%. 783, or keep in his Houfe, or elfewhere, or in the Poflelfion of any other Perfon to his Ufe, or at his Dijf, S»rn./.z. 323 pof^tion, any Arms, Weapons, Gunpowder, or Ammunition (other than fuch necefl'ary Weapons, as &ail be allowed to him by Order of the Juftices of the Peace, at their General Quarter-Seffion.s, for the Defence of his Houfe or Perfon) and that any two or more Juftices of the Peace, tiom time to time, by Warrant < under