Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/490

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442 C. 2. Anno primo Gulielmi 6c MarF/E. SelT. 2. A. D. i68g. ■Allegiance. T A. B. do fincerely promife and fwear, That I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance, to their Ma- ' Jl j«fties King WiUiam and Queen Mary : So -help me God' Supiemacy.' ' '^ A. B. do fwear. That I do from my Heart abhor, deteft, and abjure, as impious and heretical, thai ' X damnable Doftrinc and Pofition, That Princes excommunicated or d.prived by the Pope, or any Authority ' of the See of Rome, may be depofod or 7>mrdered by their SubjeSfs, or any other ivhatfoever. And I do declare. ' That no foreign Prince, Perfon, Prelate, State, or Potentate hath, or ought to have, any Jurifdiftion. ' Power, Superiority, Pre-eminence, or Autliority, Ecclefiaftical or Spiritual, within this Realm ; So help me God.' ' IV Upon which their faid ]'"aj. fties did accept the Crown and Royal Dignity of the Kingdoms o Acceptance of , £„ /^^^j' France and Ireknd, and the Dominions thereunto belonguig, accordmg to the Refolution ant '""■ .' Dellre of the fcid Lords and Co:nmons contained in the faid Declaration „..,._ The f,vo Houfes ' V, And thereupon their Majefties were pleafed I hat the_ faid Lords Spiritual anf Temporal, anc tort:. ' Commons, bem? the two Houfes of Parliament, lliould continue to lit, and with their Majelhes roya ' Concurrence make effeftual Provifioh for the Settlement ot the Religion, Laws and Liberties of thf ' Kin-dom, fo that the fame for the future might not be m Danger again of being fubvertej ; to whid ' the faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, did agree and proceed to act accordingly. S.,bje&Ubertie. VL Now' in purfuance of the x°remifles,^ the faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Cominons i, to fallowed. Parliament affembled, for the ratifying, conhrming and eitabluhing the fe.a Declanition and the Articles Claufes, Matters, and Things therein contained, by the Force ot a Law made in due ^orrn by Authont; of 1 arliament, do pray that it may be declared and enaded. That all and fingular the Rights and Li berties afferted and claimed in the faidDeclaration, are the true, ancient, and indubitable Rights an> Liberties of the People of tais Kingdom, and fo fhall be afteemed, a lowed, adjiidged, deemed and taker- to be and that all and every the PartiLulars atoreiaid fhall be firmly and ftriftly holden and oblerved as the'v are exprefled in the faid Declaration ; and all Officers and Miniifers whatfoever fhall ferve the- Majefties and their Succellors according^o the fsme in all Times to corre. -.>,.., if William and VII And the faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, lenoufly confidering how it hath pleaf Mary declared gd Almiffhtv God, in his marvellous Providence, and meicitul Goodnefs to this Nation, to provide and pre K;ngand Q.een. r ^^ j-^;j Majefties royal Perfons moft happily to reign over us upon the Throne of their Anceltors for which they render unto him from the Bottom of their Hearts their humbleft Thanks and Praifes rio trulv firmly, affuredly, and in the Sincerity of their Hearts think, and do hereby recognize, acknow lerl^p and declare That King James th^ Second having abdicated the Goverment, and their Majeftie having accepted the Crown and ioyal Dignity as aforefaid, their faidMajefties did become, were, are an, of Rilht ought to be, by the Laws of this Realm, our Sovereign Liege Lord and Lady King and Queei of Fn^land France, and /n/«W, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, m and to whofe princely Perfon the rival StateTcrown, and Dignity of the faid Realms, with all Honours, Stiles, Titles, Regalities Preroo-atives Powers, Jurifdiftions and Authorities to the fame belonging and appertaining, are molt fully ricrhtfnllv and intirely inverted and incorporated, united and annexed. ,. r , , t- . .Limitation of lII.^And for preventing all Queftions.and Divifions in this Realm, by --^f^/ ^f^^^X^thf Unkv theCrewn. to the Crown, and for preferving a Certainty m the Succeffion thereof, in and upon whuh the Un^y Peace Tranquillity, and Safety of this Nation doth, under God, wholly coniift and depend. The fei. Lords' Spirituil and Temporal, and Commons, do beleech their Majefties that it may be ena£ted, efta Wifhea and declared. That the Crown and regal Government of the laid Kingdoms and Dominions wit. a land fingular the Premifi-es thereunto belonging and appertaining, fhall be and continue to their faid Ma lefties and the Survivor of them, during their Lives, and the Life ot the Survivor of them : And that th Entire oerfeft, and full Exercife of the regal Power and Government be only in, and executed by hi Maicftv in the Names of both their Majefties during their joint Lives ; and after their Deceafes the fai Crown^and Premifl-es fhall be and remain to the Heirs of the Body of her Majefty ; and for Default of uc Wue to her Royal Highnefs the Princefs Anne of Denmark, and the Heirs of her Body; and for Default c r K Tf^,,^ to the Heirs of the Body of his faid Majefty : And thereunto the faid Lords Spiritual an TemS: and Commons: do, in thi Name of all the People, aforefaid, moft hun.bly and faithfully ft, .iirXmfelves their Heirs and Pofterities for ever; and do faithfully promife. That tney will ftand tc • T/,1; JnH aefend their faid Majefties, and alfo the Limitation and Succeffion of the Crown herein fpe dfed "nd contaS to the ut-oft of Iheir Powers, with their Lives and Eftates, againft all Perfon. -nr^;;?:ie^e^ahTm^^^^^^^ ' of thi^ Proteftant Kingdom, to be governed by a Popilli Prince, or by any King or Queen marrying _ « pLirr-' theSLords^Spirtual and Temporal, and Commons, do further pray that it may be enaded T^t^aUnnd every Perfoif and Perfons that is, are, or lliall be reconciled to^ or fliall hold Commumo wi^h the See or clurch of Rome, or Ihall profefs the Popifh Religion, or fhall marry a Pap.ft, Ajal Papilis debarred the Ciown. b