Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/520

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472 C. 3 — 8. Anno tcrtio GuLiELMi & Mari.^. A. D. 1691. dition to appear at the next Aflizes or general Gaol Delivery, to be holden for fuch County where Aich OrFender fhall inhabit or refide, and in the mean Time to be of the good Behaviour; at which Aflizes or (laol Delivery the faid Oath {hall be tendred to fuch OfFender by the Juftices of Aflize or general Gaol Penalty upon Ddivery, in their open Aflizes or Seflions ; and if upon fuch Tender fuch OfFender fhall refufe to take the third Refuiil. faid Oath, he (hall incur the Danger and Penalty oi Pramunire, mentioned in the Statute of Pramunire in '■ 16 R. I. c. 5. the fixtecnth Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second, except Women Covert, who upon Refufal of the i'aid Oath fhall be by ths faid Juftices of Afli7>e, in their open Aflize or general Gaol Delivery, com- mitted only to the common Gaol, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, till they will take the faid Oath. Declann ons XV. Provided neverthelefs, That whereas there ar? certain Diflenters in Ireland commonly called Quakers in ^lakers^ who fcruple the taking any Oath, it (hall be fuflicient for every fuch Dillenter, he or fhe produ- Place ot iiic cing a Certificate under the Hands and Seals of fix or more fuflicient Men of the Congregation, to which he (Oarhs. which Or flie belongs, owning him or her for one of them, to make and fubfcribe the following Declaration; exempt them !i2'ie*° ^ ' T ^- -^^ ^° fincerely promife and folemnly declare before God and the World, That I will be true ' J. and faithful to King IVtUiam and Queen Mary ; and I do folemnly profefs and declare, that I do from my Heart abhor, deteft, and renounce, as impious and heretical, that damnable Doftrine and Po- And every fuch Diflenter fo fubfcribing fhall be and is hereby exempted from the Penalties mentioned in this A£i-. Jui^nlo^'n'ot -^Y^- Pi'ovided neverthelefs. That no fuch Perfon called ^aker, fhall by fuch Declaration and Sub- mike them "a- fcriptioH be capable to take, have, or hold, any Ofiice, Employment, Place, Pay, Salary, Fee, Grant,) fable of Office. Wages, or any other Place of Profit or Truft, whereunto any Perfon taking the ftid Oaths, and making' and fubfcribing the Declaration in the Courts aforefaid, fhall or may be intitled; any thing herein containedi| to the contrary notwithftanding. ™ii'l^f d°' '° ^V^I- Provided always, and be it enafted. That this Aft fhall not be difpenfed with by any Warranto v~i;h.^" '^ " Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England or Ireland; but that all fuch Warrants, and Claufes of Difpenfation thereof in any fuch Warrants or Letters Patents, are hereby declared to be null and void, and of no Effecl j any Law, Statute, or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. IIL ■EX P. j^fy ^£j. fj,^ jijg better afcertaining the Tythes of Hemp and Flax. Four Shillings per Acre to be paid for Tythe of Flax or Hemp, to be recovered as other Tythes. This Duty enlarged to 5s. by 11 & 12 W. , 3. c. 16. Land difcharged by Alodus faved. To continue for feven Years. C A P. IV. E X P. An A£t for preferving two Ships Lading of Bay Salt, taken as Prize, for the Benefit of their Majefties Navy. C A P V. E X'P. An A£i: for granting an Aid to their Majefties of the Sum of fixteen hundred fifty-one thoufand feven hundred and two Pounds eighteen Shillings, towards the carrying on a vigorous War againft France. CAP. VL E X P. An Adi for raifing Money by a Poll, payable quarterly for one Year, for the carrying on a vigoroua War againft France. CAP. VIL ■EXP. -An Aa for raifing the Militia of this Kingdom for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety and two, although the Month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid. CAP. VIII. An A<51 for the Encouragement of the breeding and feeding of Cattle. Beef Potic "C^ O R the Encouragement of breeding and fatting of Cattle for the common Good and Welfare of thils Butter, Cheefe, J} Kingdom, be it enaaed by the King's and Queen's moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice &c. may be ex- and Coftfent of the Lords Spiritual and 7 emporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, .ported cuftom- ^^^ ^ Authority of the fame. That from and after the firft Day of March in the Year of our Lord one- thoufand fix hundred ninety-one, and from thence forward, it (hall be lawful for all and every Perfon or Perfons, native or foreign, at any Time or Times, to fliip, lade, carry, and tranfport, or export, froim and out of any Port, Harbour, or Place within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of JVales, or Town ot Berwick upon Tweed, into any Part of the World in Amity with their Majefties, all Sorts of Beef, Pork, or Hogs-flefti, Butter, Cheefe, or Candles, free from any Cuftom or Impofition whatfoever ,^ the Aa made a W. & M. in the fecond Year of their prefent Majefties, intituled. An Aa for granting to their Maje/ltes a bubjtdyof K. J. c. 4. Tonnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported, or any other Law, Statute, Ufage, or other Prohibition to the contrary thereof, in any wife notwithftanding. _ , p